Executive Orders

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MCEO NO. 125-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Remove No Stopping School Days 8AM - 4PM on the west side of Cromwell Drive from 20' south of the Wood Acres student drop-off loop entrance driveway to the southernmost property line of Wood Acres Elementary School. Install No Stopping Any Time on the west side of Cromwell Drive from 55' north of the Wood Acres student drop-off loop exit driveway to the southernmost property line of Wood acres Elementary School.  Effective Date:  06/18/2010


MCEO NO. 129-10:  DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of the fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials.  Location:  Symphony Park - Symphony Park Dr., Symphony Forest La., Arietta Alley, Galliard Alley, Serenade Alley, Quadrille Alley, Cantata Alley, Cavatina Alley and Cadence Alley.  Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign.  Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet.  Paint must be traffic yellow with line of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators.  Effective Date:  05/27/2010


MCEO NO. 130-10:  DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of the fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials.  Location:  Chevy Chase Recreation Association - Pool Bath House, 8922 Spring Valley Rd.  Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign.  Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet.  Paint must be traffic yellow with line of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators.  Effective Date:  02/22/2010


MCEO NO. 131-10:  DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of the fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials.  Location:  Bethesda United Methodist Church, 11901 Bethesda Church Rd.  Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign.  Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet.  Paint must be traffic yellow with line of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators.  Effective Date:  06/01/2010


MCEO NO. 132-10:  DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of the fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials.  Location:  Safeway, 10541 Connecticut Ave.  Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign.  Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet.  Paint must be traffic yellow with line of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators.  Effective Date:  06/09/2010


MCEO NO. 134-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Remove School Zone on Tilden Lane from Luxmanor Road to Cushman Drive.  Remove Fines Double School Days Tilden Lane from Luxmanor Road to Cushman Drive and School Speed Limit 25 When Flashing on Tilden lane from Luxmanor Road to Cushman Drive.  Install School Zone on Tilden Lane from Old Georgetown Road (MD187) to Cushman Drive.  Effective Date:  06/18/2010


MCEO NO.135-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION- Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of North Gate Drive from Bel Pre Road to 155 feet south of Bel Pre Road and No Parking Any Time on the east side of North Gate Drive from 120 feet south of Bel Pre Road to Bel Pre Road.  Effective Date:  06/21/2010


MCEO NO. 136-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Remove No Parking Any Time at the western terminus of Edgewood Drive across the roadway right-of-way; both sides of the driveways for the Rosemont Elementary School and the driveway in front of the Rosemont Elementary School so as to indicate one-way traffic in a easterly direction.  Effective Date:  06/24/2010


MCEO NO. 137-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Install No Stopping Anytime on the south side of Veteran's Place from Ellsworth Drive to Pershing Drive (293 feet).  Effective Date:  06/29/2010


MCEO NO. 138-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Remove No Standing 6:30AM - 9:30 AM 3:30PM - 6:30PM Monday-Friday on the west side of Woodmont Avenue from a point 53 feet south of Norfolk Avenue to a point 77 feet south of Norfolk Avenue; No Standing 6:30AM - 9:30 AM 3:30PM - 6:30PM Monday-Friday and One-Hour Parking 9:30AM-3:30PM 6:30PM -10:00PM Monday-Friday (9:00AM-10:00PM Saturday) on the west side of Woodmont Avenue from a point 77 feet south of Norfolk Avenue to a point 206 feet south of Norfolk Avenue.  Install No Standing 6:30AM-9:30AM Monday-Friday on the west side of Woodmont Avenue from a point 53 feet south of Norfolk Avenue to a point 77 feet south of Norfolk Avenue and  No Standing 6:30AM-9:30AM Monday-Friday and One-Hour Parking 9:30AM-10:00PM Monday-Friday 9:00AM-10:00PM Saturday on the west side of Woodmont Avenue from a point 77 feet south of Norfolk Avenue to a point 206 feet south of Norfolk Avenue.  Effective Date:  06/25/2010


MCEO NO. 140-10:  DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL - FY10 Appropriation and Transfer.  It is ordered that the FY10 Department of Liquor Control working capital is as follows:  Personnel Costs - $23,963,740, Operating Expense - $14,149,110, Capital Outlay - $1,789,260.  Total working capital is $39,902,120.  It is ordered that the Director of Finance transfer from the Liquor Control Fund to the General Fund, at the end of each of the first three quarters of the fiscal year, an amount equal to one fourth of the amount of $30,035,382.  This amount includes the transfer for:  earnings of $23,210,750; technology modernization costs of $740,600; overhead of $2,424,500; and debt service costs of $3,659,532.  The County Executive on the advice of the Department of Liquor Control, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Department of Finance will determine the final quarterly transfer at the end of the fiscal year, but which includes the amount referred to below.  It is ordered that the Director of Finance transfer an additional $2,667,430 from the Liquor Control Fund to the General Fund in the 4th quarter.  It is ordered that a portion of the amount transferred to the general fund relating to debt service ($3,659,532) payable from DLC pledged revenues, be transferred directly to U.S. Bank National Association, in accordance with the amounts and timeframes stipulated in the Trust Indenture.  Effective Date:  6/30/2010


MCEO NO. 141-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Vital Way Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  Order for construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the west side of Vital Way from New Hampshire Avenue/MD650 to Randolph Road, located in Silver Spring MD within the 5th Election District.  The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program).  The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to ADA requirements.  The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 26 feet wide.  There is approximately 17 feet of available public right-of-way along the west side of Vital Way.  The sidewalk will be located adjacent to the curb and gutter.  A public hearing was conducted on the project 12/14/2009 and the Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project.  The County Executive hereby proposed that the total cost of the project, to be determined by final accounting after construction has been completed, shall be distributed in the approximate amounts as follows: $35,647.00 for Construction Costs and G.O Bonds; $3,564 for Administrative and Construction Inspection Costs and G.O. Bonds.  $39,211.00 Total estimated cost of the project, including engineering, site improvement and construction:  Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $39,211 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP#506747.  Effective Date: 6/23/2010


MCEO NO. 142-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Log House Road Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  Order for construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the east side of Log House Road from Bush Hill Road to Woodfield Road/MD 124, located in Damascus, MD within the 10th Election district.  The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk (Annual Sidewalk Program).  The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to ADA requirements.  The total length of the sidewalk is 2,500 linear feet.  Log House Road is classified as a primary residential roadway and has a 70 foot wide public right-of way.  The existing roadway is approximately 24 feet wide.  There is approximately 23 feet of available public right-of-way along the east side of Log House Road.  There will be a variable width greenspace located between the sidewalk and the edge of roadway.  A public hearing was conducted on 12/12/2009 and the Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project.  The County Executive hereby proposes that the total cost of the project, to be determined by final accounting after construction has been completed, shall be distributed in the approximate amounts as follows:  $103,539 for Construction Costs and G.O. Bonds; $10,353 for Administrative and Construction Inspection Costs and G.O. Bonds.  Total estimated cost of the project, including engineering, site improvements and construction is $113,892.  Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $113,892 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP#506747.  Effective Date:  6/23/2010


MCEO NO. 143-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Franklin Street Proposed Sidewalk (CIP#506747)  Order for construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the south side of Franklin Street from Edgefield Road to Beach Drive, located in Kensington, MD within the 7th Election District.  The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk (Annual Sidewalk Program).  The sidewalk will be 5 feet wide and will conform to ADA requirements.  The total length of the sidewalk is 500 linear feet.  Franklin Street is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 60 foot wide public right-of-way.  The existing roadway is approximately 24 feet wide.  There is approximately 18 feet of available public right-of-way on the south side of Franklin Street.  The sidewalk will be installed adjacent to the existing curb and gutter.  A public hearing was conducted 8/19/2009 and the Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project.  The County Executive herby proposes that the total cost of the project, to be determined by final accounting after construction has been completed, shall be distributed in the approximate amounts as follows: $34,685 for Construction Costs and G.O. Bonds; $3,468 for Administrative and Construction Inspection Costs and G.O. Bonds.  Total estimated cost of the project including engineering, site improvements and construction is $38,153.  Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $38,153 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP#506747.  Effective Date:  6/23/2010

MCEO NO. 144-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Democracy Lane Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  Order for construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the west side of Democracy Lane from Democracy Boulevard to Bells Mill Road, located in Potomac, MD within the 10th Election District.  The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk (Annual Sidewalk Program).  The sidewalk will be 5 feet wide and will conform to ADA requirements.  The total length of the sidewalk is 4,000 linear feet.  Democracy Lane is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 60 foot wide public right-of way.  The existing roadway is approximately 32 feet wide.  There is approximately 14 feet of available public right-of-way along the west side of Democracy Lane.  A four to five foot wide shoulder will be maintained with the installation of the new concrete sidewalk.  A Public Hearing was conducted on 8/25/2010 and the Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project.  The County Executive hereby proposes that the total cost of the project, to be determined by final accounting after construction has been completed, shall be distributed in the approximate amounts as follows:  $155,049 for Construction Costs and G.O. Bonds; $15,504 for Administrative and Construction Inspection Costs and G.O. Bonds.  Total estimated cost of the project, including engineering, site improvements and construction is $170,553.  Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $170,553 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP#506747.  Effective Date:  6/23/2010

MCEO NO. 145-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -Acceptance of Option Contract with Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission Redland Road Project (CIP#500010).  A deed from the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission was provided to Montgomery County, Maryland for the rights from the grantor needed to allow construction of improvements for Redland Road from Crabbs Branch Way to Baederwood Lane has been accepted.  Liber/Folio 5486/886 owner Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Fee Simple 3,613 s.f, Perpetual Easement 3,083 s.f., Temporary Easement 663 s.f.  Contract obtained in the amount of $1,050.  The County Attorney is hereby directed to accept the deed to acquire the fee simple and easements for the land described above.  Effective Date:  6/18/2010


MCEO NO. 150-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Install Stop on northwest bound Veterans Place at Ellsworth Drive and on southeast bound Veterans Place at Pershing Drive.  Effective Date:  06/29/2010

MCEO NO. 151-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Remove No Parking Any Time on north side of Newport Mill Road from College View Drive to 83' west of College View Drive and Permit Parking Only 9AM-5PM Monday-Friday Kensington/College View on the north side of Newport Mill Road from 83' west of College View Drive to Kenton Drive.  Install No Parking any Time on the north side of Newport Mill Road from College View Drive to 75 feet west of College View Drive and Permit Parking Only 9AM-5PM Monday-Friday Newport Mill on the north side of Newport Mill Road from 75 feet west of College View Drive to 500 feet west of College View Drive.  Effective Date:  7/29/2010

MCEO NO. 152-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Remove No Parking Any Time on north side of Tilden Lane from Old Georgetown Road (MD 187) to 150' west of Old Georgetown Road (MD 187).  Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Tilden Lane from Old Georgetown Road (MD 187) to 310 feet west of Old Georgetown Road (MD187) (western property line of 6005 Tilden Lane).  Install 3 Hour Parking 7AM - 5PM Monday-Friday from 310 feet west of Old Georgetown Road (MD187) to Luxmanor Road.  Effective Date:  7/1/2010

MCEO NO. 153-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Rescind all traffic and parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 1509, 1512, 48-7 on the Montgomery Village Middle School property; orders 45-75, 2-77 on the Stedwick Elementary School property and orders 1796 on the Watkins Mill Elementary School property.  Effective Date:  7/1/2010

MCEO NO. 154-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Remove No Parking Any Time on northeast side of Grubb Road from 285' northwest of Washington Avenue to East-West Highway.  Install No Standing Any Time on the northeast side of Grubb Road from 125' southeast of the driveway to 8301-8325 Grubb Road to the driveway to 8301-8325 Grubb Road and No Parking Any Time on the northeast side of Grubb Road from the driveway to 8301-8325 Grubb Road to East West Highway (MD410).  Effective Date:  7/2/2010

MCEO NO. 155-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Rescind all regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 50-96 on the south side of Blueridge Avenue from Wheaton Hill Drive to Grandview Avenue.  Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Blueridge Avenue from Wheaton Hill Drive to a point 151 feet east of Wheaton Hill Drive,  Nine-Hour Parking 9:00AM to 6:00PM Except Sunday on the south side of Blueridge Avenue from a point 151 feet east of Wheaton Hill Drive to a point 383 feet east of Wheaton Hill Drive and No Parking Any Time on the south side of Blueridge Avenue from a point 383 feet east of Wheaton Hill Drive to Grandview Avenue (a distance of 40 feet).  Effective Date:  7/12/2010

MCEO NO. 156-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Install No Thru Trucks Over 7000 lb. GVW on Needwood Road between Redland Road and Muncaster Mill Road (MD115).  Effective Date:  7/6/2010

MCEO NO. 157-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Remove No Parking Any Time on both sides of Hadley Farms Drive from the northern intersection with Woodfield Road (MD124) to a point 130 feet east of Filbert Terrace and on both sides of Hadley Farms Drive from a point 210 feet east of Filbert Drive to a point 153 feet east of Filbert Drive. Remove No Stopping Any Time on the north side of Hadley Farms Drive from a point 256 feet west of Mayhill Drive to 50' east of Mayhill Drive.  Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Hadley Farms Drive from the northern intersection with Woodfield Road (MD124) to 40 feet east of the driveway to 7420 Hadley Farms Drive, on the south side of Hadley Farms Drive from 215 feet west of the extended western curb line of Filbert Drive to 256 feet west of Mayhill Drive, on the north side of Hadley Farms Drive from the western most driveway to Judith A. Resnik Elementary School to 215 feet west of Filbert Drive and on the north side of Hadley Farms Drive from 185 feet east of Filbert Terrace to the northern intersection with Woodfield Road (MD124).  Install No Stopping Any Time on the south side of Hadley Farms Drive from 256 feet west of Mayhill Drive to 60 feet east of Mayhill Drive.  Effective Date:  7/14/2010

MCEO NO. 158-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location(s).  Remove Stop on Sioux Lane so as to require southwest bound traffic to stop at Pueblo Road, on Bambi Court so as to require southwest bound traffic to stop at Raven Rock Drive and on Sioux Court so as to require northbound traffic to stop at Sioux Lane; Yield on Roundabout Drive so as to require southbound traffic to yield at Rock Raven Drive, on Raven Rock Terrace so as to require southwest bound traffic to yield at Raven Rock Drive, on Raven Rock Drive so as to require northwest bound traffic to yield at Sioux Lane and on Sioux Place so as to require northbound traffic to yield at Sioux Lane; No Parking Any Time on west side of Roundabout Drive from a point 500' north of Rock Raven Drive (north p/l of 16520 Roundabout Drive) to Rock Raven Drive.  Install Stop for southbound traffic on Sioux Lane at Pueblo Road, for northbound traffic on Roundabout Drive at Sioux Lane, for southbound traffic on Roundabout Drive at Raven Rock Drive for southwest bound traffic on Bambi Court at Raven Rock Drive and for northbound traffic on Raven Rock Drive at Sioux Lane; No Parking Anytime on the west side of Roundabout Drive from 500 feet north of Raven Rock Drive (northern property line of 16520 Roundabout Drive) to Raven Rock Drive; Yield for southwest bound traffic on Raven Rock Terrace at Raven Rock Drive, for northbound traffic on Sioux Place at Sioux lane and for northbound traffic on Sioux Court at Sioux Lane.  Effective Date:  7/15/2010

MCEO NO.166-10:  OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY - Non-Local Park Acquisition Blockhouse Point Conservation Park.  The County Executive has determined that acquisition of the below described property as parkland is necessary, in the public interest and the County Attorney is directed to acquire by purchase or condemnation:  Owner/Park - Estate of Josephine S. Cornelieus Blockhouse Point Conservation Park Parcel ID #06-1-390253, Area of Acquisition - 16.0+ acres, Amount - $1,350,000.  Effective Date:  7/7/2010

MCEO NO. 167-10:  DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - Authorizing the issuance of Consolidated Public Improvement Bonds of 2010.  Order providing for the authorization, issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of Montgomery County, Maryland in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $325,000,000  Effective Date:  7/1/2010

MCEO NO. 168-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -Public Hearing - Abandonment of Portion of Whittier Boulevard Woodhaven Subdivision - Bethesda.  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive or his designee at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, September 13, 2010 in the EOB Lobby Auditorium, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland  20850.  The purpose of the hearing is to consider an application received from Mr. and Mrs. John Class, the applicants, seeking abandonment of a portion of unimproved Whittier Boulevard adjoining their property in the Woodhaven Subdivision of Bethesda.  Effective Date:  7/16/2010


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