Pre-Trial Supervision Unit

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Pre-Trial be calling my place of employment?
Possibly.The Pre-Trial case managers understand that many defendants do not wish their employers to be aware of their arrest.  In many instances, work may be verified through a friend or relative or by your bringing a current pay stub to your appointment.  However, if you are missing Pre-Trial appointments due to your work and have not provided verification, your employer may be called.  Although your case manager will attempt to work with you to set appointments that will not interfere with your work schedule, ultimately you are responsible for making arrangements to meet your obligations to report to Pre-Trial.

What happens if I miss an appointment?
A missed appointment is a violation of the conditions of your release.  Depending upon your charge and other circumstances regarding your case, your case manager may notify the court of a missed appointment. If you encounter circumstances beyond your control that may cause you to miss an appointment, call your case manager to discuss the issue.  Your case manager may still require you to report or may schedule another appointment date at his or her discretion. If you are under “Tracking” supervision and are required to call in only,    your telephone calls are your appointments.  If you realize you’ve missed a call, telephone your case manager immediately.  If it is after hours, leave a message and call back on the next business day.

Why do I have to submit to urinalysis if I don't have a drug charge?
The staff at Pre-Trial supervision is aware that some drugs may stay in your system for a time if you used them prior to your arrest.  If you have been ordered to participate in treatment, you must follow through on this order.  If the judge did not order you to treatment, Pre-Trial may continue to monitor your use through regular urinalysis, or, if it is indicated you are continuing to use, you may be referred to treatment or a violation petition may be issued to the court.

Will someone come to my house?
Possibly.  Your case manager may make a scheduled or unscheduled visit to your home to verify your address.

Will the judge know if I am doing well on Pre-Trial Supervision?
Yes!  A report is submitted to the court when you are scheduled for a trial, plea or sentencing.  The judge may use the information contained in a Pre-Trial report to help determine whether you should remain out on bond pending future court dates or what kind of sentence you should receive.  The judge will also be notified if you are violating the conditions of your release.  In some instances, Pre-Trial may request that your bond be revoked if you are not following the conditions of your release.

The Commissioner released me and told me to call Pre-Trial Services.
The commissioner released you to the supervision of PreTrial Services.  You must call with 24 business (M-F) hours to schedule your intake appointment.  You should plan to spend 2 hours for your intake appointment and be prepared to submit to a monitored urinalysis.  You will be assigned a caseworker who will advise you of all reporting requirements and answer your questions.   You will be under PreTrial Supervision until your case(s) are resolved.​

Tips for successful Pre-Trial participation

  • Report for all appointments at Pre-Trial and/or treatment programs.
  • Report any problems you are having to your case manager.
  • Bring your reporting card with you to all Pre-trial appointments.
  • Keep a record of all of your treatment appointments, including the date and who you saw.
  • Report any changes in your address, employment or telephone number to Pre-Trial, treatment agencies and your attorney.
  • Obtain an attorney either privately or through the Office of the Public Defender as soon as possible.
  • Report any problems you are having to your case manager.
  • Report to court for all of your court dates.
  • Stay arrest free.

Please e-mail Program Manager [email protected] if you have any questions or comments.