Committee Evaluation and Review Board
Established in Montgomery County Code Sec. 2-146. (c) Evaluation and Review Board Committee.
The County Executive must appoint and convene at least every 6 years, subject to confirmation by the Council, a citizens review committee comprised of at least 11 members.
The Committee must review the group system and each then-existing board, committee, commission, and task force and report to the Executive and Council its recommendations for changes in individual boards, committees, commissions, and task forces and the group system as a whole. The Committee must submit an interim report to the Executive and Council within 6 months of appointment and submit a final report within 12 months of appointment.
The current members of the Committee are:
- Dr. Anthony Buccitelli
- Mr. Justin Carlson
- Jake Didinsky
- Muriel Hairston-Cooper
- Mary Ann Keeffe
- Mr. Deeptaanshu Kumar
- Ms. Sofya Orlosky, Chair
- Mr. Karl Pitt
- Ms. Catherine Sindos
- Mayor Jeffrey Zane Slavin
- Mr. Clint Sobratti
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
Committee Evaluation and Review Board Meeting Calendar
Eritrea Thomas
[email protected]