Urban District Optional Method Development Fee

Properties that are an Optional Method Development (OMD) within an Urban District are charged a fee for maintenance of public amenities in the right-of-way. There are three Urban Districts which charge an OMD fee in Montgomery County: Bethesda, Silver Spring, and Wheaton. The term OMD is a zoning term that relates to how a property is developed. If a property meets certain requirements, the developer may request to develop under the “optional method” which allows them to apply to develop more than the standard density of the zone if the developer agrees to provide certain public amenities such as off-site improvements in the right-of-way. Urban Districts are charged with the maintenance of public amenities installed by OMDs in the public right-of-way areas. These amenities include trash and recycling receptacles, trees, turf areas, litter collection, brick sidewalks, and special landscaping beds.

OMDs are assessed by the Urban District Manager for which public amenities are to be maintained by the Urban District and the number of units. Maintenance for each amenity is performed on a regular set schedule by staff in the red shirts. Properties are billed for this service based on per unit costs, total units, and the frequency with which these units are serviced. Cost is calculated so only the actual cost to the Urban District to perform the service is charged to property owners.

Urban District Commercial District Charge


Properties that are an Commercial District Charge (CDC) within an Urban District are charged a fee for maintenance of public amenities in the right-of-way. At the moment, only the Frienship Heights Urban District is under the (CDC) fee in Montgomery County. These amenities include trash and recycling receptacles, trees, litter collection, public art, marketing, and special landscaping beds through our partners at the Friendship Heights Alliance.

The CDC is determined by the County Council's legislation as follows:

  • Class 2 Properties, excluding hotels and motels, the amount of $0.165 per square foot for each net rentable square foot; and
  • hotels or motels, the amount of $120 per hotel or motel room; and
  • Class 1 Properties that contain 5 or more residential units, available for rental for non-transient residential dwelling purposes, $120 per unit.
  • Residential units limited to households earning 100 percent or less of the Area Median Income would be exempt from the commercial district charge.