Religious Services

Todd Borbidge, Chaplain

Email: ​| Office: (240) 773-9902

Montgomery County Correctional Facility
Address: 22880 Whelan Lane, Boyds, Maryland 20841 |  Directions |  Bus Schedule |  Inmate Visiting

The Constitutional right to pursue any lawful and legitimate religious practice shall be guaranteed to all incarcerated individuals at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility (MCCF), consistent with the secure and orderly operation of the facility. All recognized religions shall be afforded equal status and protection.

General Information on Religious Services

Religious programs and activities at the MCCF are planned, directed, and supervised by the department Chaplain in consultation with and approval from facility administration. Religious Services are the responsibility of the Chaplain under the direction of the Deputy Warden of Programs and Services.

Under no circumstances shall an incarcerated individual be required to engage or participate in religious activities, nor shall their failure to do so influence decisions made concerning that individual.

Staff members, volunteers, or religious groups shall not restrict an incarcerated individual’s participation in any religious activity on the basis of race, creed, color, nationality, gender, or disability.

An incarcerated individual observing special religious diets shall be provided a diet which meets the recommended daily allowance as stated by the National Academy of Science and which complies with the religious dietary laws. The provision of such a diet must be consistent with the secure and orderly operation of the institution.

The facility Chaplain shall:
  • Provide comprehensive faith-based services and support to all incarcerated individuals in custody 
  • Provide other faith-based services and support to incarcerated individuals, staff, public officials, and the community as needed to enhance the overall ministry
  • Work with faith-based organizations to provide ministry support through prayer and volunteer services
  • Encourage and counsel incarcerated individuals
  • Establish, coordinate and oversee all religious programs
  • Recruit, train and supervise religious volunteers
  • Serve as a liaison and facilitator between the pastoral community and the institution
  • Promote visibility of the ministry in the community through presentations to groups and individuals
  • Hold special promotional events annually
  • Deliver emergency and death notifications