Montgomery County Detention Center
Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee
Division Program Information
Arthur Wallenstein, William L. Smith, James L. Jones, Jim May, William Posada, Mike Menaker, Edward Alexander, David Heltemes, Gloria Paul, Nancy Schoenfeld, Dwayne Jenkins, and Kelli Ray.
Warden Smith welcomed the group.
At this time MCDC is holding twenty-nine (29) federal inmates and we are expecting five (5) more this week. Federal inmates leave after seventy-two (72) hours to there next destination. Holding federal inmates helps the Department with the budget and brings in revenue. The inmates are not allowed any visits or phone calls. The Department will be hold federal inmates until the budget improves and the revenue is no longer needed. The commitment to the community and the Council Resolution of l996 still sets the population cap not to exceed 200 at MCDC. This is a direct budget offset and as a result of the revenue staff reductions that are critical to public safety were not needed as revenue expanded in an amount equal to proposed target reductions. DOCR appreciates the opportunity to substitute revenue growth for staff reductions especially when the prisoner population exists at a level that would not sustain staff reductions.
WILLIAM POSADA - Work Force Leader III
Mr. Posada has been a County employee for almost ten (10) years. He started his career with the County with the Department of Public Works and Transportation, Division of Facility and Services. He joined the Department or Correction and Rehabilitation almost three (3) years ago. Mr. Posada's job entails structure to the grounds and maintenance within the Detention Center.
REUSE STATUS REPORT - David HeltemesContract has been signed by DINJIM and signed by the County Attorney Administrator. The contract has gone to procurement for authorization. DINJIM staff with be coming to the Detention Center next week for a field tour of the facility. There will be a meeting held sometime in September for the architects at DINJIM to provide information to the community regarding the construction project. This meeting will be between two (2) hours to two and half (2 1/2) hours and there will be refreshments for all.
During the construction phase of the Reuse, there will not be much visibility to the community. Most of the contractors will be working inside, but there maybe some trucks coming up and down Seven Locks Road. It will take about fourteen (14) months before construction will start.
There will be continuous meeting with the community throughout the Reuse project.
WEEKENDER PROGRAM - Arthur Wallenstein and James L. Jones
Over the last twenty (20) years, all weekender inmates would come to the Detention center and watch T.V. and relax during there forty-eight (48) hour stay. The Department has been working for a year to start a program where inmates that are sentenced to come to the Detention Center on weekends would have to work during there stay here. The Department and the State Department coordinated a way for the inmates to work with the State Department by picking up trash and other labor jobs. The first group of weekender inmates went out and the program seems to be working great. During the time that the inmates are out working with the State, there is no danger to the community. All inmates are being supervised.
MOVIE FILMING - James L. Jones
Producers of the upcoming movie "Mailman's Dream", used area's in the Detention Center to film certain parts of the movie. There was about forty (40) staff and they worked from 9:00 p.m. until midnight shooting scenes. The scenes where shot in an old area of the Detention Center that is not being use at this time. The Department allowed this to be done as a courtesy to the company.
RNAC MEMBERSHIP - Wayne Jenkins and Nancy Schoenfeld
At this time we are trying to make up a new community list. Dwayne will be sending out hard copy letters for the September meeting to communities around the area. Dwayne is contacting Home Owner Associations to see if they are interested in attending the Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee meetings.
Gloria Paul mentions that the transferring of inmates from MCDC to MCCF went very smooth and no one would have known that it was going on.
The parking on the Seven Locks has stopped and the noise level has dropped since there is not more outside recreation.
The helicopters that circle around MCDC are for traffic control for highway 270. If there was any issue that concerned the Detention Center, all committee members would be notified either by phone or by email.
Dwayne Jenkins is going to look into making a link from the City of Rockville website to be able to receive the Neighborhood Committee minutes and information on the Reuse project and the dates and time of other Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee meetings.
Next Meeting: September 18, 2003 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Montgomery County Detention Center
Address: 1307 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, Maryland 20854
Contact : Warden William L. Smith at (240) 777-9962
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Light breakfast served