
Glossary of Terms and Definitions

Accessible means design of features described in the Design for Life Guidelines meeting the clearances and specifications provided to allow for movement with mobility aids.
Accessible bedroom means a bedroom that is connected by an accessible route.
Accessible circulation path means an interior way of passage from one room to another that can accommodate a wheelchair or other mobility aid.
Accessible door means any interior or exterior door that provides a clear width opening of 32 inches.
Accessible kitchen means a kitchen that can accommodate a wheelchair or other mobility aid and meets the specifications listed in the Design for Life Guidelines for a usable kitchen.
Accessible route means an interior or exterior circulation path at least 36 inches wide that provides a clear width of walking surface from a no step building entrance to at least one usable powder room or bathroom and one other room that can accommodate visitation. The accessible route shall extend from a vehicular drop off, parking to a no step building entrance.
Agreement means the School Impact Tax Credit Agreement between the Department of Permitting Services and the property owner to construct or contribute to the cost of building a single family residence that meet Level I Accessibility Standard as defined in Section 52-18U(a) of the Montgomery County Code
Alternative design means the use of designs, products, or technologies such as an elevator or lift, as alternatives to those prescribed, provided they result in equivalent or greater accessibility and usability.
Building entrance means any door entrance that allows passage to the visit-able or Live-able portion of the building (front door, back door, side door, deck or through the garage door on an accessible route).
Building permit means any permit required issued by the Department, City of Gaithersburg, or City of Rockville
Date of submission of application means the date that the application is stamped in and accepted by the Department. 7
Existing residence means an owner’s principal residence when an accessibility feature is installed in a previously constructed one or two family dwelling or a apartment/condominium unit in multi-family dwellings.
Department means the Department of Permitting Services or its designee.
Full bathroom means a bathroom that contains at least one sink, one toilet, and a shower or tub which can accommodate a wheelchair or other mobility aid and meets the specifications listed in the Design for Life Guidelines for a bathroom on the accessible level.
Level I – VisitAbility means that the home has three basic elements:
  1. at least one no-step entrance located at any entry door to the house that is connected to an accessible route to a place to visit on the entry level (front door, back door, side door (any door), deck or through the garage) connected to an accessible route to a place to visit on that level
  2. a usable powder room or bathroom
  3. Interior door(s) with 32 inch clear width opening within the visit-able area
Level II – LiveAbility includes the three basic design features of Level I, but also requires a circulation path that connects the accessible entrance to at least one bedroom, full bath and kitchen. Please also see definition of Alternative Design.
Main living space means the area of the residence that includes a room that can accommodate visitation. (Minimum floor area should be 70 sq. ft.)
Owner’s Principal Residence means the residence for which the “Occupancy” box for the property’s real property tax bill reads “Principal Residence”.
Permanent Additions include permanent modifications for accessibility features to existing or new construction.
Reasonable costs to install the accessibility features or permanent modifications include any required permit or inspection fees.
Seller includes a builder, developer, real estate agent, real estate broker, or homeowner.
Sensory disability: A sensory disability is one that affects vision or hearing.
Single family residence includes one and two family dwellings, townhouses and duplexes covered by International Residential Code (IRC).
Usable powder room means a room containing at least one sink and one toilet. Powder room must be large enough to accommodate a clear space 2 feet 6 inches by 4 feet within the room to position a wheelchair or other mobility aid clear of the path of the door as it is closed. A usable powder room must meet the specifications listed in the Design for Life Guidelines.
Usable bathroom means a room containing at least one sink, one toilet and a shower or tub. Bathroom must be large enough to accommodate a clear space 2 feet 6 inches by 4 feet within the room to position a wheelchair or other mobility aid clear of the path of the door as it is closed. A usable bathroom must meet the specifications listed in the Design for Life Guidelines.