Montgomery County Detention Center
Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee
Update on MCDC Reuse Project
Catherine Sheehan-DPWT Project Manager updated the committee on the progress of the schematic design while working to bringing down the cost in line with the Projects budget. The Reuse work group is also in the process of addressing the IT/Security needs and furniture cost estimates for all phases of the Reuse Project. Catherine Sheehan and Warden Smith will head the work group regarding the IT/Security and furniture requirements. Lastly, Catherine Sheehan stated that Phase One construction is planned to begin August 2006.
Meetings with the community:
Warden Smith stated that he and Catherine Sheehan would like to meet with surrounding communities Home Owners Associations (HOA) to discuss the Reuse project. Warden Smith also stated that he would like a list of Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee meeting minutes to be posted in Rockville City News, and if feasible information about the Reuse project, and flyers to be sent out to various HOA’s.
Dewayne Jenkins, Warden Smith and Ms. Sheehan were able to set a meeting with The Rock Shire HOA for the purpose of introducing themselves, and to brief them on the Reuse Project.
Meeting with Rock Shire Community:
Warden Smith and Ms. Sheehan met with the Rock Shire community on October 6, 2005 and gave a presentation regarding the MCDC Reuse Project. They thought the meeting went well and that they were well received.
Chris Garmer Rock Shires HOA president and eight members attended the meeting
Warden Smith and Mr. Jenkins will meet to map out other HOA in the surrounding area of MCDC to conduct similar meetings in the near future.
Warden Smith’s would like to meet with as many communities as possible to educate the citizens about DOCR and the MCDC Reuse project. Special note The Rock Shire HOA was invited to hold one of their meetings at MCDC to be hosted by Warden Smith and staff, and possible tour the facility.
Reporting Information:
Community member Nancy Schoenfeld met with the RNAC community on September 30, 2005.
Next Meeting: TBD
Montgomery County Detention Center
Address: 1307 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, Maryland 20854
Contact : Warden William L. Smith at (240) 777-9962
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