Pre-Release And Reentry Services Frequently Asked Questions

Address: 11651 Nebel Street, Rockville, Maryland 20852 | Telephone: (240) 773-4200 | Directions | Bus Schedule Metro | Visiting | Resident Pay Phone Numbers

When are sentenced individuals eligible for consideration for PRRS?
Under Montgomery County statutes, PRRS may serve individuals who are within 12 months of release from confinement. However, PRRS generally aims to enroll individuals into its program when they are within 6 months or release, and will enroll individuals for longer periods of time when there are specific needs and benefits.

Do I need to be a resident of Montgomery County to participate in the program?
No. Individuals serving sentences of 18 months or less in the Montgomery County Department of Correction and Rehabilitation are eligible for consideration for PRRS whether they are residents or not. The program also serves individuals returning from the State Division of Correction who are within six months of release, who have been approved by PRRS screeners, and who will be returning to Montgomery County. Finally, the program has a contract with the Federal Bureau of Prisons and will screen for eligibility individuals who are within six months of release and returning to the Greater Washington Metropolitan Area..

What offense charges would rule out an individual's eligibility for PRRS?
Individuals with a past conviction for escape from any type of correctional program are ineligible for PRRS. However, the offenses of all candidates are carefully scrutinized, and PRRS screeners will only recommend individuals into the program that can be safely managed in a community correctional setting.

Do you take sex offenders?  If so, why and what do you do with them?
Individuals with sex offenses are considered and placed at PRRS with the belief that the public's safety is enhanced when soon-to-be released sex offenders can address their reentry needs and avoid post-release homelessness and an inability to support themselves. All individuals with sex offenses are placed on GPS electronic monitoring, complete a registration process with the local police and must participate in sex offender treatment services. As with all residents, they only access the community with pre-approval from PRRS.

How do I apply for consideration for PRRS?
All sentenced individuals incarcerated in the Montgomery County Department of Correction and Rehabilitation's detention facilities – Montgomery County Detention Center (MCDC) and Montgomery County Correctional Facility (MCCF) –are considered for eligibility for PRRS on a weekly basis automatically. Individuals must be within the statutory guidelines of having 12 months or less remaining on their sentence, be able to work legally, be free from serious continuing cases, warrants, and detainers, and be able to comply with the rules of a community correctional program.

Can I be pre-screened for consideration for PRRS?
PRRS will pre-screen defendants who are awaiting sentencing to determine their eligibility for PRRS. The program conducts these pre-screenings at the request of the Court, the State Attorney's Office, the Defendant's attorney, and Parole and Probation agent.

What actually does the screening (or pre-screening) process entail?
The screening process involves several steps including an application filled out by the candidate, a one-to-one interview process that lasts almost an hour where the PRRS screeners will administer a structured questionnaire, the administration of several nationally-recognized evaluations (instruments) that provide a needs and risk assessment, and a complete review of criminal history records. This information is gathered and discussed at a screening meeting where final recommendations are made to the Division Chief concerning placement. In all cases the sentencing judge must consent to the transfer of individuals to PRRS.

Is their a waiting list of candidates for PRRS?
There is no waiting list for individuals sentenced to the Montgomery County Department of Correction and Rehabilitation.

Will individuals lose their jobs if they come to PRRS?
PRRS will do all it can to allow an individual to continue working with their current employer as long as it meets the program requirements. All jobs must be "legal", involve a supervisor who is not an immediate family member and who agrees to abide by the requirements of the program (all employers are informed about client's status with PRRS and their criminal charges), not be involved in the criminal offense, and provide an ability to locate the individual during the course of the day. PRRS Work Release Coordinators assist clients with their job search and carefully evaluate different job possibilities.

What is Home Confinement?
 PRRS provides services to clients both who are living at the pre-release center and who may be living in their own homes in the home confinement program. Clients eligible for consideration for home confinement are carefully selected for this program and must abide by strict requirements that are the same for those living at the Pre-Release Center. All community activities still require pre-approval and clients must submit to three or more randomly assigned alcohol tests administered remotely each day, must come into the center three times weekly for drug testing and case management services, and are monitored electronically.

Employment Assistance for Individuals with Criminal Histories
Individuals needing assistance with employment should be referred to Montgomery Works: