Montgomery County Register
April1, 2018 Proposed Executive Regulation
Click the MCER NO. to view a copy of the executive regulation in its entirety.
MCER NO.2-18:
Systems Benefit Charges - Residential Waste Estimates
SUMMARY: Montgomery County Code, 2014, Section 48-8A(b)(2)(A), provides that the County Executive must, each fiscal year, establish by Method 2 executive regulation an estimate of the amount of solid waste generated per dwelling unit. This regulation updates the per-household waste generation estimates used to calculate residential Systems Benefit Charges. The proposed regulation would supersede Executive Regulation 3-17.
COMMENTS: Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2018, to Anthony Skinner, Department of Environmental Protection, Solid Waste Services, 101 Monroe Street, 6
th Floor, Rockville, Maryland, 20850; 240-777-6438; Email:
[email protected].
AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 2014, Section 48-8A(b). Method 2.
COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION: A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Serena Bell, Department of Environmental Protection, Solid Waste Services, 101 Monroe Street, 6
th Floor, Rockville, Maryland, 20850; 240-777-6459; Email:
[email protected].
MCER NO.4-18:
Water Quality Protection Charge
SUMMARY: The proposed regulation dovetails the changes to Bill 1-18, which requires that a property owner who wants to appeal the imposition of the Water Quality Protection Charge (WQPC) take that appeal to the Tax Court, rather than the Board of Appeals as currently provided. This is consistent with Expedited Bill 45-15, which designates the Water Quality Protection charge as an excise tax imposed under the County’s general taxing authority. This regulation would supersede Executive Regulation 12-16.
COMMENTS: Written comments must be submitted by April 30, 2018, to Vicky Wan, Department of Environmental Protection, Director’s Office, 255 Rockville Pike, Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland, 20850; 240-777-7722; Email:
[email protected].
AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 2014, Section 19-35. Method 1.
COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION: A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Vicky Wan, Department of Environmental Protection, Director’s Office, 255 Rockville Pike, Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland, 20850; 240-777-7722; Email:
[email protected].