Executive Orders |
MCEO NO. 039-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Speed Limit 40 M.P.H. on Middlebrook Road from Frederick Road (MD 355) to Germantown Drive. Remove Stop on Middlebrook Road at Germantown Drive so as to stop westbound vehicles. Remove Yield on the right turn by-pass lane on Middlebrook Road at Germantown Drive. Remove No Parking Any Time on the north side of Middlebrook Road from Darnestown-Germantown Road (MD 118) to Germantown Drive, on the south side of Middlebrook Road from Germantown Drive to a point 180' east of Germantown Drive, on the south side of Middlebrook Road from a point 685' east of Germantown Drive to Darnestown-Germantown Road (MD 118), on both sides of Middlebrook Road between MD 118 and MD 355, on both sides of Crystal Rock Drive from Middlebrook Road to Wisteria Drive, on the west side of Crystal Rock Drive from 290' south of Middlebrook Road to 385' south of Middlebrook Road, and on both sides of Wisteria Drive from Great Seneca Highway to Germantown Road (MD 118). Remove No Parking Monday - Friday on the south side of Middlebrook Road from a point 180' east of Germantown Drive to a point 685' east of Germantown Drive (505'). Remove No Standing Any Time on the south side of Middlebrook Road from a point 1150' west of MD 118 to MD 118. Install Speed Limit 40 on Middlebrook Road from Father Hurley Bouleard to Frederick Road (MD 355). Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Middlebrook Road from Germantown Road (MD 118) to Father Hurley Boulevard, on the south side of Middlebrook Road from Father Hurley Boulevard to 180' east of Father Hurley Boulevard, on both sides of Middlebrook Road from Germantown Road (MD 118) to Mid-County Highway, on the northeast side of Wisteria Drive from Great Seneca Highway (MD 119) to 300' northwest of Great Seneca Highway (MD 119), on the northeast side of Wisteria Drive from the extended northern curb line of Circle Gate Drive (southern intersection) to 215' northwest of the extended northern curb line of Circle Gate Drive (southern intersection), on the northeast side of Wisteria Drive from 155' southeast of Walter Johnson Road to Father Hurley Boulevard, on the southwest side of Wisteria Drive from Father Hurley Boulevard to 160' southeast of the employee-only driveway to the U.S. Post Office site, and on the southwest side of Wisteria Drive from 60' northwest of the northern most Circle Gate Drive intersection to Great Seneca Highway (MD 119). Install No Parking Monday - Friday on the south side of Middlebrook Road from 180' east of Father Hurley Boulevard to 685' east of Father Hurley Boulevard. Install No Standing Any Time on the south side of Middlebrook Road from 685' east of Father Hurley Boulevard to Germantown Road (MD 118). Remove No Stopping Any Time on both sides of Crystal Rock Drive from Middlebrook Road to Wisteria Drive. Install No Stopping Any Time on the southeast side of Crystal Rock Drive from Wisteria Drive to Middlebrook Road, on the northwest side of Crystal Rock Drive from Middlebrook Road to 110' west of Middlebrook Road, on the northwest side of Crystal Rock Drive from 210' west of Middlebrook Road to 240' west of Middlebrook Road, on the northwest side of Crystal Rock Drive from 275' west of Middlebrook Road to 385' west of Middlebrook Road, on the northwest side of Crystal Rock Drive from 544' west of Middlebrook Road to 577' west of Middlebrook Road, and on the northwest side of Crystal Rock Drive fro 677' west of Middlebrook Road to Wisteria Drive. Install No Stopping School Days 6:45AM - 8AM 1:30 PM - 3PM on the northwest side of Crystal Rock Drive from 110' west of Middlebrook Road to 210' west of Middlebrook Road, on the northwest side of Crystal Rock Drive from 240' west of Middlebrook Road to 275' west of Middlebrook Road, and on the northwest side of Crystal Rock Drive from 385' west of Middlebrook Road to 544' west of Middlebrook Road. Rescind all parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic order: 161-85 for the Seneca Valley High School property. Effective Date: 02/16/10
MCEO NO. 040-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -Traffic Order - Bethesda Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. Remove Street: Middlebrook Road from Germantown Road (MD 118) to Germantown Drive. Remove Street: Middlebrook Road from Darnestown-Germantown Road (Md. 118) to Frederick road (Md. 355). Install Street: Middlebrook Road from Father Hurley Boulevard to Century Boulevard. Install Street: Middlebrook Road from Germantown Road (MD 118) to Great Seneca Highway, Install Street: Middlebrook Road from Great Seneca Highway to Waring Station Road. Install Street: Middlebrook Road from Waring Station Road to Observation Drive. Install Street: Middlebrook Road from Observation Drive to Frederick Road (MD 355). Install Street: Middlebrook Road from Frederick Road (MD 355) to Mid-County Highway. Effective Date: 02/16/10
MCEO NO. 042-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Rescind all parking and traffic regulations including but not limited to the following traffic order: 139-73 on the Fields Road Elementary School property. Rescind all parking and traffic regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 103-71, 124-73 on the Summit Hall Elementary School property. Effective Date: 02/16/10
MCEO NO. 043-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Parking Any Time on the northwest side of Bryant's Nursery Road from 520' northeast of Norwood Road to Norwood Road. Install No Parking Any Time on the northwest side of Bryant's Nursery Road from 475' northeast of Norwood Road to Norwood Road. Effective Date: 02/17/10
MCEO NO. 044-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Thru Trucks on Overridge Street from Cold Spring Road to Copenhaver Terrace and on Copenhaver Drive from Falls Chapel Way to Copenhaver Terrace. Install No thru Trucks Over 7000 lbs. GVW on Over Ridge Road, Copenhaver Terrace and Copenhaver Drive between Cold Spring Road and Falls Chapel Way. Effective Date: 02/17/10
MCEO NO. 045-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with Jeffrey and Eunice Aronson N. Potomac Community Rec. Center - CIP No. 720102 Travilah Road - CIP No. 500101. The Option Contract between Jeffrey Aronson and Eunice Aronson and Montgomery County, Maryland for the purchase of the property rights required for the above-referenced projects is hereby accepted. Effective Date: 02/23/10
MCEO NO. 046-10: OFFICES OF THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE - OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS - Access to Government Services for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency. It is hereby ordered: Section 1. All Executive Branch departments, offices and programs that provide direct public services, regardless of whether they are recipients of federal financial support, must take reasonable steps to develop and implement plans for removing language barriers to public services for LEP individuals, consistent with LEP Policy. Section 2: The Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) shall be responsible for the County's overall compliance with language access laws and policy; provide oversight and support for all departments, offices and programs in their language access work and develop accountability mechanisms. Section 3: The Language Access Coordinator and the LEP Leadership Team shall constantly evaluate and improve the quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of all language resources by evaluating practices of other institutions and jurisdictions. Section 4: The CAO's office shall collaborate with other public institutions and seek to establish a Language Access Council to include representatives from: Housing Opportunities Commission, Board of Elections, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery College, Montgomery County Public Schools, and Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. The goal of such collaboration will be to improve language accessibility through LEP initiatives and English learning in Montgomery County. Effective Date: 03/04/10
MCEO NO. 047-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install Do Not Enter 7 AM - 9:30 AM Monday - Friday Except School Buses on southeast bound Yellowstone Way at Chieftan Avenue. Install Do Not Enter 4 PM - 6:30 PM Monday - Friday Except School Buses on northeast bound Derwood Street at Derwood Road. Install No Left Turn 7 AM - 9:30 AM Monday - Friday Except Buses on southwest bound Chieftan Avenue at Derwood Road. Install No Right Turn 4 PM - 6:30 PM Monday - Friday Except School Buses on northwest bound Deerwood Road at Chieftan Avenue. Effective Date: 2/19/10
MCEO NO. 048-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove School Zone on Notley Road from Notley Court to Flintstone Lane. Remove Fines Double School Days 8AM - 4PM on Notley Road from Notley Court to Flintstone Lane. Install School Zone on Notley Road from Stonegate Drive to Flintstone Lane. Install Fines Double School Days 8AM - 4PM on Notley Road from Stonegate Drive to Flintstone Lane. Effective Date: 02/23/10
MCEO NO. 049-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Rescind all parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic order: 56-01 on the east side of Fern Street from Reedie Drive to University Boulevard (MD 193). Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Fern Street from Reedie Drive to a point 35 feet north of Reedie Drive, on the east side of Fern Street from a point 395 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 436 feet north of Reedie Drive, on the east side of Fern Street from a point 545 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 589 feet north of Reedie Drive, on the east side of Fern Street from a point 644 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 704 feet north of Reedie Drive, and on the east side of Fern Street from a point 739 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 787 feet north of Reedie Drive. Install Two-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the east side of Fern Street from a point 35 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 191 feet north of Reedie Drive, on the east side of Fern Street from a point 316 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 395 feet north of Reedie Drive, on the east side of Fern Street from a point 436 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 470 feet north of Reedie Drive, on the east side of Fern Street from a point 490 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 545 feet north of Reedie Drive, on the east side of Fern Street from a point 589 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 644 feet north of Reedie Drive, on the east side of Fern Street from a point 704 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 739 feet north of Reedie Drive, and on the east side of Fern Street from a point 787 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 804 feet north of Reedie Drive. Install No Standing Any Time on the east side of Fern Street from a point 191 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 316 feet north of Reedie Drive, on the east side of Fern Street from a point 470 feet north of Reedie Drive to a point 490 feet north of Reedie Drive, and on the east side of Fern Street from a point 804 feet north of Reedie Drive to University Boulevard (MD 193) (88 feet). Effective Date: 02/22/10
MCEO NO. 050-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. Remove Street: Tamarack Road from East Randolph Road to Fairland Road. Install Street: Tamarack Road from East Randolph Road to Fairland Road. Effective Date: 03/02/10
MCEO NO. 051-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont/Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Stop on Brackley Road so as to require westbound traffic to stop at Dove Street, on Dove Street so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Appleby Drive, on Appleby Court so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Appleby Drive, on Smith Village Road at Beltsville Road so as to stop southwest bound traffic on Smith Village Road, and on Peaceful Terrace so as to stop southwest bound traffic at Peaceful Lane. Install Stop for westbound traffic on Brackley Road at Dove Street, for southbound traffic on Dove Street at Appleby Drive, for southbound traffic on Appleby Court at Appleby Drive, and for southwest bound traffic on Peaceful Terrace at Peaceful Lane. Remove Yield on Appleby Drive so as to require eastbound traffic to yield at Brackley Road. Remove No Parking Any Time on the north side of Appleby Drive from Dove Street to East Randolph Road, on the east side of Tamarack Road from a point 75' south of East Randolph Road to East Randolph Road, on the east side of Tamarack Road from East Randolph Road to Morningside Drive, on the west side of Tamarack Road from Morningside Drive to East Randolph Road, and on the southeast side of Tamarack Road from a point 120' southwest of Collingwood Lane to a point 75' northeast of Collingwood Lane. Install Yield for eastbound traffic on Appleby Drive at Brackley Road. Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Appleby Drive from Dove Street to East Randolph Road, on the southeast side of Tamarack Road from Leister Drive to East Randolph Road, on both sides of Tamarack Road from East Randolph Road to Morningside Drive, and on the southeast side of Tamarack Road from 105 feet southwest of Collingwood Lane to 70 feet northeast of Collingwood Lane. Effective Date: 03/02/10
MCEO NO. 052-10: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Montgomery Airpark Business Center, east side of Woodfield Rd. between Lindbergh Dr., north and south. Signs may be no father apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 01/20/10
MCEO NO. 053-10: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Wesleyan Methodist Church of Beauty, 708 Sherbrook Drive. Signs may be no father apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 01/11/10
MCEO NO. 054-10: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Bethesda Country Club, 7601 Bradley Blvd. Signs may be no father apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 01/28/10
MCEO NO. 055-10: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: 8922 Spring Valley Road. Signs may be no father apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 02/22/10
MCEO NO. 056-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Noyes Drive Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the south side of Noyes Drive from 1st Avenue to 2nd Avenue, in Silver Spring, Maryland within the 13th Election District. The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to the ADA requirements. The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 475 linear feet. Noyes Drive is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 60-foot public right-of-way. The existing roadway is 20 feet wide. There is approximately 20 feet of available public right-of-way on the south side of Noyes Drive. The sidewalk will be located adjacent to new concrete curb and gutter. Every effort will be made during the construction to cause minimal disturbance within the pubic right-of-way and to the adjacent properties. A public hearing was conducted on the project at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the first floor auditorium of the Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $53,818.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747. Effective Date: 03/08/10
MCEO NO. 057-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Quinton Road Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the unimproved right-of-way on Quinton road from Sundale Road to Maywood Avenue, in Silver Spring, Maryland within the 13th Election District. The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to the ADA requirements. The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 100 linear feet. Quinton Road is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 50-foot public right-of-way. The existing roadway is 24 feet wide. The sidewalk will be constructed within the unimproved portion of the public right-of-way located on Quinton Road. Every effort will be made during the construction to cause minimal disturbance within the pubic right-of-way. A public hearing was conducted on the project at 11:15 a.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the first floor auditorium of the Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $12,402.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747. Effective Date: 03/08/10
MCEO NO. 058-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Catoctin Drive Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the east side of Catoctin Drive from Catoctin Court to Bonifant Road, in Silver Spring, Maryland within the 13th Election District. The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to the ADA requirements. The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 600 linear feet. Catoctin Drive is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 60-foot public right-of-way. The existing roadway is 24 feet wide. There is approximately 18 feet of available public right-of-way on the east side of Catoctin Drive. There will be a variable width green space located between the new sidewalk and the curb and gutter. Every effort will be made during the construction to cause minimal disturbance within the pubic right-of-way. A public hearing was conducted on the project at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 14, 2009, in the first floor auditorium of the Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $25,403.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747. Effective Date: 03/08/10
MCEO NO. 059-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Manchester Road Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the north side of Manchester Road from Piney Branch Road/MD 320 to Bradford Road, in Silver Spring, Maryland within the 13th Election District. The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to the ADA requirements. The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 600 linear feet. Manchester Road is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 50-60-foot public right-of-way. The existing roadway is 30-35 feet wide. There is approximately 10-12 feet of available public right-of-way on the north side of Manchester Road. The sidewalk will be located adjacent to the curb and gutter. Every effort will be made during the construction to cause minimal disturbance within the pubic right-of-way and to the adjacent properties. A public hearing was conducted on the project at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, December 14, 2009, in the first floor auditorium of the Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $84,293.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747. Effective Date: 03/08/10
MCEO NO. 060-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Locust Avenue Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the north side of Locust Avenue between 5209 and 5221 Locust Avenue, in Bethesda, Maryland within the 7th Election District. The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to the ADA requirements. The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 300 linear feet. Locust Avenue is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 55 foot public right-of-way. The existing roadway is 24 feet wide. There is approximately 18 feet of available public right-of-way along the north side of Locust Drive. There will be a variable width green space located between the sidewalk and the curb and gutter. Every effort will be made during the construction to cause minimal disturbance within the pubic right-of-way and to the adjacent properties. A public hearing was conducted on the project at 11:15 a.m. on Monday, December 14, 2009, in the first floor auditorium of the Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $31,439.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747. Effective Date: 03/08/10
MCEO NO. 061-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Dimona Drive Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the west side of Dimona Drive from Olney Mill Road to Gold Mine Road, in Olney, Maryland within the 8th Election District. The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to the ADA requirements. The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 1,660 linear feet. Dimona Drive is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 60 foot public right-of-way. The existing roadway is 20 feet wide. There is approximately 20 feet of available public right-of-way along the west side of Dimona Drive. There will be a variable width green space located between the sidewalk and the edge of the roadway. Every effort will be made during the construction to cause minimal disturbance within the pubic right-of-way and to the adjacent properties. A public hearing was conducted on the project at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the first floor auditorium of the Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $56,202.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747. Effective Date: 03/08/10
MCEO NO. 062-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Keystone Avenue Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the north side of Keystone Avenue from Battery Lane to N. Brook Lane, in Bethesda, Maryland within the 7th Election District. The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to the ADA requirements. The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 300 linear feet. Keystone Avenue is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 50 foot public right-of-way. The existing roadway is 20 feet wide. There is approximately 10 feet of available public right-of-way along the north side of Keystone Avenue. The sidewalk will be located adjacent to new concrete curb and gutter. Every effort will be made during the construction to cause minimal disturbance within the pubic right-of-way and to the adjacent properties. A public hearing was conducted on the project at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the first floor auditorium of the Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $27,080.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747. Effective Date: 03/08/10
MCEO NO. 063-10: DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - Condemnation Authorization Oakmont Limited Partnership C.I.P. Project No. 500933 Equipment Maintenance and Operations Center (EMOC). The County Attorney is hereby directed to acquire by condemnation the following described property, in its entirety, for the Equipment Maintenance and Operations Center and related public use. Liber/Folio 11809/338, Account No. 00778068, Owner Oakmont Limited Partnership, Fee Simple Approx. 5.04 ac. Effective Date: 03/08/10
MCEO NO. 064-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Yield on east and west bound Cantrell Road so as to require vehicles to yield to traffic Sturtevant Road, on Seattle Avenue so as to require northwest bound traffic to yield at Sturtevant Road (north intersection). Install Stop for eastbound and westbound traffic on Cantrell Road at Sturtevant Road, for northeast bound traffic on Ansted Road at Sturtevant Road, for northbound traffic on Maydale Court at Maydale Drive, and for northwest and southeast bound traffic on Orangewood Street at Silo Way. Remove Stop on Ansted Road so as to require northeast bound traffic to stop at Sturtevant Road, on Strutevant Road at Briggs Chaney Road so as to stop northeast bound traffic on Sturtevant Road, on Claude Lane at Briggs Chaney Road so as to stop northeast and southwest bound traffic on Claude Lane, on Maydale Court so as to require northbound traffic to stop at Maydale Drive, and on Orangewood Street so as to require northwest bound and southeast bound traffic to stop at Silo Way. Install Yield for northwest bound traffic on Seattle Avenue at the northern intersection with Sturtevant Road. Remove No Parking Any Time across the dead end section of Maydale Drive west of Claude Lane. Effective Date: 03/02/10
MCEO NO. 065-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring/Wheaton/Glenmont Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. Remove Street: Briggs Chaney Road from New Hampshire Avenue (Md. 650) to Good Hope Road. Remove Street: Briggs Chaney Road from Good Hope Road to Old Columbia Pike (Md. 196). Install Street: Briggs Chaney Road from New Hamshire Avenue (MD 650) to Good Hope Road. Install Street: Briggs Chaney Road from Good Hope Road to Old Columbia Pike. Effective Date: 03/04/10
MCEO NO. 066-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Stop on Great Oak Lane at Briggs Chaney Road so as to stop southwest bound traffic on Great Oak Lane, on Fairacres Road at Briggs Chaney Road so as to stop southwest bound traffic on Fairacres Road, on Kaywood Lane so as to require northwest and southeast bound traffic to stop at Holly Spring Drive, and on Laurelwood Lane so as to require northwest bound traffic to stop at Holly Spring Drive. Install Stop for northbound traffic on Kaywood Lane at Holly Spring Drive and for northbound traffic on Laurelwood Lane at Holly Spring Drive. Remove Yield on Laurelwood Terrace so as to require northwest and southeast bound traffic to yield at Laurelwood Lane, on Laurelwood Lane so as to require southwest bound traffic to yield at Kaywood Lane, on Kaywood Court so as to require northeast bound traffic to yield at Kaywood Lane, on Locustwood Lane so as to require northeast and southwest bound traffic to yield at Kaywood Lane, on Locustwood Place so as to require northwest bound traffic to yield at Locustwood Lane, and on Locustwood Court so as to require southeast bound traffic to yield at Locustwood Lane. Install Yield for eastbound and westbound traffic on Laurelwood Terrace at Laurelwood Lane. Effective Date: 03/04/10
MCEO NO. 067-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. Remove Street: Glenallen Avenue from Georgia Avenue to Randolph Road. Remove Street: Middlebridge Drive from Layhill Road (Md. 182) to and thru Middlebridge Court. Remove Street: Briggs Road from Layhill Road (Md. 182) to Middlevale Lane. Remove Street: Tivoli Lake Boulevard from Randolph Road to and thru Osterport Drive. Install Street: Glenallen Avenue from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to Layhill Road (MD 182). Install Street: Glenallen Avenue from Layhill Road (MD 182) to Randolph Road. Install Street: Glenallen Avenue from Randolph Road to Heurich Road. In stall Street: Briggs Road from Layhill Road (MD 182) to Middlevale Lane. Install Street: Tivoli Lake Boulevard from Randolph Road to and thru Osterport Drive. Effective Date: 03/04/10
MCEO NO. 068-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Yield on Autumn Ridge Court so as to require southbound traffic to yield at Autumn Ridge Circle, on Autumn Ridge Lane so as to require eastbound traffic to yield at Middlebridge Drive, on Coachlamp Court so as to require westbound traffic to yield at Coachlamp Lane, and on Camellia Drive so as to require northbound and southbound traffic to yield at marigold Lane. Install Yield for southbound traffic on Autumn Ridge Court at Autumn Ridge Circle, for eastbound traffic on Autumn Ridge Lane at Middlebridge Drive, for westbound traffic on Coachlamp Court at Coachlamp Lane, and for northbound and southbound traffic on Camellia Drive at Marigold Lane. Install Stop for southbound traffic on Coachlamp Lane at Middlebridge Drive, for southbound traffic on Autumn Ridge Circle at the western intersection with Middlebridge Drive, for southbound traffic on Autumn Ridge Circle at the eastern intersection with Middlebridge Drive, for northbound traffic on Middlebridge Court at Middlebridge Drive, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Snowdrop Lane/Hutchinson Way at Middlevale Lane, for eastbound traffic on Hutchinson Lane at Osterport Drive, for northeast bound traffic on Middlevale Terrace at Middlevale Lane, and for northbound traffic on Kuhl Road at Arbor View Road. Remove Stop on Snow Drop Lane so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Middlevale Lane, on Hutchingson Way so as to require westbound traffic to stop at Middlevale Lane, on Hutchinson Lane so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Osterport Drive, on Middlevale Terrace so as to require northwest bound traffic to stop at Middlevale Lane, on Heurich Road so as to stop southeast bound traffic at Glenallen Avenue, and on Kuhl Road so as to require northbound traffic to stop at Arbor View Road. Remove No Parking Any Time on the 20' x 20' square pad on Saddlebrook Court Between house #'s 6 & 7 in the Layhill South Subdivision, on both sides of Middlevale Lane from the south side of Snowdrop Lane north to and including the dead end, on both sides of Garden Gate Road from Randolph Road to Billman Lane, a distance of 172 feet, on the east side of Garden Gate Road from a point approximately 120' south of Billman Lane (south property line of 12605 Garden Gate Road.) to Billman Lane, on the southeast side of Glenallen Avenue from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to a point 100' northeast of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on both sides of Glenallen Avenue from a point 200 feet north of Randolph Road to Heurich Road, on both sides of Glenallen Avenue from Heurich Road to a point approximately 2000' east of Heurich Road (end of county maintenance), on the north side of Glenallen Avenue from a point approximately 500' west of Layhill Road to a point approximately 655' west of Layhill Road (50' east of apartment driveway to 80' west of driveway), and on the north side of Glenallen Avenue from a point 225 feet east of Georgia Avenue to Georgia Avenue. Remove Left Lane Must Turn Left for northbound (Garden Gate Road) and southbound (Middlevale lane) traffic at the intersection of Garden Gate Road, Middlevale Lane and Randolph Road. Install Left Turn Only for left lane of northbound Garden Gate Road and southbound Middlevale Lane at Randolph Road and for the left lane of southbound Glenallen Avenue at Randolph Road. Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Middlevale Lane from 140 feet north of Snowdrop Lane (road terminus) to 70 feet north of Snowdrop Lane, on both sides of Garden Gate Road from Randolph Road to Billman Lane, on the south side of Glenallen Avenue from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 100 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the south side of Glenallen Avenue from 425 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 560 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the south side of Glenallen Avenue from 790 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 920 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on both sides of Glenallen Avenue from Randolph Road to Kemp Mill Road, on the north side of Glenallen Avenue from 430 feet west of Layhill Road to 685 feet west of Layhill Road (MD 182), on the north side of Glenallen Avenue from 225 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to Georgia Avenue (MD 97). Remove Speed Limit 30 MPH on Glenallen Avenue between Georgia Avenue (MD 97) and Randolph Road. Remove Left Turn Only for the left lane of southbound Glenallen Avenue at Randolph Road. Remove Left Turn, Thru, and Right Turn for the right lane of southbound Glenallen Avenue at Randolph Road. Remove No Parking Any Time Except Sunday on the southeast/southwest side of Glenallen Avenue from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to a point 100' northeast of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to a point 250' northwest of Layhill Road (MD 182), on the northeast side of Glenallen Avenue from a point 250' northwest of Layhill Road (MD 182) to a point 500' northwest of Layhill Road (MD 182), and on the northeast/northwest sides of Glenallen Avenue from a point 655' northwest of Layhill Road (MD 182) to a point 225' northeast of Georgia Avenue (MD 97). Install Speed Limit 30 on Glenallen Avenue between Georgia Avenue (MD 97) and Randolph Road. Install Left Turn Only for the left lane of southbound Glenallen Avenue at Randolph Road. Install Left Turn, Thru, and Right Turn for the right lane of southbound Glenallen Avenue at Randolph Road. Install No Parking Any Time Except Sunday on the south side of Glenallen Avenue from 100 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 425 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the south side of Glenallen Avenue from 560 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 790 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the south side of Glenallen Avenue from 920 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 250 feet west of Layhill Road (MD 182), on the north side of Glenallen Avenue from 250 feet west of Layhill Road (MD 182) to 430 feet west of Layhill Road (MD 182), and on the north side of Glenallen Avenue from 685 feet west of Layhill Road (MD 182) to 225 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97). Effective Date: 03/04/10
MCEO NO. 069-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. Remove Street: Old Columbia Pike from East Randolph Road to Spencerville Road. Install Street: Old Columbia Pike from East Randolph Road to Fairland Road. Install Street: Old Columbia Pike from Fairland Road to Briggs Chaney Road. Install Street: Old Columbia Pike from Briggs Chaney Road to Perrywood Drive. Install Street: Old Columbia Pike from Greencastle Road to Spencerville Road (MD 198) Install Street: Serpentine Way from Serpentine Terrace to Hidden Valley Lane. Install Street: Serpentine Way from Hidden Valley Lane to East Randolph Road. Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Middlevale Lane from 140 feet north of Snowdrop Lane (road terminus) to 70 feet north of Snowdrop Lane, on both side of Garden Gate Road from Randolph Road to Billman Lane, on the south side of Glenallen Avenue from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 100 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the south side of Glenallen Avenue from 425 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 560 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the south side of Glenallen Avenue from 790 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 920 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on both sides of Glenallen Avenue from Randolph Road to Kemp Mill Road, on the north side of Glenallen Avenue from 430 feet west of Layhill Road to 685 feet west of Layhill Road (MD 182), and on the north side of Glenallen Avenue from225 feet east of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to Georgia Avenue (MD 97). Remove Speed Limit 30 MPH on Glenallen Avenue between Georgia Avenue (MD 97) and Randolph Road. Remove Left Turn Only for the left lane of southbound Glenallen Avenue at Randolph Road. Remove Left Turn, Thru, and Right Turn for the right lane of southbound Glenallen Avenue at Randolph Road. Remove No Parking Any Time Except Sunday on the southeast/southwest sides of Glenallen Avenue from a point 100' northeast of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to a point 250' northwest of Layhill Road (MD 182), on the northeast side of Glenallen Avenue from a point 250' northwest of Layhill Road (MD 182) to a point 500' northwest of Layhill Road (MD 182), and on the northeast/northwest sides of Glenallen Avenue from a point 655' northwest of Layhill Road (MD 182) to a point 225' northeast of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) Effective Date: 03/04/10
MCEO NO. 070-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Stop on Solmar Drive at Colefair Drive so as to stop east and westbound traffic on Solmar Drive, on Serpentine Court eastbound at Serpentine Way, on Alabaster Drive eastbound at Serpentine Way, on Agate Drive so as to require northbound traffic to stop at Alabaster Drive, on Chalkstone Way so as to require northbound traffic to stop at Agate Drive, on Chalkstone Way so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Mica Drive, on Chalkstone Court so as to require westbound traffic to stop at Chalkstone Way, on Mica Drive so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Serpentine Way, on Mica Drive/Aquamarine Terrace (private) east and westbound at Serpentine Way, on Aventurine Way northeast and southwest bound at Serpentine Way, on Sandstone Court/Turquoise Terrace (Private) east and westbound at Serpentine Way, and on Musgrove Road at Ruxton Road so as to stop southwest bound traffic. Install Stop for eastbound and westbound traffic on Solmar Drive at Colefair Drive, for northbound traffic on Agate Drive at Alabaster Drive, for northbound traffic on Chalkstone Way at Agate Drive, for southbound traffic on Chalkstone Way at Mica Drive, for westbound traffic on Chalkstone Court at Chalkstone Way, for westbound traffic on Hidden Valley Drive at Hidden Valley Lane, for northeast and southwest bound traffic on Hidden Valley Lane at the eastern intersection with Falling Creek Road, for southeast bound traffic on Falling Creek Court at Falling Creek Road, for southbound traffic on Falling Creek Road at hidden Valley Lane, for northeast bound traffic on Raintree Terrace at Falling Creek Road, for southwest bound traffic on Raintree Terrace at Blue Valley Drive, for northeast bound traffic on Aventurine Way at Blue Valley Drive, for southbound traffic on Sunstone Court at Aventurine Way, for northbound traffic on Ruxton Road at Aventurine Way, for westbound Musgrove Road at Ruxton Road, and for northwest bound traffic on Touchstone Court at Stonecrest Drive. Install Yield for northwest bound traffic on Hidden Valley Court at Hidden Valley Lane, for northeast bound traffic on Stonecrest Drive at Musgrove Road, for southwest bound traffic on Stonecrest Drive at Ruxton Road, for southeast bound traffic on Stonecrest Court at Stonecrest Drive, and for southwest bound traffic on Tinstone Court at Ruxton Road. Remove Yield on Hidden Valley Lane so as to require northeast bound and southwest bound traffic to yield at Falling Creek Road. Remove Speed Limit 25 MPH on Musgrove Road between Fairland Road and Old Columbia Pike. Install Speed Limit 25 on Musgrove Road between Old Columbia Pike and Fairland Road. Effective Date: 03/04/10
MCEO NO. 071-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Stop on Veirs Mill Road service drive so as to stop northwest bound traffic at Gail Street and on the Veirs Mill service drive so as to require northwest bound and southeast bound traffic to stop at Monterrey. Remove No Parking Any Time on the north side of the 11300 block of Veirs Mill Road service drive from College View Drive westward to dead-end and across the dead-end section of the 11300 block of Veirs Mill Road west of College View Drive. Install Stop for northwest bound traffic on Veirs Mill service road at Gail Street and for northwest and southeast bound traffic on Veirs Mill service road at the northern intersection with Monterrey Drive. Install No Parking Any Time on the northeast side of the Veirs Mill service road from College View Drive to and through the road terminus northwest of College View Drive. Effective Date: 03/09/10
MCEO NO. 072-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. Remove Street: Dewey Road from Edgebrook Road to Randolph Road. Remove Street: Dewey Road from Randolph Road to Ivy Glen Road. Remove Street: Dewey Road from Gaynor Road to and thru Furman Road. Remove Street: Edgebrook Road from Veirs Mill Road to Dewey Road. Remove Street: Selfridge Road from Edgebrook Lane to Gridley Road. Remove Street: Selfridge Road from Gridley Road to Randolph Road. Install Street: Dewey Road from Edgebrook Road to Randolph Road. Install Street: Dewey Road from Randolph Road to Ivy Glen Road. Install Street: Dewey Road from Gaynor Road to and thru Furman Road. Install Street: Edgebrook Road from Veirs Mill Road (MD 586) to Dewey Road. Install Street: Hunters Lane from Randolph Road to Gaynor Road. Effective Date: 03/09/10
MCEO NO. 073-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Stop on Furman Road at Veirs Mill Road service drive so as to stop northeast bound traffic on Furman Road, on Edgebrook Road at Veirs Mill Road service drive so as to stop northeast bound traffic on Edgebrook Road, on Clearfield Road at Middle Road so as to stop north and south bound traffic on Clearfield Road, on Clearfield Road at Veirs Mill Road so as to stop northbound traffic on Clearfield Road, on Dewey Road so as to stop northbound traffic at Garrett Park Road, on Charles Road at Randolph Road so as to stop northwest and southeast bound traffic on Charles Road, on Middle Road at Gridley Road so as to stop southeast bound traffic on Middle Road, on Veirs Mill Road service drive at Gridley Road so as to stop southeast bound traffic on the service drive, on Veirs Mill Road service drive at Randolph Road so as to stop northwest bound traffic on Veirs Mill Road service drive, on Gaynor Road at Randolph Road so as to stop southbound traffic on Gaynor Road, on Gaynor Road at Randolph Road so as to stop southbound traffic on Gaynor Road, on Galena Road at Hunter's Lane so as to stop northbound traffic on Galena Road, on Galena Road at Randolph Road so as to stop northeast bound traffic on Galena Road, on Ertter Drive at Hunter's Lane so as to stop northwest and south bound traffic on Ertter Drive, on Mori Drive at Hunter's Lane so as to stop north and southbound traffic on Mori Drive, on Mori Drive at Galena Road so as to stop eastbound traffic on Mori Drive, on Hunter's Lane at Randolph Road so as to stop southbound traffic on Hunter's Lane, on Hunters Lane at Randolph Road so as to stop northbound traffic on Hunters Lane, on Hunters Lane at Gaynor Road so as to stop northeast bound traffic on Hunters Lane, on Nordlie Drive at Hunter's Lane so as to stop southbound traffic on Nordlie Drive, on Hunters Court at Hunters Lane so as to stop southbound traffic on Hunters Court, on Otis Drive at Hunters Lane so as to stop eastbound traffic on Otis Drive, and on Putnam Road at Randolph Road so as to stop north bound traffic on Putnam Road. Remove One-Way on Furman Road from the Veirs Mill Road service drive to Dewey Road so as to establish one-way control westbound, on Sigsbee Road westbound from Selfridge Road to Charles Road, on Dewey Road so as to regulate traffic in a southerly direction between Edgebrook Road (north intersection) and Edgebrook Road (south intersection), and so as to establish one-way operation on Charles Road northbound from Mahan Road to Randolph Road. Install One-Way in the western direction on Furman Road from the Veirs Mill Road service drive to Dewey Road, in the western direction on Sigsbee Road from Selfridge Road to Charles Road, in the northern direction on Charles Road from Mahan Road to Randolph Road, in the southeastern direction on Veirs Mill service road from Gaynor Road to Gridley Road, and in the southeastern direction on Veirs Mill service road from Veirs Mill Road (MD 586) south of Randolph Road to Sampson Road. Remove No Parking Any Time on the northwest and southwest sides of the island on Edgebrook Road at Dewey Road, on the west side of Dewey Road from Dahill Road to Garrett Park Road (2,270'), on the east side of Dewey Road from Dahill Road to a point 75' north of Dahill Road, on the northeast side of the Veirs Mill Road service drive from Gaynor Road to Gridley Road, on both sides of the Veirs Mill Road service drive from a point 170' northwest of Randolph Road to Randolph Road, on the west side of the Veirs Mill Road service drive from Veirs Mill Road to a point 75' south of Veirs Mill Road (south property line of #4300 Randolph Road), on the east side of the Veirs Mill Road service drive from Veirs Mill Road to Sampson Road, on both sides of Gaynor Road from Randolph Road to a point 350 feet northward, on the south side of Gaynor Road from the west curb line of the Veirs Mill Road service drive to a point 100' westward, on the southeast side of Galena Road from Macon Road to a point 70' northeastwards, on the east side of Hunters Lane from Macon Road to a point 50'north of Macon Road, and on the west side Lauderdale Drive from Randolph Road to a point 60' north of Randolph Road. Install Stop for northeast bound traffic on Edgebrook Road at Veirs Mill Road service road, for northeast and southwest bound traffic on Clearfield Road at Middle Road, for northeast and southwest bound traffic on Clearfield Road at Selfridge Road, for northeast bound traffic on Clearfield Road at Veirs Mill service road, for southeast bound traffic on Middle Road at Gridley Road, for southeast bound traffic on Veirs Mill service road at Gridley Road, for eastbound traffic on Mori Drive at Galena Road, and for eastbound traffic on Hunters Lane at Gaynor Road. Remove Yield on Dewey Road so as to require southbound traffic to yield at Edgebrook Road (southernmost intersection). Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Dewey Road from Dahill Road to Garrett Park Road, on the east side of Dewey Road from Dahill Road to 75 feet north of Dahill Road, on the northeast side of Veirs Mill service road from Gaynor Road to Gridley Road, on the northeast side of Veirs Mill service road from Veirs Mill Road (MD 586) south of Randolph Road to Sampson Road, on the southeast side of Gaynor Road from Randolph Road to 390 feet northeast of Randolph Road, on the northwest side of Gaynor Road from 365 feet northeast of Randolph Road to Randolph Road, on the south side of Gaynor Road from the 125 feet west of Veirs Mill Road (MD 586) to Veirs Mill Road (MD 586), on the southeast side of Galena Road from Macon Road to 70 feet northeast of Macon Road, on the east side of Hunters Lane from Macon Road to 50 feet north of Macon Road, and on the west side of Lauderdale Drive 60 feet north of Randolph Road to Randolph Road. Remove Right Turn Only for Veirs Mill service drive at Randolph Road and for southeast bound traffic on the Veirs Mill Road service drive at Gridley Road. Remove One Hour Parking 9:00AM - 9:00PM Mon Thru Sat on the east side of the Veirs Mill Road service road from Gridley Road to a point 350' south and on the west side of the Veirs Mill Road service road from a point 215' south of Gridley Road to a point 350' south of Gridley Road (135'). Install Right Turn Only for southeast bound traffic on Veirs Mill service road at Gridley Road. Remove Right Turn on Red After Stop for southbound traffic on Gaynor Road at Randolph Road. Effective Date: 03/09/10
MCEO NO. 074-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Chapman Avenue Extended (CIP 500719). The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of an extension to Chapman Avenue from Randolph Road to Old Georgetown Road, a public way located in North Bethesda-Garrett Park in Election District 4. The extension will provide connectivity, access, roadway continuity, and facilitate pedestrian movements by linking retail, planned employment and residential centers. A public hearing was held on the project at 3:00 p.m. on December 3, 2008, in the lobby level auditorium of the Executive Office Building, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $12,192,000 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP Project No. 500719. Effective Date: 03/22/10
MCEO NO. 075-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Brightview Street Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the north side of Brightview Street from Connecticut Avenue/MD 185 to Dalewood Drive, in Wheaton, Maryland within the 13th Election District. The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to the ADA requirements. The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 325 linear feet. Brightview Street is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 50 foot public right-of-way. The existing roadway is 26 feet wide. There is approximately 12 feet of available public right-of-way along the north side of Brightview Street. The new sidewalk will be located adjacent to existing curb. Every effort will be made during the construction to cause minimal disturbance within the pubic right-of-way. A public hearing was conducted on the project at 9:45 a.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the first floor auditorium of the Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $19,191.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747. Effective Date: 03/12/10
MCEO NO. 078-10: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Pilgrim Springs, 2206 Briggs Road. Signs may be no father apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 01/27/10
MCEO NO. 079-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. Remove Street: Parkvale Road from Baltimore Road to Russet Road. Install Street: Parkvale Road from Baltimore Road to Manorvale Road. Install Street: Manorvale Road from Parkvale Road to Russett Road. Remove Street: Russett Road from Bauer Drive to Arctic Avenue. Install Street: Russett Road from Bauer Drive to Arctic Avenue. Remove Street: Flint Road from Arctic Avenue (northerly intersection) to Drake Drive (westerly intersection). Remove Street: Flint Rock Road from Drake Drive (westerly intersection) to Arctic Avenue (southerly intersection). Install Street: Flint Rock Road from Arctic Avenue (northern intersection) to Drake Drive (western intersection). Install Street: Flint Rock Road from Drake Drive (western intersection) to Arctic Avenue (southern intersection). Remove Street: Drake Drive from Flint Rock Road (north intersection) to Russett Road. Install Street: Drake Drive from Flint Rock Road (northern intersection) to Russett Road. Effective Date: 03/09/10
MCEO NO. 080-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install School Zone on Bauer Drive from Norbeck Road (MD 28) to Greenspan Lane. Install Fines Double School Days 7:15 AM - 4PM on Bauer Drive from Norbeck Road (MD 28) to Greenspan Lane. Remove No Stopping Any Time on the east side of Bauer Drive from 280' north of the extended northern curb line of Amesfield Court to 450' north of the extended northern curb line of Amesfield Court. Remove No Stopping Any Time Except Buses on the east side of Bauer Drive from 625' north of the extended northern curb line of Amesfield Court to 75' north of the northernmost driveway to Earl B. Wood Middle School. Remove No Parking Any Time on the east side of Bauer Drive from 75' north of the northernmost driveway to Earl B. Wood Middle School to Norbeck Road (Route 28), on the west side of Bauer Drive from Norbeck Road (Route 28) south to Burnside Drive, on the west side of Bauer Drive from 155' north of Amesfield Court to 100' south of Amesfield Court, and on the perimeter of the island in the cul de sac of Dabney Court. Remove No Parking School Days 7:30AM - 4PM on the west side of Bauer Drive from Burnside Drive to 155' north of Amesfield Court. Install No Stopping Any Time on the east side of Bauer Drive from 80' south of the southern driveway to Earle B. Wood Middle School to 60' north of the southern driveway to Earle B. Wood Middle School, on the west side of Bauer Drive from Burnside Drive to 60' south of Burnside Drive, and on the west side of Bauer Drive from 50' north of the driveway to 14610-14632 Bauer Drive to 50' south of the driveway to 14610-14632 Bauer Drive. Install No Stopping Any Time Except Buses on the east side of Bauer Drive from 125' south of the northern driveway to Earle B. Wood Middle School to 75' north of the northern driveway to Earle B. Wood Middle School. Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Bauer Drive from 75' north of the northern driveway to Earle B. Wood Middle School to Norbeck Road (MD 28), on the west side of Bauer Drive from Norbeck Road (MD 28) to Burnside Drive, on the west side of Bauer Drive from 155' north of Amesfield Court to 100' south of Amesfield Court, and around the perimeter of the Dabney Court traffic island. Install No Parking School Days 7:15 AM - 4PM on the west side of Bauer Drive from 60' south of Burnside Drive to 50' north of the driveway to 14610-14632 Bauer Drive. Remove Stop on Manorfield Road at Greenspan Lane so as to stop northwest and southeast bound traffic on Manorfield Road, on Levada Terrace so as to require southeast bound traffic to stop at Briarwood Terrace, on Levada Terrace so as to stop eastbound and westbound traffic at Wetbury Road, on Shippers Lane so as to stop north and southbound traffic at Castaway Drive, on Woodcrest Drive at Melinda Lane so as to stop east and west bound traffic on Woodcrest Drive, on Dabney Court and Dabney Drive so as to stop southeast and northwest bound traffic at Briarwood Terrace, on Dabney Drive at Blackmon Drive so as to stop eastbound traffic on Dabney Drive, on Congress Drive at Vista Drive so as to stop north and south bound traffic on Congress Drive, and on Crispin Way so as to stop east and west bound traffic at Dowlais Drive. Install Stop for eastbound and westbound traffic on Manorfield Road at Greenspan Lane, for southeast bound traffic on Levada Terrace at Briarwood Terrace, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Levada Terrace at Westbury Road, for northbound and southbound traffic on Shippers Lane at Castaway Drive, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Woodcrest Drive at Melinda Lane, for eastbound traffic on Dabney Court at Briarwood Terrace, for westbound traffic on Dabney Drive at Briarwood Terrace, for eastbound traffic on Dabney Drive at Blackmon Drive, for northbound and southbound traffic on Congress Drive at Vista Drive, and for eastbound and westbound traffic on Crispin Way at Dowlais Drive. Rescind all parking and traffic regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 1779, 176-77, 17-82, 16-83 on the Earle B. Wood Middle School property. Effective Date: 03/10/10
MCEO NO. 081-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. Remove Street: Ashley Drive from Rocking Horse Road to Schuylkill Road. Remove Street: Rocking Horse Road from Randolph Road to Boiling Brook Parkway. Remove Street: Boiling Brook Parkway from Schuylkill Road to Rocking Horse Road. Remove Street: Boiling Brook Parkway from Rocking Horse Road to Parklawn Drive. Remove Street: Schuylkill Road from Boiling Brook Parkway to Garrett Park Road. Install Street: Ashley Drive from Rocking Horse Road to Schuylkill Road. Install Street: Rocking Horse Road from Randolph Road to Boiling Brook Parkway. Install Street: Schuylkill Road from Boiling Brook Parkway to Garrett Park Road. Effective Date: 03/09/10
MCEO NO.082-10: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Stop on Ashley Drive at Rocking Horse Road so as to stop northwest bound traffic on Ashley Drive, on Ashley Drive at Schuylkill Road so as to stop east and west bound traffic on Ashley Drive, on Rocking Horse Road at Randolph Road so as to stop northbound traffic on Rocking Horse Road, on Rocking Horse Road at Boiling Brook Parkway so as to stop southbound traffic on Rocking Horse Road, on Rocking Horse Road so as to require southbound motorist to stop at westbound Boiling Brook Parkway, on Schuylkill Road at Boiling Brook Parkway so as to stop north bound traffic on Schuylkill Road, on Schuylkill Road so as to stop northbound traffic at the south intersection with Boiling Brook Parkway, on Coachway Drive at Rocking Horse Road so as to stop northwest bound traffic on Coachway Drive, on Coachway Drive at Ashley Drive so as to stop east bound traffic on Coachway Drive, on Olden Road at Rocking Horse Road so as to stop northwest bound traffic on Olden Road, on Olden Road at Ashley Drive so as to stop southeast bound traffic on Olden Road, on Macon Road at Galena Road so as to stop northwest bound traffic on Macon Road, on Macon Road at Rocking Horse Road so as to stop northwest and southeast bound traffic on Macon Road, on Macon Road at Ashley Drive so as to stop southeast bound traffic on Macon Road, on Old Drover Way at Macon Road so as to stop northeast bound traffic on Old Drover Way, on Old Drover Way at Red Fox Road so as to stop south bound traffic on Timber Lane, on Timber Lane at Macon Road so as to stop northeast bound traffic on Timber Lane, on Timber Lane at Red Fox Road so as to stop southbound traffic on Timber Lane, on Red Fox Road at Rocking Horse Road so as to stop west bound traffic on Red Fox Road, on Red Fox Road at Ashley Drive so as to stop east bound traffic on Red Fox Road, on Oxbow Road at Rocking Horse Road so as to stop west bound traffic on Oxbow Road, on Oxbow Road at Ashley Drive so as to stop east bound traffic on Oxbow Road, on Topping Road at Boiling Brook Parkway so as to stop west bound traffic on Topping Road, on Topping Road at Ashley Drive so as to stop west bound traffic on Topping Road, on Boiling Brook Parkway at Boiling Brook Parkway so as to stop westbound traffic on Boiling Brook Parkway, on Boiling Brook Parkway at Ashley Drive so as to stop eastbound traffic on Boiling Brook Parkway, on Boiling Brook Parkway at Schuylkill Road so as to stop west bound traffic on Boiling Brook Parkway, on Boiling Parkway at Rocking Horse Road so as to stop southeast bound traffic on Boiling Brook Parkway, on Boiling Brook Parkway so as to stop westbound traffic at Schuylkill Road, on Boiling Brook Parkway so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Rocking Horse Road, on Boiling Brook Parkway so as to require westbound traffic to stop at Rocking Horse Road, on Wyaconda Road at Schuylkill Road so as to stop west bound traffic on Wyaconda Road, on Wyaconda Road at Ashley Drive so as to stop east bound traffic on Wyaconda Road, on Creek Shore Place so as to stop northeast bound traffic at Creek Shore Drive, on Creek Shore Drive at Wyaconda Road so as to stop north bound traffic on Creek Shore Drive, on Wilwyn Way at Wyaconda Road so as to stop north bound traffic on Wilwyn Way, on Wilwyn Way at Ashley Drive so as to stop east bound traffic on Wilwyn Way, on Mononghela Drive at Wyaconda Road so as to stop northbound traffic on Monongahela Drive, on Monongahela Drive at Wilwyn Way so as to stop southbound traffic on Monongahela Drive, on Patapasco Drive at Wyaconda Road so as to stop north bound traffic on Patapasco Drive, on Patapasco Drive Wilwyn Way so as to stop north and south bound traffic on Patapasco Drive, on Patapasco Drive at Creek Shore Drive so as to stop south bound traffic on Patapasco Drive, on Grayling Lane at Ashley Drive so as to stop east bound traffic on Grayling Lane, and on Grayling Lane at Wilwyn Way so as to stop south bound traffic on Grayling Lane Remove No Parking Any Time on the southwesterly side of Ashley Drive starting from a point which is the southeast curb line of Stoneleigh Court extended to Olden Road, on the east side of Ashley Drive from a point 100' south of the south curb line of Boiling Brook Parkway to a point 325' north of the north curb line of Boiling Brook Parkway, on both sides of Ashley Drive from Schuylkill Road to a point 50' north (east intersection), on both sides of Ashley Drive from Schuylkill Road to a point 50' south (east intersection), on both sides of Ashley Drive from Schuylkill Road to a point 50' south (west intersection), on both sides of Rocking Horse Road from Randolph Road to Ashley Drive. From the intersection of the north curb line of Macon Road and the extended east curb line of Putnam Road in a counter clockwise direction to the intersection of the south curb line of Macon Road and the extended east curb line of Putnam Road, on the south side of Macon Road from a point 75' west of Macon Road/Galena Road to Macon Road/Galena Road, on the north side of Macon Road from Hunters Lane to a point 50' east, on both sides of Wyaconda Road from Schuylkill Road to a point 50' west, and on the north side (outer curb line) of the circular driveway in front of Randolph Junior High School from Boiling Brook Parkway to Boiling Brook Parkway. Install No Parking Any Time on the southwest side of Ashley Drive from the extended southeastern curb line of Stoneleigh Court to Olden Road, on the east side of Ashley Drive from 100 feet south of the extended southern curb line of eastbound Boiling Brook Parkway to 325 feet north of the extended north curb line of westbound Boiling Brook Parkway, on both sides of Ashley Drive from 50 feet north of the eastern intersection with Schuylkill Road to 50 feet south of the eastern intersection with Schuylkill Road, on both sides of Ashley Drive from 50 feet south of the western intersection with Schuylkill Road to the western intersection Schuylkill Road, on both side of Rocking Horse Road from Randolph Road to Ashley Drive, around the cul-de-sac at the terminus of Macon Road south of Putnam Road, on the south side of Macon Road from 75 feet west of Macon Road/Galena Road to Macon Road/Galena Road, and on both sides of Wyaconda Road from Schuylkill Road to 50 feet west of Schuylkill Road. Remove Right Lane Must Turn Right for northbound traffic on Rocking Horse Road at Randolph Road, on Boiling Brook Parkway at the intersection of Parklawn Drive to regulate westbound traffic turning onto Parklawn Drive and on Boiling Brook Parkway so as to control the eastbound curb lane at Schuylkill Road. Remove Right Turn on Red After Stop for northbound traffic on Rocking Horse Road at Randolph Road. Install Stop for southbound traffic on Rocking Horse Road at westbound Boiling Brook Parkway, for northbound traffic on Schuylkill Road at eastbound Boiling Brook Parkway, for northwest bound traffic on Macon Road at Galena Road, for northbound traffic on Old Drovers Way at Macon Road, for southbound traffic on Old Drovers Way at Red Fox Road, for northbound traffic on Timber Lane at Macon Road, for southbound traffic on Timer Lane at Red Fox Road, for westbound traffic on Topping Road at Boiling Brook Parkway, for eastbound traffic on Boiling Brook Parkway at the Boiling Brook Parkway crossover at the intersection with Rocking Horse Road, for eastbound traffic on Boiling Brook Parkway at Schuylkill Road, for southbound traffic on the Boiling Brook Parkway crossover at the intersection of Boiling Brook Parkway and Schuylkill Road, for westbound traffic on Boiling Brook Parkway at the Boiling Brook Parkway crossover at the intersection with Schuylkill Road, for westbound traffic on Boiling Brook Parkway at Rocking Horse Road, for northeast bound traffic on Creek Shore Place at Creek Shore Drive, for northbound traffic on Creek Shore Drive at Wyaconda Road, for northbound traffic on Wilwyn Way at Wyaconda Road, for northbound traffic on Monongahela Drive at Wyaconda Road, for southbound traffic on Monongahela Drive at Wilwyn Way, for northbound traffic on Patpasco Drive at Wyaconda Road, for northbound and southbound traffic on Patapasco Drive at Wilwyn Way, for southbound traffic on Patapasco Drive at Creek Shore Drive, and for southbound traffic on Grayling Lane at Wilwyn Way. Install Right Lane Must Turn Right for northbound traffic on Rocking Horse Road at Randolph Road. Remove All-Way Stop on Garrett Park Road and on Schuylkill Road so as to require all traffic to stop at the intersection. Install All Way Stop at the intersection of Garrett Park Road and Schuylkill Road. Remove No Parking School Days 7:30AM to 4:00PM on the west side of Hunters Lane from a point 150' north of Boiling Brook Parkway to Boiling Brook Parkway. Remove Stop With Right Turn No Stop on Boiling Brook Parkway so as to stop eastbound through and left turning traffic at Schuylkill Road. Remove No Turn on Red for eastbound Texaco Station driveway (opposite Boiling Brook Parkway) at Parklawn Drive. Install Right Turn No Stop for southbound traffic on eastbound Boiling Brook Parkway at Schuylkill Road. Remove No Parking 7:00PM to 7:00AM Monday thru Saturday on both sides of Wyaconda Road from a point 50' west of Schuylkill Road to the end of County maintenance (approximately 650'). Remove One Way For the driveway of the Randolph Junior High School so as to indicate one-way northbound. Remove Buses Only 7:30AM to 8:15AM and 2:00PM to 2:45PM School Days for the circular driveway in front of Randolph Junior High School from the service driveway to Boiling Brook Parkway. Remove Visitor Parking for two (2) designated spaces in the northernmost row of the parking area encompassed by the circular driveway at Randolph Junior High School. Remove Parking by Permit Only for the easternmost parking lot of Randolph Junior High School contiguous to Boiling Brook Parkway. Remove Left Turn Only for the left lane of southbound Giant driveway at Randolph Road. Remove Left Turn, Thru, and Right Turn for the right lane of southbound Giant driveway at Randolph Road. Install Left Turn Only for the left lane of the southbound exit from the Montrose Crossing Shopping Center onto Randolph Road. Install Left, Thru and Right Turn for the right lane of the southbound exit from the Montrose Crossing Shopping Center onto Randolph Road. Install No Turn On Red for the right lane of the southbound exit from the Montrose Crossing Shopping Center onto Randolph Road. Effective Date: 03/09/10