Victim Assistance and Sexual Assault Program (VASAP) - Human Trafficking

If you are a victim of human trafficking and/or labor servitude, the Victim Assistance and Sexual Assault Program (VASAP) can help.  Trafficking is a form of modern day slavery.  Some typical examples of these types of crime are:

  • A person brought to the United States by an international organization as a domestic worker.  Quickly, however, the worker is forced to work many hours, receiving little or no pay,  their passport is  confiscated, they are denied normal outside contact, and is raped and abused in the household by male members.  This scenario happened to a teenager.
  • Nannies who are brought to the United States by au-pair organizations.  We have seen European as well as Hispanic/Latina nannies who are victims of trafficking and labor servitude.
  • Women are brought to the United States from Central America, Asia and South America with the promises of great paying jobs.  Unfortunately, these women are forced into prostitution once they arrive. 

VASAP has worked with CASA de Maryland, other agencies and immigration attorneys to assist these victims.  Some of VASAP's staff have received specific training, including those by MIRECS and Boat People SOS, on trafficking laws.

Below are links to other useful websites:

For immediate assistance, call:

Weekdays 240-777-1355 weekdays
24-hour crisis line 240-777-4357 24-hour crisis line
TTY 240-777-1347 TTY
FAX 240-777-1329 FAX

Contact us by email at [email protected].