Builder’s Sediment Control/Ownership Transfer

A Builder’s Sediment Control Permit should be applied for when one applicant wants to construct homes within the limits of disturbance of another applicant’s active and valid Sediment Control Permit.
Because of the unique situation presented by this requested construction arrangement there is an Agreement that must be entered into by both applicants, executed and included on the Builder’s Sediment Control plan.
The process has two steps: plan review and approval followed by permit issuance. Plan reviews typically take 2 – 3 weeks from time of submission or resubmission to completion of review. Some projects will go through two reviews but some may require more. Similarly, the time it takes for the designer to address review comments impacts the overall time. Other factors may include project complexity and size, completeness and quality of the submissions, obtaining other approvals or permits, paying of applicable fees and staff workload.
The permit is valid for two years from the date of issuance. If needed, the permit may be extended if approved by DPS. Extension requests must be submitted in writing and accompanied by an extension fee.