Meeting Rooms

Plan your next event at the Upcounty Regional Services Center!

The Sidney Kramer Upcounty Regional Services Center has three meeting rooms (accommodating 20, 50, and 100 people) that are available to Montgomery County residents, businesses, community organizations, and nonprofit groups for business meetings at a minimal cost. They may be used by nonprofit groups holding meetings of a civic, cultural or educational nature. All requests for use of the meeting rooms must be submitted to Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF). Applications may be submitted on-line, by fax, mail or in-person at either of the CUPF locations.

Amenities include:

  • Free Wifi access in all rooms
  • Dry Erase and black boards in all rooms
  • Retractable movie screen available in Room A and C
  • Sinks available in Room A and C
  • Convenient to public parking
  • Steps away to more restaurants and shopping
  • Coffee and light refreshments are permitted (see the Meeting Room Regulations for more information)
A photo of Conference Room A in the Upcounty Regional Services Center.

Conference Room A

Visit the Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF) website or call CUPF at 240-777-2712 or fax 240-777-2707 to reserve rooms or spaces.

Community Meeting Rooms

 A Conference Room A - First Floor
local non-profit rate: $20.00 hourly
out-of-county/for-profit rate: $40.00 hourly
26 ft. x 38 ft. Capacity: 100
Seating: 50
 C Conference Room C - First Floor
local non-profit rate: $15.00 hourly
out-of-county/for-profit rate: $30.00 hourly
15 ft. x 21 ft. Capacity: 20
Seating: 20
 D Conference Room D - Third Floor
local non-profit rate: $20.00 hourly
out-of-county/for-profit rate: $40.00 hourly
 26 ft. x 30 ft. Capacity: 50
Seating: 50

Upcounty Meeting Room Regulations

  1. Organizations or groups authorized to use County facilities will be a Montgomery County nonprofit organization or group, regional or a Montgomery County chapter or branch of a State or national nonprofit organization.
  2. All gatherings and meetings shall be open to the public.
  3. The rooms shall be used for meetings of a civic, cultural or educational nature only.
  4. Organizations or groups may not reserve County facilities for more than two meetings per month.
  5. Admission fees may not be collected. Donations are allowed.
  6. Loud music is not allowed in any of the rooms.
  7. No alcoholic beverages of any kind are permitted on County property, except by special permit.
  8. All organizations are responsible for leaving the rooms in the correct arrangement, as shown in the diagram in each room.
  9. Every organization or group will be responsible for closing doors, turning off lights and straightening up the rooms that they use in the facility. Security of a County facility will remain a County Government responsibility.
  10. The rooms are not booked on official Holidays. Check with the Administrative Office for official Holiday dates.
  11. County communications systems such as telephones, radios, fax machines, etc., will not be used during meetings or to promote future meetings or to disseminate information to members of an organization.
  12. Posting of bulletins, schedules, posters and announcements, etc., concerning the scheduled meeting shall be limited to official bulletin boards and will require prior approval of the facility manager of the building.
  13. All members of the organization and the audience attending a meeting must vacate the County facility by the time shown on the application form.
  14. Light refreshments are allowed in all meeting rooms of this facility. The County does not furnish coffee urns, dishes or other equipment. Organizations and groups are responsible for cleaning up after their meeting.
  15. The County does not have message taking capabilities, nor does it have a public address system.
  16. Neither the name nor the address of the County facility may be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization.
  17. Equipment belonging to an organization or group using a County facility may not be stored in the County building between meetings.
  18. Future privileges for use of County facilities by an organization or group may be refused for infractions or any of the rules and regulations outlined in Administrative Procedure 5-9 or the rules and regulations for the particular facility they desire to use, as outlined in this application.
  19. The Chief Administrative Officer may refuse the use of a County facility if it appears that the use may likely provoke or add to a public riot or a breach of the peace, or create a clear and present danger to the peace and welfare of the County