Montgomery County Detention Center
Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee

Advisory Date
Administrative Conference Room, MDCD
Warden William L. Smith ~ (240) 777-9962
MCDC Warden Office


Mr. Heyliger, Duty Warden Jones, Captain Ruffner, Captain Gomes, Ms. Distance-Thompson, Lt. Roth and Mr. Posada


The RNAC meeting was held at MCDC administration conference room at approximately 7:45 A.M.. Present at the meeting was Mr. Orlando Heyliger, Neighborhood Resources Coordinator from the City of Rockville was in attendances along with MCDC management team. Duty Warden Jones, Captain Ruffner, Captain Gomes, Ms. Distance-Thompson, Lt. Roth and Mr. Posada.

Mr. Heyliger was informed of the incident of the gas leak from a boiler located in the High-Rise basement. County Facility Maintenance was notified as well as County Fire and Rescue Services. The Fire department after inspecting the High-Rise basement and entire facility identified a leak in one of the boiler's lines and ordered it to be turned off until it could either fixed or replaced. After Fire and Rescue declared the facility to be safe, Washington Gas Company was called to come to service all boilers and repair another boilers deemed in need of repair or replacement.

At no time was there any treat to public safety in the immediate neighbors adjacent to the facility. Had that been the case a call would have went immediately to Director Wallenstein for the order to make the proper notification our law-enforcement colleagues for assistants to evacuate staff and inmate.    

As of to date there is no new information  regarding Capital Projects, MCDC Reuse project or Proposed New Jail to replace the current aging facility.

Montgomery County Detention Center
Address: 1307 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, Maryland 20854
Contact : Warden William L. Smith at (240) 777-9962
Directions |  Map |  Bus Schedule |
Light breakfast served