Montgomery County Register

April 1, 2013 Proposed Executive Regulations

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Click the MCER NO. to view a copy of the executive regulation in its entirety.

Requirements for Housing Initiative Program

SUMMARY:  The proposed regulation supersedes Executive Regulation 17-06AM to establish the requirements for the Housing Initiative Program, formerly known as the Supportive Housing Rental Assistance Program.  This regulation updates the program name, revises definitions, clarifies program requirements, and conforms the regulation to match current departmental practice. 

COMMENTS:  Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2013, to Sara Black, Department of Health and Human Services, Special Needs Housing, 1301 Piccard Drive, Rockville, Maryland, 20850, 240-777-4082, Email: [email protected]

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 2-42A.  Method 2.

COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION:  A copy of the proposed regulation may be obtained from Gloria Huggins, Department of Health and Human Services, Special Needs Housing, 1301 Piccard Drive, 4 th Floor, Rockville, Maryland, 20850, 240-777-4565, Email: [email protected].

Noncompetitive Appointment of Persons with Disabilities

SUMMARY:  The proposed regulation implements Bill No. 32-12, Expanded Hiring of Persons with Disabilities Act, enacted by the County Council on February 5, 2013.  The regulation amends Section 6 of the 2001 Montgomery County Personnel Regulations to establish and maintain a program for the noncompetitive appointment of qualified persons with severe developmental, physical, or psychological disabilities to County merit positions.  The proposed regulation supersedes Executive Regulation 12-00AMII, in part. 

COMMENTS:  Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2013, to Stuart Weisberg, Office of Human Resources, Labor Team, Executive Office Building, 7 th Floor, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 240-777-5154, Email: [email protected]

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 33-7(B).  Method 1.

COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION:  A copy of the proposed regulation may be obtained from Sarah Cook, Office of Human Resources, Labor Team, Executive Office Building, 7 th Floor, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 240-777-5064, Email: [email protected].

Systems Benefit Charges – Residential Waste Estimates

SUMMARY:  Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 48-8A(b)(2)(A), provides that the County Executive must, each fiscal year, establish by Method 2 executive regulation an estimate of the amount of solid waste generated per dwelling unit.  This regulation updates the per-household waste generation estimates used to calculate residential Systems Benefit Charges.  The proposed regulation supersedes Executive Regulation 5-12. 

COMMENTS:  Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2013, to Anthony J. Skinner, Department of Environmental Protection/DSWS, 101 Monroe Street, 6 th Floor, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 240-777-6438, TTY Number 240-777-6442, Email: [email protected]

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 48-8A(b)(2)(A).  Method 2.

COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION:  A copy of the proposed regulation may be obtained from Serena L. Bell, Department of Environmental Protection/DSWS, 101 Monroe Street, 6 th Floor, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 240-777-6459, TTY Number 240-777-6442.

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