Montgomery County Detention Center
Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee
Update on MCDC Reuse Project
Mrs. Gloria Paul, Mr. Bill Campbell, Mr. Dewayne Jenkins, Warden William L. Smith, MCDC, Ms. Jerlean Miller, OSC
Warden Smith welcomed the group.
MCDC Re-Use Project Update
Warden Smith advised the members that we are still in the design and development phase of the project.It is expected to take another 12 – 15 months before we move to the mini jail operation which will be in G-Wing.The total re-use project is expected to be completed by late Summer of 2008.
Mrs. Paul suggested that we develop a chronicle of the project to show the transformation.Mr. Smith informed the group that there has been a staff person assigned that responsibility.
Community Concerns and Current Issues
The RNAC Members in attendance stated that they have no concerns related to the operation of the facility.All the comments were of a positive nature.They felt that the management is doing an excellent job. Mr. Smith shared with the group that the Grand Jury conducted its annual tour of the facility on September 28th.There were no verbal concerns or complaints. However, we are awaiting the final report.
Mr. Campbell asked about the restroom for public use in the CPU area. Mr. Smith responded that construction is underway and in the restroom is expected to be completed by the end of October.
Schedule of Future Meeting Dates
The RNAC Meetings for 2005 are as follows:
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
All meetings start at 7:30 p.m.
Closing Remarks
Mr. Smith told the committee members that as we progress through the re-use project he will continue to keep them apprised.If there are any significant changes a special meeting will be called.
Everyone was asked to update their contact (E-mail) information.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: January 20, 2008, 7:30a.m.
Montgomery County Detention Center
Address: 1307 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, Maryland 20854
Contact : Warden William L. Smith at (240) 777-9962
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