
woman-looking-at-cellphone-with-concern Cyberstalking is a form of online harassment that involves using the internet or other forms of electronic communication to stalk or harass an individual. It can involve a range of behaviors, including but not limited to the following:  
  • Sending threatening or obscene messages or emails
  • Posting personal or sensitive information online
  • Engaging in online harassment or bullying
  • Monitoring an individual’s online activity
  • Spreading false information or rumors about an individual
  • Attempting to intimidate or control an individual through technology.

Cyberstalking can cause significant emotional distress and fear and can be as harmful as in-person stalking. It can also have serious consequences, including identity theft, financial fraud, and physical danger. Victims often spend significant time and effort resolving fraudulent activities, disputing charges, and restoring their identities.
