About Us
The Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services (B-CC RS) is designed to bring County services closer to the community members. B-CC RS increases citizen accessibility to government and participation of citizens in their government and improve the responsiveness of public services by coordinating interdepartmental activities and responses to community concerns.The B-CC RS exists to help connect you with county government be it health and human services, transportation, permitting, environmental, or land development needs. The B-CC RS is another option for the Bethesda, Cabin John, Chevy Chase, Friendship Heights, Garrett Park, Glen Echo, North Bethesda, Potomac, Rockville, and Twinbrook communities to access government.
B-CC RS Staff
Peter FosselmanNewsletter Editor
Lynn BarclayCommunity Projects Manager
Thomas "TJ" DantUrban District Manager
Community Partners and Urban Districts
The B-CC RS region includes two of the County’s four Urban Districts (Bethesda Urban District and Friendship Heights Urban District). The urban districts support and enhance the County's unincorporated downtown as a prosperous, livable urban center by maintaining streetscape and its investment. They provide additional public amenities such as plantings, seating, shelters, and works of art; and promote the commercial and residential interests of these areas by programming cultural and community activities. Community partners include the Bethesda Urban Partnership, the Pike District Partnership, and the Friendship Heights Alliance.
The Bethesda Urban Partnership (BUP) falls within the B-CC RS's oversight. Governed by a board of directors, including the B-CC RS Director, the BUP creates an environment in which downtown businesses and residents may thrive and prosper. BUP keeps Bethesda looking great and safe. The B-CC RS Director is also non-voting board member of the Pike District Partnership.
Elected County Officials
The B-CC RS region is served by County Executive Marc Elrich and three district county council members. Andrew Friedson of District 1, Sidney Katz of District 3, and Kate Stewart of District 4.
Boards and Committees
The B-CC RS is home to the Western Montgomery County Citizens Advisory Board (WMCCAB), a 19-member, appointed County board which advises the County Executive and County Council on local service needs and policies. WMCCAB Advisory Board members represent business and residential interests in the B-CC RS area. In addition, B-CC RS is actively involved with the Friendship Heights Urban District Advisory Committee (FHUDAC). The FHUDAC Committee provides advice and information to the County Executive and the Director of the Western Area Regional Services Center and supports the work of the Friendship Heights Alliance, which coordinates “place management, community building and revitalization along the Wisconsin Avenue corridor” by helping small businesses and residents.
Get Answers to Your Questions
If you have any questions concerning the B-CC RS, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions web page or contact us. You can also subscribe to our semi-weekly newsletter for the latest Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services region news and events.
Peter Fosselman