Clarksburg Citizens and Business Advisory Group
Monthly Meeting

September 18,  2001


Bina Allgood, Mark Bonanno, Elisabeth Fetting, Robert Green, Nancy Haslup, Vonda Henley, Loretta McClintock, Phyllis Morrougiello, Bill Novak, Tom Odt, Terry Reister, Brian Roynstad, Guy Ruffner, Dale Ryan, W.L. Smith, Art Wallenstein, John Williams


Art introduced W.L. Smith as the new Warden for MCDC (Rockville).  This will take effect October 1, at which time Rob will permanently be at the Transition House ( Clarksburg ) preparing for the opening of MCCF.  W.L. is a veteran with our department as well as with the Maryland Department of Corrections.  The selection process consisted of three panels: senior county managers and law enforcement managers, staff members (union and non-union), and four neighborhood homeowner presidents and three advocacy group managers (NAACP, Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Coalition for the Homeless). 

Construction Report

Bill reported that the most noticeable element of the building is the masonry.  The exterior of the building is well along in its cladding (face block), to be completed by the middle of October.  The remainder of the interior masonry work (e.g. Officer's Station) will be completed also.  Once the mason is completed the site can be stabilized before any weather problems. 

A number of exterior lights have been set up.  The community can get a feel for the maximum amount of illumination.

Crews are starting to do their start-ups of the mechanical systems.  The air conditioning system is working and crews are preparing for heat.  Very close to having the building completely enclosed.  The front entryway (glass block) is to be completed soon.  The security systems are scheduled to be installed next week.  

Tom asked if there had been any significant deviation from the original design.  Since the time that Bill has been project manager there has not been any significant changes.  Substantial completion is still December 2001.

Construction Changes

Art reported that the only new/changes he has seen submitted was the expansion of the size of the community room off of the lobby and putting wire around the top of the security fence, inside of the sallyport.  Rob stated that we are starting to do our critical walk-through, observing everything in place in the structure.  It is a well thought out project with everything coming together (no major changes).  

Perimeter Concerns

Tom asked what is the configuration of the wire on the second perimeter security fence?  There are three bales of wire on the bottom and two on top (one on the inside and one on the outside) that are tied to the bar at the top of the fence.  There are three means of perimeter protection; lighting system, tamper system and fence/razor wire.  Terry asked about testing the security system of MCCF before inmate occupancy.  During the 60 day preparation time there will be many to tests of the security systems.  Other outside staff, from other agencies will be brought in to assist with this. 

Site Visit

A planned CBAG group site tour is planned for November.  November 13, 2001 was the planned date (second Tuesday in November due to Thanksgiving).  Members can meet at the Community Center at 6:30 p.m., car pool to the site by 6:45 p.m. or meet at the site parking lot at 7:00 p.m.  The tour will last no later than 8:30 p.m.   

Transition Report

Policy and procedures are completed.  The next step is to take each policy and procedure to the site and walk them through to test them.  Things that will be determined will be what barriers will be a factor for the officer or how long will it take to get from one location to another. 

Furniture, computers, medical equipment and supplies, vehicles, officer supplies, etc. are being ordered which will be stored in the gym. 

The Transition Team is looking into a wireless sound system.  This is a wireless sound transmitter that would be hooked up to each television.  The inmates will have headsets/walkmans through which the television sound is transmitted, therefore eliminating loud noises from the day room where it can be used for programs.  

The number of tours has increased with heightened interest in the facility.  Groups scheduled have been Police recruits, Health and Human Resources staff, and the County Executive.  Guy reminded everyone that if a CBAG member came to the Transition House for a tour he would be able to take them on a tour, but others who would not be a part of an organized group, he could not take on a tour.  He suggested that friends and neighbors come to the November tour.  

The Transition Team has had the final meeting with the Transportation group (Police and Sheriff).  We provided after hour data on releases and medical transports for an entire year.  Mark reported that they would be providing the majority of the transports.  After working out some logistical issues, each agency has worked out the times of the day that they are responsible for.  The Sheriff's Department reported that they have manpower issues, but are certain they will be able to cover their transports.

Average Daily Population

The MCDC population has increased as we begin the fall months due to vacations being over and legislature being back in session which all creates more activity. 

 Policy Change

Art reported that we have ceased moving inmates as of mid May for chest x-rays to the Health Department at Dennis Avenue.  Radiation Physics comes to MCDC to do the chest x-rays.  This has improved security in the community.

Simulated Incarceration

The simulated incarceration will occur after the jail has been turned over to DOCR.  Based on the substantial completion date, it is still tentatively scheduled for mid January with invitations going out in December.  Officer Howard Copeland will be coordinating the simulated incarceration and will be at the Transition House as of October 1. 

Active Duty

Due to the recent terrorist attack, Loretta asked if there would be any plan for inmates, who are not high risk, to allow them to serve their time as military reservist.  Art stated that this would not be allowed.  We would not change our classification criteria.  The county has a full range of programs for an inmate to serve his/her community.  We currently have work force groups and Alternative Community Services (ACS) work crews.  The plan is to have the weekenders, who would be housed separately at MCDC, out working on these work crews once MCCF opens.  

Direct Supervision

The Direct Supervision training classes are approximately 90% completed with the last of the classes coming up in October.  Tom asked if direct supervision is currently being used at MCDC.  There are 5-6 housing units operating at MCDC that are designed to facilitate direct supervision.  The direct supervision training is much more involved compared to what is practiced at MCDC.  Art invited any of the members of the CBAG group to attend the direct supervision training for a day. 

Security Issue

Tom wanted to add another issue to our Issues Chart.  If, by a remote chance, an inmate would get past the security perimeter, what plan would there be to notify residents/community?  Art stated that this would be put on the agenda as a new work issue.  A few thoughts to consider would be an email list or a phone tree.  A plan is needed for after hours and/or school hours.  The Advisory Group can form their thoughts on this and it can be discussed at the next meeting.  Art will collect data to bring to the next meeting also.  

Public Forum

Loretta gave an update on the Public Community Forum that is being planned for November 8 at 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.  It will be held at St. Rose of Lima Parish Center, 11701 Clopper Road, Gaithersburg, MD.  For those interested, there will be discussion of how a jail should function within a community.  Loretta has gotten word to the up-county faith communities.  She will be sending out flyers to county and local organizations that would have an interest in the forum.  Nancy Haslup of the Up-County Government Center will put the information on the county satellite.   

Dale asked about having a meeting to give an overview of MCCF to the community possibly at Rocky Hill Middle School.   


The MCDC re-use plan was made public June 7.  There have been several public discussions and presentations in the Rockville community.  Mr. Duncun will finalize the draft of the Program of Requirements for the re-use of the existing facility.  He will prioritize the project in the fall.  It will go to the County Council on January 15 (the CIP plan).  By May there will be a CIP budget for the next six years (refocused every two years).  None of this is hinged on MCCF.  The complete estimate is $20 million for a complete upgrade.

Art will suggest to Steve Howie that the new co-chairperson be Rob Green since he will be the Warden at MCCF and will be at the Transition House starting next month.