New Permits for Outside Agency Licensing Permit & Inspection Process

Several Montgomery County Departments and/or Agencies, outside of DPS, may require inspections from the Division of Fire Prevention and Code Compliance as part of their licensing process. The process below applies only to new child care, day care, private education institutions, summer camps, adoptions, foster care, group homes, behavioral health facilities, health care facilities, bed and breakfasts, state vehicle inspection sites, spas and body works locations, enterprise locales, detention centers, and migrant worker facilities.
The Fire Marshal inspection required by outside agencies is now part of the Fire Code Compliance (FCC) permit. This process only applies to you if you are providing a new service or opening a new facility. For renewals please see the renewal process box in our FCC permits process page.
At this time, we are requesting that all permit applications and payments, including supporting documentation for review, be submitted electronically. In lieu of paper documents, please email to provide the required information for review.
Please see our fee schedule for your inspection fee. You may also contact us directly using our staff directory at the bottom of this page or call 240.777.0311.
All permits are valid for 12 calendar months except for Child Care permits. Child Care permits are available for two 12-month terms in accordance with MSDE (Maryland State Department of Education) and COMAR (Code of Maryland Annotated Regualtions) requirements.
Fire Marshal (DPS) inspections are required for but not limited to; daycares, group homes, summer camps, private schools, migrant worker facilities, health care occupancies, detention centers, rehabilitation centers, behavioral health facilities, state vehicle inspection locations, and adoption.
There may be other agencies that require a Fire Marshal inspection in addition to those listed above. Please read your license requirements carefully or contact the licensing agency or DPS if you are unsure about whether you will need a Fire Marshal inspection.