Custody And Security

Bernard Wade
Deputy Warden of Custody and Security

Montgomery County Correctional Facility
Address: 22880 Whelan Lane, Boyds, Maryland 20841 | Telephone: (240) 773-9842 | Directions |  Bus Schedule |  Inmate Visiting

The Custody and Security Section is responsible for the security of the entire facility, which includes maintaining order and discipline within the Montgomery County Correctional Facility.  The officers assigned to the Custody and Security Section follow established guidelines, regulations, and policies and procedures in order to perform their duties.

The Custody and Security Section has three fully staffed Units under the supervision of Correctional Team Leaders (Captains).  Each of the three Units has four squads of officers headed by a Correctional Shift Commander Administrator (Lieutenant) and supporting Sergeants and line officers that directly supervise inmates incarcerated at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility.  As a ‘Direct Supervision’ facility, these officers work closely with inmates housed in their assigned ‘pods’ and are able to closely observe the behavior of individuals, which deters disturbances and escapes.

Correctional Officers routinely maintain order and security for the entire facility.  They are tasked with the inspection of all locks, windows, doors and hardware used throughout the facility to secure inmates.  These inspections are conducted on each of the three shifts which cover the security of the facility twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.  Officers search inmates moving from one location to another in order to ensure contraband or weapons are not moving through the facility.  Officers process inmates in and out of the facility following tested methods of proficiency in order to prevent contraband from entering the facility.  They screen and monitor visitors to ensure the safety of other visitors, inmates, and staff.

Services Information  

Title Phone Number
Warden (240) 773-9747
Deputy Warden of Custody and Security (240) 773-9842
Captain (240) 773-9863
Fire and Safety Team (240) 773-9713