Assistance for Those with Limited English Proficiency
With dedication to consistently high-quality services to all residents in our county and remove language barriers to public services for people with limited English proficiency (LEP), under executive order, translation (written) and interpretation (oral) services are made available to help county staff communicate with customers in their native languages.
Language Access Policies
What You Need to Know About Language Access In Montgomery County
The Executive Order
Español (Spanish)
中文 (Chinese)
한국어 (Korean)
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Policies and Expectations
LEP Annual Reports
LEP Annual Report (FY2011)
LEP Annual Report (FY2010)
LEP Department Liaisons
To find county government officials who are LEP Department Liaisons designated as contacts, click here .
LEP Resources
Access the following resources from
Interpretation and Translation Services for County Employees
Communication Tools
Contact Information
Language Learning and Other Resources
Documents and Downloadable Content
County Executive's Customer Service Commitment
Montgomery County Government is committed to providing exceptional service to our many diverse communities, residents and businesses. I encourage you to contact me if you feel that you have not received excellent service, or have compliments or other comments related to the service you received from your county government.
-Marc Elrich, Montgomery County Executive
Send email to County Executive Marc Elrich