Temporary Executive Regulations
MCER NO. 33-08T: TEMPORARY OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES REGULATION-- Extending the Sunset Date of the Montgomery County Personnel Regulations SUMMARY: This temporary regulation extends the sunset date of the Montgomery County Personnel Regulations for 90 days, from October 7, 2008 to January 5, 2009. Temporary regulation 33-08T supersedes Executive Regulation 22-07 effective October 7, 2008. AUTHORIZATION: Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 2A-15 (j). COPIES OF THE TEMPORARY REGULATION: A copy of the temporary regulation may be obtained from Stuart Weisberg, Labor Relations Advisor, Executive Office Building, 7th Floor, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850; (240)777-5154, [email protected] MCER NO. 34-08T: TEMPORARY POLICE DEPARTMENT REGULATION - Discharge of Guns Within Montgomery County SUMMARY: This temporary regulation requires posting of signs on property of 50 acres or larger where deer hunting is to occur. Temporary regulation 34-08T supersedes Executive Regulation 16-93 effective October 16, 2008. AUTHORIZATION: Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 2A-15 (j). COPIES OF THE TEMPORARY REGULATION: A copy of the temporary regulation may be obtained from Donald Johnson, Police, 801 Sligo Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910; (301)565-7740. |