Committee Against Hate/Violence

About the Committee

The County Executive must appoint members to the Committee on Hate/Violence (COHV), subject to confirmation by the County Council. The Committee consists of 15 voting members and six ex-officio, non-voting members. Each voting member must reside in the County. The voting members must broadly reflect the geographic, economic, and social diversity of the County. At least nine voting members should be identified with ethnic or other groups frequently subjected to acts of hate/violence in the County. At least two voting members should be parents of school-age children. At least one voting member should be identified with the County business community. The County Council, Office of the County Executive, Department of Police, Office of Human Rights, Montgomery County Public Schools, and Montgomery College, should each designate a representative to serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Committee. Each voting member serves a three-year term. A voting member must not serve more than two consecutive full terms. A member appointed to fill a vacancy serves the rest of the term. Members continue in office until their successors are appointed and qualified. Voting members receive no compensation for their services.

The duties of the COHV are to develop and distribute information about hate/violence, promote educational activities that demonstrate the positive value of ethnic and social diversity; advise the County Council, the County Executive, and County agencies about hate/violence in the County, and recommend such policies, programs, legislation, or regulations as it finds necessary to reduce the incidences of acts of hate/violence.

Access the Montgomery County Hate/Bias Incident Complaint Form

Committee Administration

Loretta Garcia: [email protected]

Anis Ahmed: [email protected]

Committee Meeting Dates and Times

Committee meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. The meetings generally commence at 7:00 p.m. and adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Committee members are sent an agenda along with the minutes from the prior month's meeting. Meetings are open to the public. Dates and times of each meeting are published on the Office of Human Rights Calendar and the County Master Calendar. In addition to the monthly meeting, a retreat is held each year.

Officers and Members

Voting Members

Pablo Blank, Chair

Gabrielle Zwi. Vice Chair

Sanjeet Sam Dey, Secretary

Lisa Taylor

Craig Simon

Femi Richards

Maria Herrera

Stephanie Troyer

Richard Allen

Tony Jia

Sheik Hassan

Leah Michaels

Susan Stolov

Non-Voting Members

Council Member Kristin Mink, Montgomery County Council, 

Wesley Darden, Montgomery County Council

Janita Love, Montgomery County Public Schools

Katherine Chance, Faith Liaison, County Executive Office

Rachel Breslin, MC Human Rights Commission

Kimberly Jones, Montgomery College

Lt. Jeffrey P. Innocenti, Montgomery County Police

Selena Singleton, Montgomery County Council