Innovation Fellows

Apply for a CX or Departmental Innovation Fellowship

The Innovation Fellows initiative advances organizational transformation by creating space and support for employees delivering results for the County Executive’s Effective Sustainable Government priority. With focused support and structured cross-departmental collaboration, the Innovation Fellows initiative accelerates efforts of leading employees to improve the employee and constituent experience of the service delivery by the County. 

Fellows' work and desired outcomes are integrated into departmental and County goals, as well as their own individual performance reviews. Fellow work is guided and supported by a governance structure of Departmental leaders of directors, champions, and the Office of the County Executive. 

See more details about Innovation Fellowships (Word document)

Fellow Types

In Phase 1, we are offering two Fellow types to Montgomery County Government employees:

  • Constituent Experience (CX) Fellows work beyond and across departments to make improvements and deliver enterprise constituent experience improvements.
  • Departmental Innovation Fellows work within their department's function area on departmental goals.

We also welcome external Open Innovation Fellows and DesignXPeople Civic Design Response Fellows. For more information about these volunteer roles, please write to us at  [email protected].

Fellowship Commitment

CX and Departmental Innovation Fellows commit to a minimum 9-month engagement for 20 to 60% of their time. Fellowships are administered through PACE contracts.

Fellowship Resources