Clarksburg Citizens and Business Advisory Group

Monthly Meeting

April 17,  2001 

Bina Allgood, Mark Bonanno, Elisabeth Fetting, Lynn Glassbrook, Robert Green, Nancy Hislop, Steve Howie, Cathy Jewell, Suzy Malagari, Loretta McClintock, Phil McLaughlin, Teresa Noone, Michael O'Brien (Rosa Parks Middle School), Tom Odt, Terry Reister, Brian Roynstad, Guy Ruffner, Brent Simmons, Art Wallenstein, John Williams 

Construction Report
Sandra Batterden, Project Manager was not able to attend.  Guy reported the outside of the general housing area is being applied.  We are trying to gain back lost time (approximately 40 days because of weather).  By July we should have a better idea of a completion date, as well as when the inmates would be moved.  Plans were made to have a site tour at next months meeting (May 15, 2001).  Members should meet at the Clarksburg Community Center at 6:30 p.m. where vehicles should take them to the construction site or meet at the construction site for the tour to begin by 7:00 p.m.

Budget Comments
Art mentioned as a news item that it is budget time and the budget hearings are coming up.  Almost 100% of the security staff was approved in last years budget and they are being hired now.  The budget for next year must be approved by the end of June.  Thirty-four additional positions are up for consideration.

American Jail Association
Rob will be attending, with five other correctional staff, the American Jail Association Conference in Columbus, Ohio April 21st through April 26th.  Art had invited one interested CBAG member to attend this conference as a learning experience.  Art needs to talk to Terry to finalize the details of the trip.

News Article
Art spoke of the misreported information that was printed in a local newspaper suggesting that the jail recreation budget was $5 million.  The newspaper printed a retraction and apologized.  The correct budget for jail recreation is $69,500 which a salary and full benefit package for one Recreation Specialist. 

Staff Recreation
Terry asked what recreational facilities the staff had available.  At the new jail there will be weight and workout areas with cardio-vascular equipment.  There will be an expanded locker room with enough lockers for all the staff.

Leadership Montgomery
Leadership Montgomery is a group of people from all different sectors of the community who come together for a year of training.  Steve extended his thanks to Art for inviting him to speak to this group.

Transportation/visiting survey
Phil McLaughlin from Transit Service introduced Elisabeth Fetting also from Transit Service.  The survey results were e-mailed to members previous to this meeting.  This survey looked to be very close to the survey taken last summer.  The peak on Monday is due to the visiting schedule including E-wing (newly locked-up individuals).  The bus usage was lower on the weekends possibly due to visitors not working on weekends and being able to get rides.  There were other questions concerning patterns on the other days of the week.  A current visiting schedule will be sent with the minutes to compare to the completed survey.  Phil estimates approximately 50 people a week are using transit.  Taking the survey results into consideration, the visiting schedule for MCCF is flexible at this time.  The true evaluation will take place when the doors open. 

There is ample parking at MCCF, unlike MCDC.  There are no more options to expand the parking at MCDC, but this will be alleviated once MCCF opens.
Steve mentioned bus lines as an alternative to subways.  This is a designated bus system carrying high volumes of people.  This is one option being discussed with the I270 corridor.  It could help the parking problems in our area.

The county has a 50% goal for recycling.  MCDC began at 9% and increased this percentage to 60% in 120 days.  Our goal is to show that the jail can be exemplary.  The next focus is the recycling of food waste.  Art is paneling the county to discuss food waste management where worms are added and a very rich compost is made.  Art asked if there would be any interest in the Kingsley Project students taking part in the food waste project.  There were questions concerning the size of the project. 

Contacting The Schools
Terry contacted Clarksburg Elementary and Rocky Hill Middle schools.  Principal Al Stein has retired.  Nancy talked with Principal Sonny Lee about our monthly meeting and there was supposed to be a representative attending tonight.  We would like to establish a line of communication with these schools through e-mail addresses.  Nancy will personally extend an invitation to our tour next month. 

Art gave out two handouts to read for the members general information.  The handouts were an informational report by the Bureau of Statistics and a letter Art sent to two members of the Judiciary Committee.  His letter discusses the county correction's impact of returning millions of people back to the community.

There are 24 new Correctional Officers (10 additional CO's are in the hiring process), 4 Community Health Nurses and 3 Psychiatric Nurses that have been hired.  There will be a job advertisement going out for a Mental Health Therapist position in the near future.  Art will have a full recruitment report e-mailed when available. 

Mental Health
There is a new person in Health and Human Services, Dr. Peter Luongo, recently hired in connection with the Corrections Behavioral Health Initiative.  Dr. Luongo is outstanding in program development.  Art spoke of inviting him to a community meeting in the fall. 

There were many questions concerning inmate mental health issues.  The focus is that our staff is going to make sure the inmate is properly maintained and start therapeutic intervention.  Wherever they are going upon release, the therapist from that area clinic should be at the jail for the handoff back into the community. When the Mental Health Initiative is complete an entire session could be devoted to these issues. 

Loretta gave an update on the public forum.  They are looking at the middle of November, as close to the jail opening as possible.  She received the faith-based community list which she is updating as far as pastors and representatives who would be the contacts for the forum.  In the next two months she should have a complete and current list of faith-based communities.  Art suggested that an invitation be sent to the current MCDC volunteers. 

Volunteer Banquet
The annual Volunteer Banquet is scheduled for May 3, 2001 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at MCDC.

NEXT MEETING IS May 15, 2001. 

Meet at the Clarksburg Community Center at 6:30 p.m. (vehicles will be provided to transport) or go straight to the construction site.  Tour begins at 7:00 p.m.