Temporary Executive Regulation
MCER NO. 1-06T: TEMPORARY OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES OF REGULATION - Position Description - Minority Business Affairs Manager, Department of Economic Development SUMMARY: This temporary regulation 1-06T, Position Description - Minority Business Affairs Manager, Department of Economic Development establishes the position description for Minority Business Affairs Manager, a non-merit position created in the Department of Economic Development. This temporary became effective December 23, 2005. AUTHORIZATION: Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 1A-104(b)(2). COPIES OF THE TEMPORARY REGULATION: A copy of the temporary regulation may be obtained from Mary Remein, Office of Human Resources, EOB, 7th floor, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 240/777-5078., TTY 240/777-5126. e-mail: [email protected] |