Clarksburg Citizens and Business Advisory Group Monthly Meeting
Montgomery County Correctional Facility | Telephone: (240) 773-9700
MEETING DATE: June 15, 2004
Bina Allgood: MCCF OSC
Leon Grant: Pastor, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Robert Green: Warden
Nancy Hislop: Up-County Services Center
Bill Campbell, chairman of the Library Advisory Committee, conducted research into the needed assistance at the MCCF Library, which he presented to the council. They saw the extreme need for additional staff at the MCCF Library. As a result, the budget was finalized by the County Council and a part-time Library Assistant was approved for the MCCF Library. Warden Green has had no responses to our need in the Library for volunteers.
We are being reviewed by the Maryland Commission on Correctional Standards at this time. Once this is completed, all the accreditations that MCCF is accountable for will be completed within the first fifteen months of operation. We have already received accreditation through the National Commission on Correctional Health Care and the American Correctional Association accreditations.
The MCCF Volunteer Coordinator, Vonda Henley has resigned. The announcement to fill this important position will be going out as soon as possible. If you need to contact someone reference volunteerism, contact Warden Green directly (240) 773-9747.
The annual awards ceremony for Correctional Employees Week is scheduled for July 14, 2004. Invitation flyers were given to all present to attend as our guest. It will be held at the University of Maryland, Shady Grove Campus at 11:00 a.m.
We are still looking for Latino/Hispanic literacy volunteers. With the increase in the Hispanic population at MCCF, these volunteers are a critical need for us at this time. Nancy suggested contacting the Spanish Catholic center in Gaithersburg. Luis Martinez, a contact from the Up-County Regional Center, is routinely in touch with the Warden on any information or contacts he has been able to find.
Vicky Dorworth has been working on an articulation agreement between Montgomery College and DOCR. She emailed Rob recently that Montgomery College has approved DOCR twelve college credits for our entrance level academy and some of the in-house training. Finalization of the agreement is still in process at Montgomery College.
MCCFCAG members recently responded to Rob's request for volunteers to help conduct mock job interviews with the inmates. The inmates were very appreciative and learned many things about interviewing for a job. A special thanks to Nancy Hislop for participating in this program.
The Life Skills program is expanding to include more classes (real life issues). Class subjects that have been suggested are parenting, family nutrition, taking care of infants, basic child care, banking, cooking, etc. Rob will be calling on the members to volunteer to teach some of these classes. The inmates have a huge respect for these volunteers, because they are not paid employees, but came to teach because they care and want to get involved.
Expanding Life Skills and programs is part of how we want to look at 21st Century changes in rehabilitation services. Our focus for the next year is going to be re-entry; how can we put people back into the community with a better connection to services, jobs, etc. What programs can we send with the inmate when they are released that would give them the tools needed to be successful.
We are still hoping for attendees from the Montgomery County Public Schools, and the NAACP. There is a new president of the Clarksburg Civic Association, Paul Majuski, who was invited to tonight's meeting. We will continue contacting these groups for participation in the MCCFCAG meetings.
Due to July and August being the vacation season, the next meeting will be September 21, 2004 at MCCF, (2nd Floor)