Coaching & Consultation
Working with the educator
What We Offer

Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants
One-on-one consultations with educators supporting the social and emotional development of young children.

Early Childhood Coaches
Onsite educator coaching centered in the learning environment: daily routines/schedules, space set-up, lesson plans, and teaching practices.

Health Consultation
A registered nurse available to assist with a programs' health and safety through consultation, observation, training, and referral.
What Can You Expect
Our coaches and consultants will assist you in creating a nuturing environment that promotes all children's development- 1-on-1 Coaching
- Administering strength-based assessments
- Creating an action plan
- Modeling, reflecting, and discussing strategies
- Identifying resources and/or referrals
- Transforming your teaching experiences
A trusted partner who will advocate and support you every step of the way!
Schedule a consultation today!
240-777-GROW (4769)
The Montgomery County Child Care Support Services is a member of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network with funding provided from the Maryland State Department of Education, through the Maryland Family Network. Additional Maryland State Department of Education funding supports the Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Project. For concerns about a Child Care Program, visit: earlychildhood.marylandpublicschools.org
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