Temporary Executive Regulation
MCER NO. 18-06T: TEMPORARY DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REGULATION - Requirements and Procedures for the Workforce Housing Program SUMMARY: This temporary regulation establishes the policies and procedures for the administration of the Workforce Housing Law. This regulation applies to subdivisions having a Workforce Housing requirement, to Workforce Housing Units (WFH Units) which are sold, resold or rented through the program, and to persons or households applying for eligibility to purchase or rent a WFH Unit. This temporary regulation became effective 11/27/06. AUTHORIZATION: Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 25B.
COPIES OF THE TEMPORARY REGULATION: A copy of the temporary regulation may be obtained from Christopher Anderson, Single Family Housing Programs, Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Division of Housing and Code Enforcement, Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, 4th Floor, Rockville, Maryland, 20850; 240/777-3600, TTY 240/777-3679.