Clarksburg Citizens and Business Advisory Group
Monthly Meeting


October 16,  2001


Bina Allgood, Mark Bonanno, Howard Copeland, Carl Crawford, Leon Grant, Robert Green, Harold Hargott, Nancy Hislup, Vonda Henley, Steve Howie, Cathy Jewell, Loretta McClintock, Phyllis Morrougiello, Teresa Noone, Bill Novak, Tom Odt, Guy Ruffner, Dale Ryan, Art Wallenstein, John Williams

Construction Report


  • There has been a considerable increase in activity at the site.
  • In getting ready for the winter months the contractors have been stabilizing the construction site
  • The paving around the facility is complete and the paver is ready to begin work on Whelan Lane.
  • The landscaping contractor is seeding.
  • The masonry contractor is still working on the housing units to close up the building.



  • The masonry is complete except for the officer's stations.
  • The plasterwork has begun on designated ceilings in the central building.
  • Most of the dry wall ceilings have been completed.
  • The cabling contractor has begun work.
  • The mechanical contractor is reportedly finished and ready to turn on the heat.  Construction dust needs to be cleaned up before that can happen.


Corrections has asked for a sample of the steal mesh to do testing (surrounds the recreational areas).  Art suggested that samples could be brought to a meeting or we could email a couple of members to see a test, at the site, of certain materials being used.  There has been no design changes in the last month.

Construction Changes

Bill reported the substantial completion date has been changed to March 30, 2002 (when it is turned over to Corrections). They want to make sure the contractors have enough time to complete their commissioning and punch out lists (touching-up paint, patching drywall, etc.).  Within sixty (60) days of substantial completion the first inmates will be moved.   This extension does not have any impact on the hiring of staff.  Art stated this will be the first correctional facility to open fully staffed.

Simulated Incarceration

Art introduced Howard Copeland as the Simulated Incarceration Coordinator.  He has been with the department approximately twelve (12) years.  Howard will be preparing a list of categories to form his invitation list.  The simulated incarceration will occur after the jail has been turned over to DOCR.  To all who are invited it will be an educational experience and a training exercise for the officers.  The tentative date is some time in April.

Community Notification

The new issue, - How will we inform the community if there is an escape -  (Planning for Emergency Situations) was added to our Issues Chart.  Art reported that from his inquiry requesting information on the Large Jail Network he received no response concerning a written policy for notifying the public.  Our commitment to the community is to develop our own policy. 

 Art suggested that a panel be organized of two CBAG members, two school volunteers, Tom, Rob and Guy to discuss how the community wants to be notified.  They will have an open agenda to explore all ideas.  Steve stated there have been some concerns about how community members would be notified who work outside.  Loretta spoke of her concern of how the media would report emergency situations.  The CBAG volunteers will be Cathy Jewel and Carl Crawford.  Bina will call the work group members to set up the first meeting.  A draft report on proposals should be submitted no later than December.

Rob informed the group that a closed work session of public safety personnel is meeting in November to discuss Emergency Preparedness.  There is a document by the Justice Department which would be used as a critical model.  Copies of this will be given to each of the members of the work group.  As a result of the public safety meeting, there will be information to bring back to the work group.

Transition Report

The number of tours has increased with heightened interest in the facility.  Several other county agencies have requested tours.  Policy and procedures are completed.  The next step is to take each policy and procedure to the site and walk them through to test them.  The Transition Team has grown.  Recently Rob Green, Vonda Henley and Howard Copeland have moved in. 

Direct Supervison

Loretta thanked Corrections for allowing she and Tom to attend a day of Direct Supervision Training.  It was a great learning experience.  She spoke of the importance and enthusiasm the officers put into their work and that it would be a great idea to make a Direct Supervision presentation to the public. 

Public Community Forum

Loretta reported that she and Phyllis are at the final stages of planning the forum.  She gave an update on the Public Community Forum that is being planned for November 8 at 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.  It will be held at St. Rose of Lima Parish Center, 11701 Clopper Road, Gaithersburg, MD.

It is to raise awareness and opportunities for citizens throughout the county. 


Vonda Henley gave a report that she receives many calls a day from interested citizens with questions and ideas or that want to participate in the volunteer program.  She is trying to maintain the interest of the volunteers to come to MCCF when it opens.

Sheriff's Recruitment

Mark commented that the MCCF opening delay would actually give the extra time they need to have a large recruitment class completed.  Art added that it is a difficult time in our area for recruitment.

Kingsley Wilderness SCHOOL

Cathy gave an update on the Kingsley Wilderness school.  Even though there is a moratorium on school building, a plan was finalized on how the portables would be setup.  The buildings should be laid out with consideration for the kids attending the school, the integrity to the Moneysworth farm, and the cultural site.  It is a good area for the environmental work the students do.  Cathy feels it is a good partnership (MCCF shares the site with Kingsley Wilderness School) and will reflect the schole="mso-spacerun:yes">  It is anticipated that the school will move back to the site by next school year.  Bill and Cathy agreed to meet to get up-to-date facilities/school board information. 

Tom questioned the land locked piece of property near the architects house.  Art stated that the county is working on purchasing this and he hopes to get a status report soon.  He'll make some inquiries and give an update at the next meeting.



Members can meet at the Community Center at 6:30 p.m., car pool to the site by 6:45 p.m. or meet at the site parking lot at 7:00 p.m.

The tour will last no later than 8:30 p.m.