Increasing seats in the community
Montgomery County is committed to supporting the expansion of high-quality child care options across our jurisdiction. Starting a child care business is exciting but can also be a complex process. Our staff are ready to help child care programs every step of the way, as well as connecting to available county and state child care resources. Whether opening a home-based, center-based, public partnership, or employee sponsored child care, Montgomery County is here for you!
What We Offer

Growing Opportunities in Family Child Care! (GO FCC!):
Be your own boss! Join our nationally recognized recruitment program which offers the only free comprehensive start-up package in Maryland to help you open and build a strong family child care business.
For more information, contact: Liana.Vega@MontgomeryCountyMD.gov

Child Care Business Counselor:
Our Child Care Business Counselor guides entrepreneurs through navigating the process of opening and operating a thriving home or center-based child care program in Montgomery County. Staff provide support developing business plans, marketing, record keeping, and budgeting.
For more information, contact: Kenia.Almendarez@MontgomeryCountyMD.gov

Child Care in Public Space:
We oversee 29 dedicated spaces in public facilities across the County to expand affordable and quality child care in underserved communities. These County subsidized programs are required to meet high-quality standards including accreditation and reaching levels 3-5 in Maryland EXCELS. These programs are accessible through a competitive bid process and receive continual support through the monitoring process to ensure continued achievement of quality benchmarks.
For more information, contact: Tamieka.Thomasson@MontgomeryCountyMD.gov
The Montgomery County Child Care Support Services is a member of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network with funding provided from the Maryland State Department of Education, through the Maryland Family Network. Additional Maryland State Department of Education funding supports the Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Project. For concerns about a Child Care Program, visit: earlychildhood.marylandpublicschools.org