Executive Orders
MCEO NO. 178-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Stop for northbound and southbound traffic on Sugar View Drive at Clarks Crossing Drive. Install Four-Way Stop at the intersection of Clarks Crossing Drive and Sugar View Drive. Effective Date: 8/19/11
MCEO NO. 179-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Permit Parking Only 9AM - 5PM Monday - Friday on both sides of Holdridge Road between Epping Road and Farnell Drive. Install Permit Parking Only 9AM - 9PM Monday - Friday on the southwest side of Holdridge Road from Farnell Drive to Epping Road and on the northeast side of Holdridge Road from Epping Road to the northwest property line of 12707 Holdridge Road. Effective Date: 8/25/11
MCEO NO. 180-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install Stop for southwest bound traffic on Parson Grove Court at Parson Grove Terrace. Install No Parking Any Time on the northeast side of Parson Grove Terrace from Prince Philip Drive to 70 feet northwest of Prince Philip Drive. Effective Date: 8/31/11
MCEO NO. 181-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install Permit Parking Only 9AM - 5PM Monday - Friday on both sides of North Chelsea Lane from Maryland Avenue to Lynbrook Drive. Effective Date: 8/31/11
MCEO NO. 182-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Stopping School Days 8:45AM - 9:45AM 2:30PM - 3:30PM on the south side of Woodmoor Drive from 35' east of Rockdale Drive to 50' west of St. Lawrence Drive. Install No Stopping School Days 8:45AM - 9:45AM 3PM - 4PM on the south side of Woodmoor Drive from 35' east of Rockdale Drive to 50' west of St. Lawrence Drive. Effective Date: 9/01/11
MCEO NO. 183-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install Permit Parking Only 9AM - 5PM Monday - Friday on both sides of Middlevale Terrace from 45' west of Middlevale Lane to 70' west of Middlevale Lane. Remove No Parking Any Time on the west side of Tivoli Lake Boulevard from 80' north of Nordic Hill Drive to 50' south of Nordic Hill Drive. Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Tivoli Lake Boulevard from 80' north of Nordic Hill Drive to 75' south of Nordic Hill Drive. Install Stop for westbound traffic on Marigold Court at Marigold Lane and for westbound traffic on Saddlebrook Court at Saddlebrook Drive. Rescind all traffic and parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 92-74, 239-76, 162-77,197-81, on the John F. Kennedy High School property. Effective Date: 8/31/11
MCEO NO. 186-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Parking Any Time on the south side of Boiling Brook Parkway from Parklawn Drive to Schuylkill Road. Install No Stopping Any Time on the south side of Boiling Brook Parkway from Parklawn Drive to 780' east of Parklawn Drive (10' east of the 5th driveway). Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Boiling Brook Parkway from 780' east of Parklawn Drive to Schuylkill Road. Effective Date: 8/25/11
MCEO NO. 187-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install No Left Turn 8:30 - 9:30AM 2:45 - 3:45PM on the southern driveway (exit driveway) of the Ivymount School at Seven Locks Road. Effective Date: 9/27/11
MCEO NO. 188-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Parking Any Time on the north side of Aspen Hill Road from a point 120' east of Baltic Avenue to Baltic Avenue. Install No Stopping School Days 2:30PM - 4PM Except Buses on the north side of Aspen Hill Road from 35' east of the eastern driveway to the Frost Center to 120' east of Baltic Avenue (eastern intersection). Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Aspen Hill Road from 120' east of Baltic Avenue (eastern intersection) to Baltic Avenue (eastern intersection). Effective Date: 9/28/11
MCEO NO. 189-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Parking Any Time on the south side of Battery Lane from a point 765' north of Old Georgetown Road (MD 187) to a point 876' north of Old Georgetown Road (MD 187). Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Battery Lane from 665' north of Old Georgetown Road (MD 187) to 876' north of Old Georgetown Road (MD 187). Effective Date: 9/19/11
MCEO NO. 196-11: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: North Chevy Chase Elementary School, 3700 Jones Bridge Rd. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with line of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 8/23/11
MCEO NO. 197-11: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: 7000 Block Garrett Rd. (East of Redland Rd.). Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with line of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 5/26/11
MCEO NO. 201-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Greentree Road Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #500506). Order pursuant to Section 49-54 of the Montgomery County Code (2004) as amended, and Executive Order 06-11 the County Executive hereby finds that public interest requires the installation of a sidewalk along the north side of Greentree Road from 100 feet west of Old Georgetown Road to Fernwood Road, located in Bethesda, Maryland within the Seventh Election District by constructing a new concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter along the north side of Greentree Road from 100 feet west of Old Georgetown Road to Fernwood Road. The sidewalk will be five feet wide and installed using pervious concrete for stormwater management. The new sidewalk will conform to ADA requirements. The total length of the sidewalk is 7,230 linear feet. Greentree Road is classified as a primary residential roadway and has a public right-of-way width that varies from 50 to 100 feet wide. The existing roadway varies from 25 to 35 feet wide. There will be a variable width green space located between the new sidewalk and new curb and gutter. Constructing a retaining wall 583 feet long to accommodate the sidewalk in the steep terrain section of the project site. Constructing new storm drains to accommodate runoff from curb and gutters. Constructing traffic calming measures at select locations. The traffic calming measures include intersection bump outs, crosswalks, and pavement width reduction. Every effort will be made throughout the construction phase to cause minimal disturbance within the public right-of-way and to the adjacent properties. A Public Hearing was held at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 16, 2011, in the Lobby Level Auditorium of the Executive Office Building located at 101 Monroe Street, in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Estimated cost of the proposed improvement and funding allocations thereof are as follows: $0.00 costs to be assessed for special benefit against applicable properties, $3,486,000.00 costs not otherwise incurred, to be borne by Montgomery County, $3,486,000.00 total estimated cost of the project, including engineering, land acquisition site improvements and construction. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project, shall not exceed $3,486,000.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP Project No. 500506. Effective Date: 10/05/11
MCEO NO. 202-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - MacArthur Boulevard Bikeway Improvements I-495 to Oberlin Avenue (CIP #500718). Order pursuant to Section 49-54 of the Montgomery County Code (2004) as amended, and Executive Order 177-08 the County Executive hereby finds that the public interest requires the construction of new bicycle areas and improvements to existing areas for a distance of 13,800 feet of along MacArthur Boulevard from 1-495 to Oberlin Avenue, located in Potomac, Maryland within 7th Election District as follows: construct and improve an 8-foot shared use bike path with a minimum of 5-foot green space between the shoulder and the bike path on the south side of MacArthur Boulevard, construct 3-foot shoulders on the north and south side of Macarthur Boulevard by narrowing the travel lane widths from 11 to 10-feet and adding 2-feet in each direction, install lighting for the 1-495 Capital Beltway underpass, reconstruct the super structure on the existing trolley bridge north of Glen Echo Park to carry the off-road shared used path, modify the existing parking at Captain's Market at Tomlinson Avenue to relieve congestion during peak periods and to reduce parking on the bike path, reconfigure the Clara Barton Parkway access at Ericsson Avenue, reconfigure the parking area at Union Arch Bridge, construct a retaining wall near the northern project limit, provide signing and marking and provide landscaping. A Public Hearing was held at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2008, in the Lobby Level Auditorium of the Executive Office Building located at 101 Monroe Street, in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Estimated cost of the proposed improvement and funding allocations thereof are as follows: $0.00 costs to be assessed for special benefit against applicable properties, $0.00 cost to be borne by WSSC as their share of system facility adjustment expenses, $8,710,000.00 total estimated cost of the project, including engineering, land acquisition, site improvements and construction. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $8,710,000.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP Project No. 500718. Effective Date: 10/05/11
MCEO NO. 203-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Springfield Community Proposed Sidewalks (CIP #506747 - Annual Sidewalk Program). Order pursuant to Section 49-54 of the Montgomery County Code (2004) as amended, the County Executive hereby finds that public interest requires the construction of sidewalks to provide safe pedestrian travel along multiple roadways within the Springfield community, located in Bethesda, Maryland within Election District 7. The Director of the Department of Transportation (DOT) is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of concrete sidewalks under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). All of the following new sidewalks will be five feet wide, installed with concrete and have a variable width greenspace located between the new sidewalk and existing curb: Ridgefield Road north side - 5803 Ridgefield Road to 5205 Ridgefield Road south side - 5802 Ridgefield Road to Ogden Road and Kirkwood Drive to Newington Road total length of sidewalk is 3,028 linear feet, Springfield Drive east side - Ridgefield Road to Pollard Road total length of sidewalk is 300 linear feet, Ogden Road east side - Ridgefield Road to River Road/MD190 west side - Ridgefield Road to Ogden Court the total length of sidewalk is 550 linear feet A Public Hearing was conducted at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 1, 2010, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building located at 100 Maryland Avenue, in Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of all projects. The County Executive hereby proposes that the total cost of the Springfield Community projects are to be determined by a final accounting after construction has been completed, and shall be distributed in the approximate amounts as follows: Ridgefield Road (north and south sides) - $156,265.00 construction costs and G.O. bonds, N/A costs to be assessed for special benefit against applicable properties, $15,625.00 administrative and construction inspection costs and G.O. bonds, $171,890.00 total estimated cost of the project including engineering, site improvements and construction, Springfield Drive (east side) - $15,097.00 construction costs and G.O. bonds, N/A costs to be assessed for special benefit against applicable properties, $1,510.00 administrative and construction inspection costs and G.O. bonds, $16,067.00 total estimated cost of the project including engineering, site improvements and construction, Ogden Road (east and west sides) - $24,846.00 construction costs and G.O. bonds, N/A costs to be assessed for special benefit against applicable properties, $2,484.00 administrative and construction inspection costs and G.O. bonds, $27,330.00 total estimated cost of the project including engineering, site improvements and construction. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for the combined total of all the above projects, shall not exceed $215,287.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). Effective Date: 9/29/11
MCEO NO. 204-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Maple Avenue Roadway and Storm Drain Improvement Project (CIP #501100). Order pursuant to Section 49-53 of the Montgomery County Code (2004) as amended, a Public Hearing was held at 3:00 p.m. on October 18, 2011, in the Lobby Level Auditorium of the Executive Office Building located at 101 Monroe Street in Rockville, Maryland to consider a proposal to reconstruct Maple Avenue from Tilbury Street to Maryland Avenue, located in the 1st Election District. The specific improvements are as follows: reconstruct approximately 700 linear feet of Maple Avenue within the project limits, install approximately 1,400 feet of curb and gutter along Maple Avenue, remove and replace approximately 700 linear feet of underground storm drain pipes on Maple Avenue, reconstruct existing sidewalks, avoid any impact to existing environmental resources and utility poles along Maple Avenue and avoid or minimize impact to significant trees and specimen trees. Project related data and files are available for examination in the offices of the Department of Transportation on the 4th floor of 100 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, Maryland. The phone number is 240-777-7229. Estimated cost of the proposed improvement and funding allocations thereof are as follows: $0.00 costs to be assessed for special benefit against applicable properties, $0.00 costs to be borne by WSSC as their share of system facility adjustment expenses, $0.00 costs to be borne by Federal Aid, $1,620,000.00 costs not otherwise incurred, to be borne by Montgomery County, $1,620,000.00 total estimated cost of the project, including construction management and inspections, land acquisition, utilities, site improvements, and construction. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $1,620,000.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP Project No. 501100. The purpose of the hearing was solely to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in the determination of whether or not to authorize this project. Effective Date: 9/29/11
MCEO NO. 211-11: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Designation of Holy Cross Hospital as a Strategic Economic Development Project. Holy Cross Hospital has received its Certificate of Need (CON) from the state to establish a hospital in Germantown, Maryland and has had its land lease approved by the Maryland Board of Public Works. The new hospital will bring health care to a region of Montgomery County that is without a hospital. The new hospital will create both short- and long-term jobs from the new hospital, related facilities and the expansion of the nursing program through Montgomery College. This project will help guide the up-County area toward a more balanced jobs-housing ratio. Montgomery County Executive Order 173-11 provides for a project to be designated as a Strategic Economic Development Project, thereby directing all Executive Branch agencies to treat it as a priority and to give it immediate attention as it moves through the required planning, development review and permitting processes. Therefore, be it ordered, that the Holy Cross Hospital at Montgomery College is hereby determined to be a Strategic Economic Development Project as defined in Executive Order 173-11. Effective Date: 10/03/11