Montgomery County Detention Center
Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee
MCDC Reuse Project Status

Advisory Date
Administrative Conference Room, MDCD
Warden William L. Smith ~ (240) 777-9962
MCDC Warden Office


Arthur Wallenstein, William L. Smith, James L. Jones, Bryan Patterson, Carl Furr, Cynthia Distance-Thompson, William Posada, Gloria Paul, Nancy Schoenfeld, Mike Menaker, Ed Piesen, Charles Silverman, Steve Cook, Richard Ladson, Greg Gibbs, Richard Hayman, Carol Ormant, and Kelli Ray.


Warden Smith welcomed the group.


MCDC REUSE – PROJECT STATUS – Arthur Wallenstein

In 1996 the Council agreed that there would be Two (2) Detention Centers in Montgomery County. Since then, there have been various hearings about what should and what should not be in the new facility. The approved funding was approved in 1999 at a public meeting with the Council. Every since the planning began on building a new facility and renovating the previous facility, the community in both Clarksburg and Rockville where promised community meetings. Tonight as promised is the formal briefing from the Architects of DMJMH&N that will be renovating Montgomery County Detention Center.

Bill Novak will be the County Project Manager for the fist phase of the renovation and David Heltemes will be the County Project Manager for the construction phase.

BILL NOVAK – Department of Facility and Services

DMJMH&N was elected as the Architectural firm that will be renovating the Detention Center. Since then we are moving into the design part of the renovation. The community, Facility and Service and the architects are look at every aspect that comes across the table. The plan at this time is to have all construction completed by 2006.

DMJMH&N – Richard Ladson – Steve Cook – Charles Silverman and Greg Gibbs

DMJMH&N is a large organization called AECOM – there are numerous firs off AECOM. There are officers all over the world; many of these offices are in the United Stated. DMJMH&N represents the Washington D.C. office. This firm is known though out the nation for building or renovating correctional facilities. DMJMH&N can also provide IT – video, voice data and computer help. Here are a couple of facilities that have been constructed by DMJMH&N:

• Michigan Supreme Court, Lansing, MI – This facility was just finished
Carson City Justice Center, Carson City NV – This facility was finished a year ago
• Lexington-Fayette Detention Center, Lexington KY – This facility was finished two (2) years ago

  • Salt Lake County Adult Detention Center, Salt Lake City
  • Wakens Ridge Maximum Security Prison, Big Stone Gap, VA – This facility in on top of a mountain
  • Curra-Fromhold Correctional Center, Philadelphia, PA
  • Maricopa County Juvenile Court and Detention Facility, Mesa, AZ
  • Virginia Beach Jail Expansion, Virginia Beach, VA
  • Marin County, San Raphael, CA – State A/A Award
  • Pentagon Renovation Program – Phase one has been finished since September 11

There experience in Maryland:

  • 35 years of working in the State of Mayland
  • Prince George’s County Correctional Facility – Expansion and Renovation
  • Baltimore County D.C. – Now in construction about another year until finished
  • Queen Anne’s County Correctional Facility – Master plan
  • Westerns Correctional Institute, Cumberland
  • Montgomery County Correctional Facility – Helped with IT
  • Anne Arundel County Courthouse, Annapolis

Renovation for Montgomery County Detention Center:
The design has not been finalized at this time, but this is some things that have been discussed.

  • E and F wing will not be used during the construction
  • Booking and Central Processing will stay
  • Commissioners will not be moved to a different location
  • Inmate property and Records will be moved to a different location
  • Model Units will become the Training Academy with class rooms
  • The Gym will not be in the secured part of the facility and it will be used for training
  • The Recreation Yard will stay; there will be no inmates use of the yard, it will be used for training
  • The inmate population will be closer to highway 270 not Seven Locks Road
  • The high rise building will be coming down at the end of renovation since the high rise has all the electrical units in it

PLANNING COMMITTEE - Arthur Wallenstein

Will need two (2) community members to be in the construction project planning committee. One (1) will be the President of the committee and the other will be the back up for the President. The panning committee will be helping out with the exterior development for the renovation. These meeting will be regular quarterly meetings during the day time hours about three to four hours. If there are any other additional meetings the community would like to have held, please contact Warden William L. Smith the lead for the Re-Use project.

RE-USE - Bill Novak

There will be a lot of different issues we will be looking at before the construction begins. At this time we have not starting any phases; we are just starting the design project. We want to make sure that the facility in functioning well and the community is aware of the construction and is safe.


All inmates will still be released from the Montgomery County Detention Center, not the Montgomery County Correctional Facility. All inmates receive a taxi voucher to get either to the metro or to there home if they choice to use the voucher. During the program design we will decide what part of the facility the inmates will be released.

The Recreation Yard will be staying at the Detention Center even though it will not be used by inmates. There will be training coming on from the Training Academy. The Recreation Yard can not become a parking lot because we where not granted enough money to reconstruct the Recreation Yard.

For more information about Seven Locks Road and weather the dead end part can be used during an emergency will have to go through City of Rockville.

We agree to meet with anyone and we will go to the press about meeting dates, we will also go to the communities. The City of Rockville has capability to send out newsletters to each person in the community. All committee meetings are public and any of your neighbors are incited to attend.

Improper Release - On October 3, 2003 prisoner Tony Hight was improperly released. He was released from court on his instant case but there was a Probation Violation Warrant for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. It was discovered within an hour. Rockville City Police added the warrant to the system to facilitate the assistance of any law enforcement agency and the Sheriff’s Office was immediately notified to seek out this individual. He is being sought as of this date.

How to access the County Web Site for Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee Minutes?

You may also contact Warden William L. Smith directly at 240-777-9962 or Bill Novak directly at 240-777-6123 with any questions.

If you are interested in another group meeting you may contact Dwayne Jenkins with the City of Rockville.

Montgomery County Detention Center
Address: 1307 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, Maryland 20854
Contact : Warden William L. Smith at (240) 777-9962
Directions |  Map |  Bus Schedule |
Light breakfast served