Clarksburg Citizens and Business Advisory Group

Issues for Discussion and Review

Date Updated – June 23, 2003 - for review by Citizens and Business Advisory Group at May Meeting for closure as MCCF is open 




Create a New Community Based Committee with a local membership to work on any and all community/county
Jail interface issues in Clarksburg.

Date Submitted



(Response: A citizens committee has now been formed and has held 3 meetings as of March 2000. All members of the committee
are selected by community members and the membership will grow as a response through local efforts to encourage participation.
Work guidelines have been established. The committee meets every month, meetings are on the third Tuesday from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. The minutes are a public document and all staff work is provided by the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation. Steve Howie, President, Clarksburg Civic Association serves as co-chair with Art Wallenstein, Director of Department of Correction and Rehabilitation. Response provided by Art Wallenstein, December, 1999).

The Citizens and Business advisory group has been meeting monthly in public session since January, 2000 in initial planning meetings in late 1999. All minutes are now published on the County Website under department of Correction and rehabilitation. The postings include monthly meeting minutes and the policy matrix of all issues raised by members of the community. This is now an accepted part of our community interface and it will continue after the new jail opens. The preopening Jail Planning matrix will be closed and remain on the web for reference and referral and a new matrix will start in May, 2003 to include any and all issues raised after the opening of MCCF. This aspect of the community/county dialogue ensures broad public involvement. Every question asked by a citizen will be covered and responded to with a response on the web. (Final status report on this issue, April 28, 2003)

Date Resolved





State Jail Regulations - community member seeks any existing state jail regulations that relate to either construction or operations.

Date Submitted



(Response: Copies of State Jail Regulations were provided to all members of the Citizens and Business Advisory Group at the meeting on February 15, 2000. Response provided by Art Wallenstein.) Stuart Simms, Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services just advised Montgomery County that we had received a 100% certification regarding the entire State Jail Standards process. This was received on April 7, 2002 and we will receive this certification in a public presentation in the near future. This is noted to CBAG because the state jail inspection process will be fully applicable to MCCF after it opens and I wanted to ensure CBAG members understood how seriously we take the inspection and certification process. It cover an enormous range of correctional standards and speaks very well of our staff and the county commitment to proper funding and attention to correctional standards (April, 2002 – Art Wallenstein)



Date Resolved





Release of prisoners from Clarksburg? Where will all prisoners be released from after their sentences are concluded or they are released on bail or any other form of release

Date Submitted



Community members noted their concern regarding the promises made by the County Executive that all prisoners would be released from Rockville. The issue is a central point of interest to the local community - they seek a clear and definitive reaffirmation of the location for releases. (Response: Prisoners will be released from MCDC in Rockville – Montgomery County. Nothing exists in the current operational plans nor have any discussions been held that would suggest, infer, or propose that any releases occur anywhere else other than Rockville. The community wished assurances that there had been no changes on this matter and this is formally stated as noted. Response by Art Wallenstein.) The issue was raised again immediately prior to opening and nothing has changed – all releases will be made from MCDC/Rockville – no releases will be made from MCCF. (Art Wallenstein, April 28, 2003)

Date Resolved





Cost of the project - Are their project overruns?

Date Submitted



Community members noted that government rarely builds a facility within the proposed or approved budget. They sought information on the current cost of construction. It was noted that a construction status report would be sought at each regularly scheduled meeting of the committee when the committee was formally created by the Clarksburg Community - the focus was to have a regular report on construction and any major cost issues.

(Response: The project was successfully bid and awarded within budget. Response by Sandra Batterden)




It was announced to the community members that there is a County deficit and the jail project was going to require additional money to complete.
(Response: Bill Novak presented a Schedule and Budget Update as follows:)

- Expected increase of $5.742M to complete
- Within 6.8% of original budget (increase)
- County share expected at $3.445M

1. Later than expected start
2. Coordination of pre-cast cell installation
3. Cost increases in project areas of fire, sprinkler, fire alarm, and IT systems

Budget Update     
Total Project Budget    $ 84,624 M
Project Contingency    Project Contingency
Contingency Spent     $ 2.089M
Contingency Remaining    $ 1.011M
Additional Project Costs from
Schedule & Budget "Dividers"    $ 6.753M
Under Budgeted    $ 5.742M (6.8%)
Potential State Share    $ 2.297M
Potential County Share    $ 3.445M




It was announced to the community members that there is a County deficit and the jail project was going to require additional money to complete.




Explanation: There was a start-up delay due to the bidding process. The pre-cast cell was a complicated installation, which took longer than anticipated. The sprinkler, fire alarm and IT systems were very complicated with a project of this size. All these issues incurred additional costs. (Bill Novak, CBAG Mtg. 12/18/01)
The cost increase of 5.7 million was approved by the County on 2/23/02. (Warden Green, 3/1/02)

The cost increase of 5.7 million was approved by the County on 2/23/02. (Warden Green, 3/1/02) Each meeting of the public Citizens and Business Advisory Group began with a construction update provided by Sandra Batterden and then Bill Novak from the Capital Projects Division of Public Works and Transportation. (final note on this issue in the preopening matrix April 28, 2003 – Art Wallenstein)

Date Resolved





Importing Prisoners from Washington, D.C. to Clarksburg? Community members noted their concerns about bringing prisoners from the Washington, D.C. prison system (being dismantled) or other state prison systems to Clarksburg to make money for the county.

Date Submitted



The community is concerned that the jail is being designed to have excess capacity and will tempt the importation of inmates, especially if it is overstaff as it was in the early 1990’s after a similar miscalculation.
(Response: There are no plans at present nor any discussion or planning to import prisoners from Washington, D.C., the State of Maryland or other correctional systems. The County has a long-standing agreement and contract with the U.S. Marshal’s service to hold Federal detainees who are awaiting trial in one of the Federal courthouses in this region. Currently 20 prisoners are held and all released to the U.S. Marshal. The County reserves the right to continue this excellent relationship which provides revenue to local taxpayers in support of the County budget and to hold those prisoners in Rockville or in Clarksburg depending on bed space availability and ease of movement. The relationship with the U.S. Marshal has nothing to do with bordering prisoners from other correctional jurisdictions but the County retains the right to generate revenue from this long-standing relationship. Should another jail have a problem or need to separate a prisoner we always assist them in a time of need just as they assist us and this does not change any existing practice, policy or procedure. (Response by Art Wallenstein, Mary 21, 2000).

Discussions continue with the US Marshals Offices in Maryland and Washington, DC but nothing has changed – only Marshall prisoners will be accepted – we seek to ensure we fill existing beds when available as revenue generated is a dollar for dollar consideration against reductions for DOCR and helps ensure that during a county revenue reduction staffing and other critical operations will not be diminished. (April, 2002 – Art Wallenstein)

A major county budget crisis and deficit was announced in late 2002 with reductions across the board in all public safety agencies. The need to raise revenue to continue to maintain security/operational staffing was discussed in detail at the March, 2003 CBAG Meeting. Please go to the website and MCCF Advisory Group and click on March, 2003 minutes. This is discussed in detail as it was in public session and before the County Council in open budget hearings in April, 2003. (April 28, 2003 – Art Wallenstein)

On May 8th we were notified by Home Land Security that they have taken a major budget reduction and cannot house Immigration Detainees with DOCR do to an absence of funds. The U.S. Marshall was eager for the space. An agreement was reached with the Marshall’s office on May 16th. They will occupy the same space that was allocated for Immigration Detainees. Therefore, MCCF will house no Immigration Detainees and all persons will come from the U.S. Marshall in this region. (Report by Art Wallenstein, May 20, 2003)

Date Resolved

Ongoing reporting to the community on matrix and every month at CBAG meetings.
Steve Howie reported that the Clarksburg Civic Association met and wanted to go on record with a statement saying that they opposed the closing of the County budget deficit through the proposed revenue initiative (housing Federal Inmates).




Need exists to devote careful attention to the needs of women in the Clarksburg Jail. Community member wanted to ensure the presence of meaningful program for women prisoners at the new jail and noted that groups would support meaningful programs for women.

Date Submitted



Loretta McClintock noted that the discussion to date had appropriately been directed toward physical plant, security issues, community/jail interface and other important topics. She noted it was now time to begin to focus on treatment and self improvement programs and the need to ensure attention to women's needs and special program opportunities. It was agreed that discussion of programs was very appropriate. A needs assessment conducted by the Health Department and Corrections had been completed and the report was in progress. The report was promised (if written) for the next CBAG meeting and the discussions of programs could ensure anytime thereafter. (Response provided by Arthur Wallenstein, November 6, 2000)

Date Resolved

11/21/00 - Detailed discussion of programs was initiated at the November meeting and will continue on an ongoing basis. (Response provided by Art Wallenstein, 12/7/00)




Need exists to devote careful attention to the needs of women in the Clarksburg Jail. Community member wanted to ensure the presence of meaningful program for women prisoners at the new jail and noted that groups would support meaningful programs for women.

Date Submitted



At the February, 2001, Meeting, Phil McLaughlin of DPWT attended and discussed the beginnings of review for planning for ultimate public transportation to the Clarksburg facility. He noted he would be the transportation planner on this topic and as the issue evolves he would ensure CBAG was not only consulted but engaged on the issue and briefed regularly. Members asked many questions and Mr. McLaughlin listened and noted the next stage of planning would involve review of projected movements to the new facility - would be made public and all options would be considered - Information provided by Art Wallenstein, February 20, 2001
Phil McLaughlin, Senior Manager in the Transportation Division of Public Works attended the CBAG session and advised that this was still very much an issue in progress. It was noted the readership projections were small but there would be a transportation pattern and additional reports would come at CBAG meetings. (January 15, 2002)

The service concept design for the Clarksburg Correctional facility as of January 2002 is as follows. The transit service would operate midday only (9:00a-3:00p) Monday through Friday, from the MCCF at least Milestone and possibly Shady Grove Metro. It would be a stand alone route with a unique route number. The route would use the turn around built at MCCF. The service from MCCF to Milestone would operate as a local making stops along Gateway Center Dr. and 355 to Milestone. It could then operate as an express to Shady Grove Metro. It is expected that this route would have the standard Ride-On fare structure. The service would likely be implemented when the correctional facility is ready for visitors, as this group is expected to be the largest majority of riders as per the survey from last year, initially on this route. This new route would be expected to meet our minimum performance standards (10 riders per hour). This means that when this route matures (18 months), if there are not additional resources added, the route would need to be carrying about 65 riders on an average weekday. Over the next few months, we will begin to finalize the service design. I will continue to attend the monthly transition group meetings and provide updates regarding our progress. (Phil McLaughlin, February 5, 2002)

Mr. McLaughlin will be requested to provide a written schedule for review by the March 19th CBAG meeting. (Warden Green, 3/1/02)

Phil McLaughlin attended the March CBAG meeting and provided an update on transportation issues in the northern tier of the county and the initial daily service linking the MCCF Facility to other parts of the Upcounty area and other sections of the county (Phil McLaughlin, April, 2002) Updates will be provided once the actual opening date of the facility is isolated. (Art Wallenstein for Phil McLaughlin DPW and T – May, 2002) Now that the construction completion has been highlighted for September/October and an opening date can be isolated for January, 2003 Phil McLaughlin will be asked to attend all future CBAG sessions regarding bus and transportation issues (Art Wallenstein, July 2, 2002). Business service is running Monday – Friday during day work hours from Shady grove Metro to MCCF and return. DPW and T will view the jail as part of the growing upcounty area and service will grow as needs expand. The practice runs started in January, 2003 and are now drawing good ridership every day, April 28, 2003 – Art Wallenstein) 

Date Resolved

11/21/00 - Detailed discussion of programs was initiated at the November meeting and will continue on an ongoing basis. (Response provided by Art Wallenstein, 12/7/00)




Public Safety needs to be a priority and community noted concern for quality security subsystems and detention electronics.

Date Submitted



Detention electronics is a critical element and whatever time is needed will be devoted to proper installation. DPW and T reported a delay in the full construction to ensure proper installation and testing of detention electronics. Corrections fully supports this effort - no building will be completed nor accepted until the entire detention electronics system has been tested, commissioned and fully reviewed. Only then will the building be accepted for full field testing by DOCR (Art Wallenstein, May, 2002)

Date Resolved

Ongoing and several detailed tours took place with members of the Citizens and Business Advisory group over 2000-Present. This will be on ongoing area of attention and discussion with the committee within CGAG.




Law enforcement presence - a small police substation was requested for it was felt that the mere presence of police would deter escape or related security problems

Date Submitted



It was noted that Germantown was quite a distance away (Montgomery County Police will be represented at CBAG as issues and topics arise) and the response time would be slow if an escape occurred. Emergency Preparedness planning involving Police, Fire and Rescue and other agencies continues each month on every major emergency process. This has been discussed with CBAG and planning continues on an ongoing basis. Superior assistance has been forthcoming from all public safety agencies (April, 2002, Art Wallenstein)

Date Resolved





Lighting for the jail will change the pastoral setting of the location - general concern about lighting.

Date Submitted



(Response: The lighting of the facility is within the County's energy efficiency guidelines, similar to any other County building. Night-time field trips were taken to review the lighting at the WABCO and Germantown Police Stations, which are comparable. Response by Sandra Batterden)

Date Resolved





Kingsley Wilderness Project and the jail as a good neighbor - the site also houses the Kingsley Wilderness Project (an alternative education program of the MCPS and the jail needed to make a commitment to be a good neighbor and supportive neighbor.

Date Submitted



Staff from the Kingsley Wilderness Project noted their concerns and asked that the director visit the school site and learn about the project and that collaboration begin as soon as possible to allay concerns about the jail and their school being located in very close proximity to each other. The Kingsley Wilderness Project supervisor reported to the committee in January, 2000 that Art Wallenstein had toured and hiked the site and that discussions and communication were open – no further issues at this time on this issue. The community expresses continued concern and strong support for the successful continuation of the Kingsley Project.
Update provided on MCPS issues regarding the upgrade of the projected new Kingsley site – this is still a matter in progress involving the school district various planning groups and commissions. Further reports will be provided as information becomes available but County/Kingsley relations are fine and there are no sticking points regarding the jail and the school. The key issues relate to MCPS and the school itself and commissions reviewing the site and it’s development (report provided by Cathy Jewell, February 20, 2001)

The Kinglsey Wilderness School and MCCF have developed superior ongoing collaboration and this continues on an ongoing basis. The fence separating the two programs that was selected by Kingsley staff was installed in March, 2003 and any issues are immediately discussed and are reported through monthly public CXBAG Meetings (Arthur Wallenstein, April 28, 2003).

Date Resolved 





Will armed corrections officers with shotguns be out in public when buses arrive?

Date Submitted



A citizen who noted he had law enforcement experience on a system in Georgia. He noted that they used armed officers with shotguns whenever the gates opened and closed to admit buses and he expressed security concerns of a general nature. He noted he raised the issue about armed officers outside the building given the absence of any watchtowers or gun towers on the site.
(Response: There is nothing in the program plan for the new jail to utilize armed corrections officers to supervise the arrival of transport vehicles or their departure. The arrival area is well secured and weapons are not part of the correctional process. Sheriffs' deputies will of course be armed which is part of their escort procedure whenever prisoners are moved from one location to another. Response by Art Wallenstein.)

Date Resolved 





Community insisted upon honest discussion from the County and a vastly improved level of belief that they were receiving clear and truthful information.

Date Submitted



Community members noted they were not pleased with the level of credibility over time regarding the project from various county officials. They noted this had been serious on various matters including population projections through security concerns and how they were allegedly used to create concerns about a new jail in Rockville. All community persons insisted upon credibility. Art Wallenstein noted that he has asked Mr. Romer and Mr. Duncan that he be the lead spokesperson for the county and he committed to being available as needed and to attend each and every community meeting (if the community agreed to his proposal for a formal community work group that would meet on a regular basis). Only a family matter or jail emergency would keep Mr. Wallenstein away. He provided his home phone and email and noted he would be the lead person at each meeting or in any other forum. He noted that if the community approved the request for a formal community based committee a regular process could be initiated for reporting and communication to serve community/county interface needs.

The community concurred and a committee was approved and held its first organizational meeting in January, 2000 and agreed to monthly meetings (perhaps cancelled during the summer) on the second Tuesday in Clarksburg from 7:30-9 with prompt adjournment. The press is invited and did attend the January session. All meetings are open but designated members will be encouraged to attend regularly. The County will move the Transition Team that will write the procedures for the facility to Rockville and they will open an office in the community in space that community members assisted in finding to facilitate county/community interface. Steve Howie and Art Wallenstein agreed to serve as interim co-chairs – the county does not seek a leadership role on the committee but will staff it as needed and attend every session as noted above. The Transition Team began their work on February 4, 2000 and they hope to occupy the office/house on Clarksburg Road by very early March or even late February

County lead on operations.
Open discussions occur every month in public session and are reported on the county website within two weeks of the completion of a CBAG meeting. Communications are open and any issue is presented to CBAG. (April 28, 2003 – Art Wallenstein)

Date Resolved  





County requests community approved for three small signs for "Community Visitor Parking" to be located next to the office and for a small sign on the front door noting Montgomery County Transition Team - MCCF (Montgomery County Correctional Facility)

Date Submitted



The office was located in the community at the recommendation of Art Wallenstein to promote staff understanding of the community - to facilitate staff/community contacts and to encourage local citizens to stop in and say hello and ask any questions as the project progressed. The three-yard signs would designate the spaces for community/citizen parking and the door sign would demonstrate that jail staff was in the community. It was noted at the January meeting that Steve Howie would review this with the local planning committee. The county agrees to local approval regarding the signs regarding size, design and method of installation. Transition developed a sign that is movable and is brought out each morning so that it is not present after the work day is over. DOCR removes this item from the agenda as no longer an issue (Art Wallenstein)

Date Resolved

County requested was withdrawn and a sign was installed that could be removed every evening when the Transition House was closed.




Would the jail be viewable from the roadway?

Date Submitted



Some noted that they did not wish a jail to be the first major structure that visitors would see when they entered Montgomery County from the North - heading South on I-270. Other community members noted they had been involved in architectural planning and community concerns had been considered and with the placement of the housing units on the site they would be difficult to see given the slope and location. The site chosen was partly because of community concerns regarding environmental impacts of less visible sites.
(Response: The facility will be visible from I-270 and some portions of local roads. Great efforts were taken to normalize the appearance of the building, and to place the security perimeter out of view. Response by Sandra Batterden)

Date Resolved





Will operating budgets be adequate?

Date Submitted



Many discussions during the proposal and planning stages minimized operational costs associated with the Clarksburg location in order to elicit support for the project. We believe that many of the assumptions used were erroneous. We ask that DOCR fully review operational plans to ensure that adequate funding is there so that essential activities can be conducted in support of the operation of both the Clarksburg facility and the continued operation of the Rockville facility. 80 Corrections Officers were approved by the County Council in May 2000 as part of Executive 2001 Budget request. They will begin to be hired in January, 2001. Also to be hired in 2001 are the Community Health Nurses and the Program Manager for volunteer services. All positions requested were approved (Art Wallenstein, June 20, 2000). Budget hearings for the 2002 budget have been set for April (Council Committee) and May (Full Council), and will be provided at the next CBAG Meeting. (Art Wallenstein, April 2001Corrections will have its formal budget hearings before the County Council in April, 2002 for the FY 2003 budget. The proposed budget speaks to all-important areas in MCCF operations. This will be discussed at the April, 2002 CBAG meeting. DOCR never asks for community support in the budget process – that has always been our way of doing business – we will advise on the major areas approved by the Executive as we have done in the past. The County Council has been very responsive and supportive to these requests (April, 2002 Art Wallenstein)
The budget submitted by the County Executive and approved by the County Council for 2003 is fully sufficient for the operational of MCCF – DOCR is well satisfied with the budget approved by Council in May, 2002 – reductions were made to all county departments in light of county revenue and budget considerations but no staff were removed from any security operation within DOCR. (Art Wallenstein, May, 2002). As of July 2, 2002 all Correctional Officers have been hired for MCCF – there are two vacant nurse positions (others filled) and aggressive recruiting is in progress (Art Wallenstein, July 2, 2002).

See major discussion of the county budget crisis and operating budgets in the March minutes, March, 2003. This includes a discussion of department budget cuts. Everything has been done to meet the community concern that adequate staff and security supervision be provided. This relates directly to the revenue option of taking additional federal prisoners at MCDC/Rockville, PRC and MCCF/Clarksburg to offset over $2 million in budget target reductions brought on by a $318 million county budget deficit. This has also been the subject of public County Council budget hearings in April, 2003. (April 28, 2003 – Art Wallenstein)

Date Resolved





Will the modular units at Rockville be transported for storage and/or use at site 30?

Date Submitted



The community was shocked that this proposal was made without first approaching the most affected community and then raising the issue for full public decision making. The community does not believe that the county would have made such a decision impacting any other community without such prior notification and a full round of public hearings. The Clarksburg community insists on being treated with the same degree of respect that would be given any other community on this matter. The Executive’s proposal for the modular units is included in the MCDC Reuse proposal and will be sent to Council as soon as it is completed. Copies will be provided to CBAG as soon as it is released. (Art Wallenstein, April 10, 2001). There has never been a plan to relocate the modular units to MCCF/Clarksburg. Indeed these units form a core of the ReUse project at MCDC/Rockville and they will remain in Rockville as reported at several CBAG meetings in 2000 and 2001 (April 28, 2003 – Art Wallenstein).

Date Resolved





Youthful Offenders

Date Submitted



(Response: The DOCR is deeply committed to continuing our youthful offenders program. The grant funding that program expires at the end of June, 2000. The department included $120,000 in its budget request to the Executive to incorporate the youthful offenders program into permanent department operations. On March 15, 2000 the Executive noted his approval of this budget item and included the youthful offenders program in his formal budget submission to the County Council. We will be defending this proposal and hope for Council support to continue the youthful offender program. The program includes a range of specialized services including an intensive counseling program, vocational awareness, personal growth and development, workforce/jail industries opportunities, educational opportunities and other self growth projects. Response by Art Wallenstein.) The County Council approved the Youthful Offenders Program as part of the 2001 county budget and the program is now part of the on going correctional program in Montgomery County (Art Wallenstein, June 20, 2000).
The Youthful Offender Program was fully funded again in the 2003 Budget - apprbved by both County Executive and the County Council (Art Wallenstein,May, 2002).

The Youthful Offender program has been retained as part of the Executive’s Proposed 2004 Budget – it is a key element of the safety and security plan for MCCF. (April 28, 2003 – Art Wallenstein)

Date Resolved  





What are county plans to deal with excess capacity on the day that MCCF opens?

Date Submitted



There are currently two staffing & occupancy options for the opening of MCCF. One option is for full capacity and the other involves not occupying 4 housing pods. The decision on occupancy will be determined by the inmate population at or near the time MCCF is opened.
(Capt. Ruffner, May 9, 2000)
Opening is anticipated in the early Fall, 2002 and there will be empty bed spaces at MCCF – we will seek to avoid opening any additional units given the cost so population management is always an ongoing priority. (April, 2002 Art Wallenstein)

The three remaining units are empty – one is planned for additional federal prisoners – see CBAG Minutes, March 2003). The others are vacant and will remain vacant until population growth mandates their utilization. (April 28, 2003 – Art Wallenstein) 

Date Resolved  





What is the status report on recruitment, hiring, proposed staff plan, phasing in of new staff and retention?

Date Submitted



For years DOCR has experienced difficulty in filling Correctional Officer and Community Health Nurse vacancies. Part of the issue is the local economy and part rests with older practices and the need to push the envelope on recruitment. This summer (2000) we attacked the problem and filled 32 Correctional Officer vacancies and as this date all current positions are filled (absent a recent retirement). We have a trained and dedicated core team within DOCR and the county OHR as we get ready to hire Corrections Officers over the next 8 months. The economy is at full employment so the challenge is more pronounced but we have also developed improved techniques during our summer recruitment project. Specific examples will be brought to the October meeting.We have been funded for 72 Correctional Officers for FY2001. The phased hiring for training is:
  January 24
  March 24
  June 24
We are also focused on recruiting 6 Community Health Nurses for the new jail - general medical and mental health programs. All have been funded. (Arthur Wallenstein, October 11, 2000). A full hiring update will be provided at the April CBAG Meeting (Art Wallenstein, April 10, 2001)
An updated status report on all recruitment and hiring for MCCF will be provided at the February CBAG meeting (Art Wallenstein, 2/4/02)

Recruitment is on track with full intentions to fill all positions by the opening. (Warden Green, 3/1/02) Recruitment and hiring are going very well and a report will be given on the exact position status at the April, 2002 CBAG meeting.

AS of the end of May, 2002 every single Correctional officer position has been filled - congratulations to the DOCR recruitment and hiring team led by Bernard Woodard at MCDC. Four (4) Community Health Nurse positions remain unfilled but recruitment initiatives have brought us candidates who are now involved in the background process. Enormous work and real success has characterized this 18 month 24/7effort. We are there with a very fine staff. (Art Wallenstein, May, 2002). As o0f July 2, 2002 all Correctional officer positions have been filled for MCCF and there remain two Community Health Nurse vacancies (others filled) with several in the pipeline. (Art Walklenstein, July 2, 2002).

Date Resolved  





When judges release inmates directly from court, what is the court policy on this?

Date Submitted



After I arrived as Director I learned that due to some longstanding decision and practice prisoners who were found not guilty or who had cases dismissed were being released directly to the public street in downtown Rockville in the jail clothes and without property or medicine as they were not being returned to the jail as is the practice wherever I have worked over 30 years. The City of Rockville is very concerned, as they cannot distinguish inmates released from an escapee. I am seeking to confront this issue and work collaboratively to seek the source and also seek a way to correct it. We want all prisoners released from the jail with their property, their clothing, medications, referrals as needed to service providers and not wandering through the streets. As we confront this it will also relate to your concerns as well as ours re: releases that could be ordered from MCCF. We agree this is an important issue and the time is right to confront it as the plan is crystal clear and has not changed - there are to be no releases from MCCF-Clarksburg. This issue will stay with us as a group until we have resolution. The method of engagement is research and review first and then collaborative problem solving. Rockville is with us 100% and this is something both jurisdictions can support.
(Arthur E Wallenstein, October 11, 2000)

Date Resolved  





Status on the selection of a Warden for MCCF

Date Submitted



Five (5) finalists have emerged from the national search and initial peer screening. The finalists will be brought to Montgomery County on October 23 and 24, 2000 for interviews. There will be three panels - community/advocacy group panel; staff panel, and county senior manager/criminal justice panel. CBAG has been asked through Steve Howie to select 3 panel participants for the community panel. Steve Howie has agreed to serve and we will select two other folks this week. We also have a Faith Community participant from CBAG. The panel will also have a representative from NAACP and NAMI. This community panel will meet on the 23rd - all day and I will debrief the panel after all interviews are conducted.

Date Resolved 





Bike Racks at MCCF

Date Submitted



Bike racks are recommended for the new jail to encourage the opportunity for alternate transportation. Approved - referred to Transition and Sandra Batterden for implementation - proposed by John Fauerby
(response provided by Art Wallenstein, November 6, 2000) Bike racks will be installed prior to the opening of MCCF (Art Wallenstein, July 2, 2002)

Date Resolved




Escapes - Community Notification:
Community members want to ensure there is a clear and direct policy and procedure should an escape occur to notify the community. This speaks to community/facility collaboration and public safety.
The Community Notification Workgroup has requested a siren after a complete study of the issue. Mr. Wallenstein and DOCR will not oppose. Police have agreed to the procedure as well. Mr. Wallenstein will present the recommendation to the County Executive for final approval. (Warden Green, 3/1/02)

Date Submitted



MCCF staff agrees completely. The issue warrants attention and full collaboration with the community. During October information will be sought from other jails if they have an MOU of formal agreement in place regarding escapes - community notification. This will be information collection. When collected it will be shared with CBAG members and then as a team (County/Community) will develop a process that meets the needs of all. This is fully supported by the county. There will be a discussion at the October meeting with the goal of having the process ready to implement in January 2002 - prior to the opening of MCCF. (Art Wallenstein, October 4, 2001
A full discussion of process issues occurred at the December meeting and a further update will be provided at the February 2002 CBAG meeting. A work group chaired by Tom Odt (Community Member) and Captain Guy Ruffner (Transition Team) has been working on this issue and are reviewing various options. Captain Ruffner will have completed a report on the possible use of a siren by the February meeting. Reverse 911 technology is generally approved for implementation with other options to be added. Further review was noted in January with a report to be made at the February meeting and a special work session to be held with immediate neighbors on the siren and notification issue in late January 2002 (Art Wallenstein, 02/01/02)

The report was reviewed in detail at the March meeting of CBAG. Given local

community support - very determined and thoughtful support the siren was approved fully recognizing that is has some limitations. The siren was approved by CAO Bruce Romer and CE Doug Duncan and will be installed and operational prior to the arrival of the first inmates in early fall, 2002. The siren procedure will be integrated into emergency preparedness planning and will be discussed with the subcommittee of CBAG created for this purpose and all further development will be presented to CBAG as they develop. (April, 2002 - Art Wallenstein)
The siren was approved and bid and awarded and will be arriving within 60 days. The community workgroup will continue in operation to work on the full issue of community notification and the three phase program developed by the committee. This is an ongoing effort and full community involvement continues. (Art Wallenstein, May 2002).

The siren was formally installed and is now part of the security system. It is testing publicly every month on the first Monday at 1PM. This was clearly an excellent collaborative effort between the surrounding community and the county. (April 28, 2003 - Art Wallenstein)

Date Resolved 





Cathy Jewel was concerned with the layout of the Moneysworth property and the jail property. Current plans call for landscape screening at the property line. It was requested for more of a boundary for the students.

Date Submitted



At split rail fence was suggested to be constructed between the two properties. (Cathy Jewel at the CBAG Mtg. 12/18/01)
A split rail fences and funding were approved. Additional information is needed by the HPC prior to digging and placing the fence. (Warden Green, 3/1/02)

The entry fence was installed January, 2003. The decorative fence separating the two programs was selected by staff at Kinglsey and is ready for installation when the site is wholly stabilized for installation. Regular reports are provided monthly to CBAG (April 28, 2003 - Art Wallenstein)

Date Resolved