Get Help / Financial

Financial Get information on financial assistance resources.

If you are struggling financially, please visit our other Get Help pages for resources that can help you with various needs (especially our Multiple Needs page, which contains information on organizations that provide financial assistance, in addition to other types of help).

If you cannot find what you're looking for from the information below, call us at (240) 777-4940 (Mon to Fri, 9am—5pm) or visit us at one of our locations to ask about programs that can help you. 

COVID-19 Resources

Maryland Homeowner Assistance Fund

  • Assists homeowners struggling with their mortgage payments or other housing costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  For assistance applying, call 833-676-0119, Mon-Fri, 8am to  7pm

FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

  • Financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred before May 11, 2023. Assistance will be provided until September 30, 2025. 

Montgomery County Financial Assistance Resources

  • Find information on financial resources, unemployment insurance, and more.

COVID-19 Financial Relief Guide (State of Maryland)

  • Provides information for consumers, including student loan relief, foreclosure prevention, avoiding scams, and more.


Montgomery County Information on Utility Assistance

Montgomery County Utility Assistance Program
  • Provides help with past due bills for heating and electricity, as wells as an ongoing benefit. If you are at risk of a shut off, call 240‐777‐4450.
  • See the presentation from the 2023 Community Navigation Forum for more information about the County's Utility Assistance and Weatherization programs for low-income residents. (Powerpoint presentation: Slides 14-25) (Presentation recording)

Financial assistance programs for water and sewer bills

  • Financial assistance offered by WSSC Water to support customers and make water and sewage bills more affordable.

Low Income Household Water Assistance Program

  • Provides financial assistance for water and/or wastewater bills.
Maryland Office of People's Counsel
  • Provides information on how to get help with your utility bills, including Community Resources Guides in English and Spanish.

Unemployment Insurance

Maryland Department of Labor: 667-207-6520


Montgomery County Recreation's Financial Aid Program

  • Rec Assist is provided by Montgomery County Recreation to make financial assistance available to County residents who receive public assistance. 

General Resources

Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

Emergency Financial Assistance Desk Guide:

  • Provides information on County programs and nonprofit organizations which can assist residents with emergency financial assistance needs, including rent and utility assistance, prescription assistance, etc.

Maryland Department of Human Services, myMDTHINK

  • Gateway to access health and human services, including family services, health and disability services, job readiness support, unemployment assistance, food and cash assistance, child protective services, adult services, housing and energy assistance, and more. 

Catholic Charities: 301-942-1790 option 0, 12247 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20902

  • Provides rent, mortgage, and utility assistance. 

Interfaith Works

  • Emergency Financial Assistance: 240-641-6307
  • Clothing and Home Goods Assistance: 301-424-3796
  • Food Assistance: 301-905-6123

Salvation Army Emergency Assistance : 301-277-6103, Monday-Friday  9am to 3pm; 20021 Aircraft Drive Germantown, MD 20874 

  • Provides emergency financial assistance for rent and utilities.  

Neighborhood Safety Net Program (Sheppard Pratt)

  • Gaithersburg: 301-840-3240; East County: 240-777-4479
  • Case management, referrals, assistance applying for government programs.  Can provide emergency financial assistance in limited circumstances.
Islamic-American Zakat Foundation: 301-907-0997; [email protected]
  • Provides financial assistance for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and medical care for Muslims in need. Also provides social services and referrals.

Tax Preparation Assistance

VITA Program: 240-777-1123; [email protected]
  • Free in-person and virtual appointments available for Montgomery County residents with household incomes of $60,000 or less. Visit website for information on how to make an appointment and other helpful tax resources. All VITA sites serve taxpayers filing with ITINs.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program: 240-777-2577
  • Free tax preparation for low and moderate income taxpayers at many locations throughout the County. 
CASA (English) (Español): 866-765-2272
  • Free tax preparation services for Maryland residents with household incomes of $60,000 or less. Can also assist with ITIN applications. CASA is a membership-based organization.
Comptroller of Maryland: Montgomery County office: 301-942-5400
  • Can schedule online and in-person appointments for assistance with state taxes.
  • To get answers to general questions and get free assistance on Maryland income taxes: 
    • Call Taxpayer Services at: 410-260-7980 or 1-800-MD-TAXES (1-800-638-2937), or e-mail your tax questions to: [email protected] 
IRS Tax Preparation Resources:

Financial Education & Coaching

Money Management International (English) (Español): 866-889-9347
  • Free help in English and Spanish for debt management, housing (foreclosure and eviction) counseling, bankruptcy counseling, and financial education. 
CAFE Montgomery: (240) 409-3925, 11510 Georgia Ave., Suite 100, Wheaton, MD 20902; [email protected]
  • Provides free financial coaching and education to Montgomery County residents.
Gaithersburg Financial Empowerment Center: 240-454-5199,  [email protected]
  • Provides free financial coaching to residents of the City of Gaithersburg (zip codes served: 20877, 20878, 20879). In-person appointments available at Gilchrist Immigrant Resource Center's Gaithersburg office, Fridays, 10am-2:30pm. See flyer (EnglishEspañol) for details.