Test Pit/Directional Boring Permit & Inspection Process

A Right-of-Way permit is required for soil borings, test pits or pavement coring on paved or non-paved areas within a Montgomery County right of way. The permit ensures the work is performed in a safe manner and that the right-of-way is properly restored.
A permit is required for any type of subsurface soil testing excavation within a Montgomery County right of way or within an easement under Montgomery County’s jurisdiction.
If the proposed location is a State of Maryland or another municipal roadway, you must obtain a permit from that jurisdiction.
At a minimum, a plan showing the proposed test pit locations must be provided. In addition, the plan must show placement of warning devices such as traffic cones or barricades needed to alert motorists and pedestrians. In some instances, a traffic control plan may be required for placement on high-volume roadways and within business districts.
Typically, these permits will be issued within 2 – 3 weeks from submittal depending on DPS staff workload. However, additional time will be needed if a DOT Traffic Control Plan approval is required.