Make sure to use the
autocomplete function to pick a valid County street name and zip code as you type
You must
place a comma between the street name type or suffix and the zip code (i.e... 100 MARYLAND AVE, 20850)
If your street name begins or ends with a
cardinal direction (i.e... N, S, E, W), then try entering the direction's initials before or after the street name (i.e...W GREENVALE PKWY, 20815 or UNIVERSITY E BLVD, 20783)
Only enter numeric values in the Street Number field
No need to enter a City or State in the Street Name and Zip Code field
Enter street type abbreviations (i.e... LN, ST, AVE, RD, CIR, DR, etc...) rather than spelling them out.
A valid list of County street type abbreviations and their definitions is provided below:
ALY - Alley
AVE - Avenue
BLVD - Boulevard
CIR - Circle
CLOS - Close
CRES -Crescent
CT - Court
CTR - Center
CUT - Cut Thru
CV - Cove
DR - Drive
DRW -Driveway
END - End
ENT - Entrance
ESP - Esplanade
FARE - Fare
HWY - Highway
LN - Lane
LOOP - Loop
MEWS - Mews
OVLK - Overlook
PIKE - Pike
PKWY - Parkway
PL - Place
PLZ - Plaza
RAMP - Ramp
RD - Road
RUN - Run
SQ - Square
ST - Street
TER - Terrace
TRL - Trail
WAY - Way
WALK - Walkway
The address is actually not located in Montgomery County, Maryland
The street number, street name, or zip code are incorrectly entered
The address is a new address that has not yet been added to the County's Storm Operations database
A valid County street address entered by a user does not match the address street name, direction (i.e... N, S, E, W), or type (i.e... ST, LN, AVE. etc...) provided in the County's Storm Operations database.
Select the Street Address Searching Tips button for assistance for this issue.