Adopted Executive Regulations

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MCER NO. 21-04AMII:  ADOPTED OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES REGULATION - Amendments to Montgomery County Personnel Regulations on Performance-based Pay for Unrepresented Employees

SUMMARY:  This regulation amends MCPR Section 10, Employee Compensation, and Section 11,

Performance Planning and Evaluation, to provide lump sum performance-based pay awards for employees in positions on the general salary schedule who receive annual overall performance ratings of "Exceptional Performance" or "Highly Successful Performance."

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 21-04AMII, Amendments to Montgomery County Personnel Regulations on Performance-based Pay for Unrepresented Employees, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 1 process, effective February 14, 2006.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 33-7(b).
Method 1.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Debra Boyd, Office of Human Resources, Labor Team, 101 Monroe Street, 7th Floor, Rockville, Maryland  20850,



SUMMARY:  This regulation sets a revised rate schedule for taxicab fares.  The regulation will increase the initial charge for a taxicab trip from $2.50 to $4.00.  The regulation maintains the $1.60 per mile charge and eliminates the reduced charge of $1.20 per mile for trips greater than 15 miles.  The adopted regulation supersedes Executive Regulation 25-03.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 19-05, Taxicab Rates, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 2 process, effective February 14, 2006.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 53-106. 
Method 2.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Taxicab Office, Department of Public Works and Transportation, Transit Services, 101 Monroe Street, 5th Floor, Rockville, MD  20850; 240/777-2227, TTY 240/777-5869.


SUMMARY:  This regulation designates those public employees that the County Executive requires to file a public, limited public, or confidential financial disclosure statement.  This amendment constitutes the annual revision of this regulation, and establishes a process for identifying specific employees who must file a financial disclosure statement.  The adopted regulation supersedes Executive Regulation


ACTION:  Executive Regulation 23-05, Financial Disclosure, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 2 process, effective January 31, 2006.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 19A-17. 
Method 2.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Tammy Seymour, Office of the County Attorney, 101 Monroe Street, 3rd Floor, Rockville, Maryland  20850; 240/777-6789.

MCER NO. 26-05AM:  ADOPTED DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING SERVICES REGULATION - Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications - Method 2

SUMMARY:  This regulation adds Section I titled "Permits with MNCPPC Site Plan Approval."  This section increases fees for permits with MNCPPC site plan approval by 25%.  On November 8, 2005 the County Council approved a special appropriation to the FY06 Operating Budget for the Department of Permitting Services for the creation of site plan enforcement inspection and review process.  This special appropriation was needed to ensure that the Department of Permitting Services has sufficient resources to conduct height and setback inspections related to building permits for properties in zones that require site plan approval by the MNCPPC.  All subsequent sections have been renumbered accordingly.  The special appropriation also ensures that the Department of Permitting Services has the resources necessary to investigate complaints, attend administrative hearings, and represent the department in court with regard to issues arising from these inspections.  Fees for well location permits subject to MNCPPC site plan approval, were also increased.  This regulation, in general, sets fees that cover the administration, plan-review and enforcement programs of the Department of Permitting Services.  This regulation also changes Section I, Building, to Section II, Building Permits Without MNCPPC Site Plan Approval.  The fees for retaining walls have  been corrected.  This regulation has also been revised to include information previously omitted regarding electrical permits for air conditioners.  The proposed regulation supersedes Executive Regulation 11-05.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 26-05AM, Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 2 process, effective March 1, 2006.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 8-13, 8-14, 8-24b, 8-28, 17-2, 17-10, 17-20, 27a-5(E), 22-13, 47-2, 47-4.  Method 2.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Serena James, Department of Permitting Services, 255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor, Rockville, Maryland  20850;

240/777-6280, TTY 240/777-6256. 

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