Roundabout on Dennis Avenue at Proctor Street in Silver Spring

The purpose of this notice is to inform you of an upcoming traffic improvement project in your neighborhood. The Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s (MCDOT) Division of Traffic Engineering & Operation (DTEO) will manage the project, which consists of removal of the existing intersection and installation of a new traffic roundabout. This new traffic pattern will greatly improve traffic safety for the motorists and pedestrians.

The project is in response to the concerns the residents have raised with MCDOT over traffic safety along Dennis Avenue between University Boulevard W. and Sligo Creek Parkway.  MCDOT assessed operational and safety conditions, validated residents’ safety concerns, and developed the proposed roundabout concept as a traffic calming measure. The concept was presented to the residents at a virtual meeting, held on October 14, 2021. Many of the residents along Dennis Avenue attended the meeting and expressed support for the project. Due to scheduling constraints this project was tabled temporarily, but it is now being progressed once again.

Attached, is a plan view of the proposed roundabout. While some of the properties adjacent to the intersection will be impacted by this project as illustrated on the drawing, MCDOT will strive to minimize the impact. The entire grading and construction will be within existing county right-of-way.  At the completion of construction, the disturbed area will be graded and restored using topsoil, grass seed, and straw. The excavated sidewalk will be replaced in kind as soon as possible. All affected residential driveway entrances will be reconstructed. Please note that the road will remain open to traffic during construction using a flagging operation, with possible temporary road closures, as necessary.

I apologize in advance for any inconvenience that this project may cause and would appreciate your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at 240-777-2190 or email at .

I thank you in advance for your cooperation and support for the project and will work diligently to address any concerns you may have.

Project Vicinity Map

Vicinity Map Vicinity Map

Intersection Configuration Concept Plan

Concept Plan