Clarksburg Citizens and Business Advisory Group Monthly Meeting
Montgomery County Correctional Facility | Telephone: (240) 773-9700
MEETING DATE: December 17, 2002
Bina Allgood, Joe Anastasi, Jenny Barber, Howard Copeland, Julie Funt, Sabrina Garcia, Rob Green, Nancy Hislop,Steve Howie, Cathy Jewell, Mary Jones-Brown, Loretta McClintock, Bill Novak, Terry Reister, BrianRoynestad, Guy Ruffner, Susan Singer-Bart, Rick Tegethoff, Art Wallenstein
Art Wallenstein introduced Howard Copeland and Sabrina Garcia who are organizing the Simulated Incarceration event scheduled for February 15-16, 2003. They are busy working on finalizing the invitation list. There were 700 pre-invitation cards sent this week to the invitees so they will be looking for the upcoming invitation packets in the mail (due to be mailed the first week of January 2003). There will be single cell bed space for 500 participants and sufficient parking with 358-plus parking spaces. County Transit will provide a couple of Ride-On buses for attendees that do not want to drive to Clarksburg. Loretta McClintock asked if there will be any demonstrations from special units. There will not be enough time for demonstrations, but the ERT unit will be present in tactical uniform to explain what an emergency tactical team's duties are.
There will be two public tour days, February 23-24, 2003, 10 am to 4 pm. The formal dedication by County Executive Duncan will be in early March (invitations will be sent out).
Bill Novak reported that Department of Public Works and Transportation was very close to turning over the building to Corrections. All construction activity is completed. On December 19, DPWT will give Corrections full occupancy to the building. Bill Novak will remain active on site for two months to make sure the facility is running and functioning smoothly. Steve Howie requested that an email be sent to the CBAG group when the building is officially turned over to Corrections.
There are a few outstanding issues to be completed. The planting around the exterior of the building is still not complete due to the inclement weather. In the spring when the site is stable the exterior work will be completed. There are ongoing warranty issues with contractors which Bill Novak and Rob Green will work through for compliancy.
The recent snow and ice storms gave the facility a good emergency and structural test. The detection systems, perimeter gates, snow removal, roof leaks, etc. created no major problems
Rob Green reported that the general cleaning for the MCCF lobby, the second floor, and the staff services area has been contracted with Centers for the Handicapped Incorporated (CHI). From four to seven clients arrive with a supervisor to clean three days a week. They are very dedicated to their work, they do a good job and our staff likes working with them.
Corrections staff training (MCCF Orientation) will begin January 2, 2003. Specialty training for the Transition Team has been ongoing for the last month.
The Fire and Police will begin their scenarios and tactical training after Corrections completes their orientation training.
Rob Green explained the collaboration with the Police Department to have a caged emergency vehicle available at the jail site at all times. In the event there is a hospital transport after hours when the Sheriff is not available the caged vehicle can be used to transport the inmate.
Steve Howie had a concern about the "Dead End" sign at the entrance to Whelan Lane. He feels it is an inappropriate sign for inmates to see when entering Whelan Lane to the jail. Rob Green will see that there is a sign change as well as correcting several signs that had been knocked down.
The Kingsley Wilderness School gate and fence that Corrections is to install will be completed after all the heavy equipment traffic has ended for the Kingsley renovation project. Long Fence can install the fence with a quick turnaround to be located on the other side of the WSSC building. Rob Green will contact Bill Novak for the exact location.
Bill Novak reported that the Moneysworth Farm project is proceeding forward. The architects are doing their site surveys, structural analysis, and are also beginning to document for public interpretation for a series of plaques at the County building or to display on the web page. The archeological structural study has already been completed. The building will be restored structurally and historically for the Kingsley Wilderness School administrative offices. The project completion will be late February.
The siren will be tested as agreed upon on January 6, at 1:00 pm (first Monday of the month at 1 pm). Rob Green notified the schools and put out additional community flyers. He reported that the Community Notification magnets are a success. They seem to be reaching the community members as well as this district's new council member, Mr. Knapp. The recorded voice message system is set up and when the inmates arrive the notification numbers will be activated.
The Dialogic System (Reverse 911) is not an option at this time because the County is still researching/updating this system. The system would allow emergency personnel to call numbers by area code or regions in the County. This project initiative is ongoing.
Rob Green spoke about this group's previous discussion to reconstitute the group from a Clarksburg Citizens and Business Advisory Group to a full Advisory Group for the institution. The group's valuable input is needed for as long as MCCF is a part of their community and needs to continue. We would like to transition to a broader committee. The first year there will still be issues concerning our relationship with the local community. Loretta McClintock stated that diversity groups or mental health groups need to be available for input into this advisory group. Corrections is currently in contact with many of these groups which would be invited to attend. The group can decide whether to meet quarterly, bi-monthly, etc. Steve Howie suggested the need to bring in people from all the surrounding communities (Frederick County, P.G. County, D.C.). Art Wallenstein went on record stating that Corrections would like this group to move to a full, broader advisory committee within 90 days of the opening of the new jail.
A question was asked as to who was taking Vonda's Henley's (Volunteer Coordinator) calls in her absence (maternity leave). Deputy Warden Mary Jones-Brown (240-777-9964) and one of her staff are covering programs.
The Inmate Orientation Video (bilingual) is not yet complete. The production company noted that we need to wait until the building has everything in place that it would have when it opens. Production is expected to begin in January. The final video will be shown to the CBAG group when it is completed.
Art Wallenstein reported that the County committee is in the final stages of selecting an architectural firm for the MCDC Re-Use project. Warden W.L. Smith is a representative on this committee. Once an architect is selected the Rockville Neighbor Advisory Committee will start meeting for their input.
The first meeting of the new council members is January 23 to brief them on Corrections. Mike Knapp is the new council member for the Clarksburg district. Art Wallenstein will report to the group next month on the County budget situation. The Department's budget was submitted December 16.
The next meeting will be January 21, 2002 at MCCF, in the Warden's Conference Room (second floor)