Commercial Swimming Pool Permit & Inspection Process

A building permit is required for construction, alteration, repair, or enlargement of any commercial swimming pool. A pool is any artificial structure, basin, chamber, or tank, except a private spa, either above or below ground, that is accessory to a commercial or multi-family setting. Swimming pool includes all appurtenant equipment, structures, and facilities located within a common enclosure.
A swimming pool over 18 inches deep, or the property on which the pool is constructed, must be enclosed by a temporary barrier at least 42 inches while under construction or permanent fence at least 60 inches as prescribed in Chapter 51 of the Montgomery County Code and International Building Code 2015 Chapter 31 as amended.
DPS is no longer accepting paper permit applications or plans. Information must be submitted using our eServices programs. For assistance with eServices, email
A building permit is required for construction, alteration, repair, or enlargement of any commercial swimming pool.
In many circumstances, electrical and mechanical (heating equipment) permits are required to complete the project. Additionally, for ANY land disturbance over 5000 sq ft OR 100 cubic yards of earth movement (which applies to most in-ground swimming pools) a Sediment Control Permit is required. A Public Right of Way Permit is required for access to work area from the public street.
Applications will be taken in for regular review process and it may take up to 30 days to issue the permit for adequately prepared applications.
A commercial swimming pool permit is charged as a miscellaneous or accessory structure. Please see our fee schedule for information regarding the fees associated with this permit application.
Please see our Required Inspections for Commercial Swimming Pools for a detailed list of inspections and the sequence in which you need to request them.
Two copies of the plans and specifications for the swimming pool. Plans and specifications must be drawn to scale and contain:
- Location diagram / site plan
- Pool layout, including all equipment and egress components
- Piping layout o Filter room layout (if applicable)
- Equipment specifications - Make and model number must be submitted for all NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) equipment. Specifications sheets must be submitted for all non-NSF equipment.
- Structural sections
- Finish schedule of all surfaces