Proposed Executive Regulations |
MCER NO. 2-11: PROPOSED OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES REGULATION MCPR Amendment to Allow Customized Employment Public Interns to Apply for "Employees Only" Vacancies SUMMARY: The proposed regulation amends Sections 6-2 of the 2001 Montgomery County Personnel Regulations to provide that the OHR Director must allow active and in certain circumstances former customized employment public interns to apply for vacancy announcements that are limited to County employees only.
COMMENTS: Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2011, to Stuart Weisberg, Office of Human Resources, 101 Monroe Street, 7th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, 240-777-5154.
AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 33-7(b), Method 1.
COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION: A copy of the proposed regulation may be obtained from Sarah Cook, Office of Human Resources, 101 Monroe Street, 7th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, 240-777-5064.
MCER NO. 3-11: PROPOSED OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES REGULATION MCPR Amendment on Administrative Leave for Bereavement for Relatives Outside of the Employee's Immediate Family SUMMARY: The proposed regulation amends MCPR Section 21-2 to clarify the process and circumstances under which an employee may be granted administrative leave for bereavement in connection with the death of a relative outside of the employee's immediate family. The proposed regulation would supersede Executive Regulation 12-00AMII, in part.
COMMENTS: Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2011, to Stuart Weisberg, Office of Human Resources, 101 Monroe Street, 7th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, 240-777-5154.
AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 33-7(b), Method 1.
COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION: A copy of the proposed regulation may be obtained from Sarah Cook, Office of Human Resources, 101 Monroe Street, 7th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, 240-777-5064.
MCER NO. 4-11: PROPOSED DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGULATION Systems Benefit Charges-Residential Waste Estimates SUMMARY: Montgomery County Code 2004, Section 48-8A(b)(2)(A), provides that the County Executive must, each fiscal year, establish by Method 2 executive regulation an estimate of the amount of solid waste generated per dwelling unit. This regulation updates the per-household waste generation estimates used to calculate residential Systems Benefit Charges. The proposed regulation would supersede Executive Regulation 4-10. COMMENTS: Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2011, to Anthony Skinner, Department of Environmental Protection/DSWS, 101 Monroe Street, 6th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, Phone 240-777-6438, TTY 240-777-6442. Email: [email protected] AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 48-8A(b)(2)(A), Method 2.
COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION: A copy of the proposed regulation may be obtained from Serena Bell, Department of Environmental Protection/DSWS, 101 Monroe Street, 6th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, Phone 240-777-6459, TTY 240-777-6442.
MCER NO. 5-11: PROPOSED DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING SERVICES REGULATION Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Certifications-Method 2 SUMMARY: This Executive Regulation removes the maximum building permit fee that covers the administration, plan review and enforcement programs of the Department of Permitting Services. The building permit filing fee payable at the time of permit application has been increased to a percentage of the total permit fee due. The overall permit fee has not been increased. Alternative energy sources, such as solar/PV, generators and wind turbines, have been added to Sections III.B.5&25. Re-inspection fees have been removed from Sections I.G.3 and Section II. G. 3. A Residential Use and Occupancy fee has been added to cover the costs associated with the regulation to issue use and occupancy certificates to residential properties in accordance with ZTA 09-03. In Section VII.D.1&3 the language exempting mechanical work performed without a permit from the normal fee has been removed and a fee for an applicant requested partial inspection was added. In Section VII.F a fee for minor room description name changes to approved plans was added. Instead of the higher plan revision fee, applicants will pay lower fee for this simple revision. In Section VII.G.2 and III.H language is inserted that was omitted in the previous Executive Regulation 11-08 due to typographical error. This regulation has also been revised to clarify existing fee descriptions. The proposed regulation would supersede Executive Regulation 11-08. COMMENTS: Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2011, to Reginald Jetter, Department of Permitting Services, 255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, Phone 240-777-6275, TTY 240-777-6256. Email: [email protected] AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 8-13, 8-14, 8-24b, 8-28, 17-2 17-10 17-20, 27-a-5(E), 22-13, 47-2, 47-4, Method 2.
COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION: A copy of the proposed regulation may be obtained from Alexia Roundtree, Department of Permitting Services, 255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, Phone 240-777-6280, TTY 240-777-6256.
MCER NO. 6-11: PROPOSED DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING SERVICES REGULATION Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections-Method 3 SUMMARY: This Executive Regulation in general revises the minimum filing fee associated with Public Right of Way (ROW) and Sediment Control (SC) Permits; establishes the minimum fee for Engineered Public Right of Way Permits and revision to permits; clarifies bond reduction fees; clarifies Stormwater Management Administrative Waiver Review for grandfathering fees in Section II B.3.; establishes fees for Site Development Stormwater Management Plan Review consistent with Stormwater Management Law in Section IIB.4.b.; establishes Small Land Disturbance Permit revision fee and clarifies the Post Construction Monitoring Permit fee. This regulation has also been revised to clarify existing fee descriptions. The proposed regulation would supersede Executive Regulation 12-08. COMMENTS: Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2011, to Reginald Jetter, Department of Permitting Services, 255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, Phone 240-777-6275, TTY 240-777-6256. Email: [email protected] AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 49-38, 19-6, 19-45, 19-67, 30-11, 27A-5(e), Method 3.
COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION: A copy of the proposed regulation may be obtained from Alexia Roundtree, Department of Permitting Services, 255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, Phone 240-777-6280, TTY 240-777 6256.
MCER NO. 7-11: PROPOSED OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES REGULATION MCPR Amendment on Administrative Leave for Organ Donors SUMMARY: This regulation amends MCPR Section 21 to provide administrative leave to an employee for up to 7 days to serve as a bone marrow donor and up to 30 days to serve as an organ donor.
COMMENTS: Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2011 to Stuart Weisberg, Office of Human Resources, 101 Monroe Street, 7th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, 240-777-5154.
AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 33-7(b), Method 1. COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION: A copy of the proposed regulation may be obtained from Sarah Cook, Office of Human Resources, 101 Monroe Street, 7th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, 240-777-5064. Email [email protected]