Featured Programs & Publications
Autism-Friendly and Sensory-Friendly: Expanding Community Access County Council report examines how businesses can become more Autism/sensory-friendly and explores what an Autism/sensory-friendly designation program might look like in Montgomery County
Montgomery County Community Support Network for People with Disabilities Provides services that enable individuals to remain in their home or in the least restrictive environment and provides general support, guidance, and assistance to clients with developmental disabilities and their families.
Montgomery County Commission on People with Disabilities The Commission advises the County government on the coordination and development of policies for people with disabilities and advises the County Executive and the County Council on the needs and concerns of the County's residents who have psychiatric, developmental, physical or sensory disabilities.
Disability Network Directory The Disability Network Directory is a directory of provider agencies, businesses and advocacy organizations that offer local, state and national resources for people with disabilities.
Transportation Network Directory for People with Disabilities & Adults 50+ A comprehensive listing of public, private and non-profit transportation in the Washington Metropolitan Region, State of Maryland and beyond.
Download full directory (PDF)
Download full directory (PDF)
Call n Ride Call-N-Ride (CNR) provides subsidies to be used for taxi trips by low-income older adults and individuals with disabilities. The service helps transport participants to medical and/or personal appointments.
All Montgomery County residents who have current MetroAccess identification cards qualify for Same Day Access (SDA) Program to receive $60.00 value on their Call-n-Ride swipe card when they pay $30.00 (no income requirement).
All Montgomery County residents who have current MetroAccess identification cards qualify for Same Day Access (SDA) Program to receive $60.00 value on their Call-n-Ride swipe card when they pay $30.00 (no income requirement).
Transportation Options for Older Adults and People with Disabilities Brochure from Montgomery County Department of Transportation provides information on free and discounted rides, Call-n-Ride, Escorted Transportation, Volunteer Transportation, Transportation for Recreation, Metro Access, and Abilities Ride.
Metro Access Complementing the transit system in the County, MetroAccess is a shared-ride, door-to-door, paratransit service for people whose disability prevents them from using bus or rail.
Disability Services - DHHS Disability Services from Health and Human Services: such as support services for children and adults, financial assistance, health and mental health, caregiver supports, and more.
Accessibility & Inclusion at Public Libraries MCPL offers a large selection of large print books, audiobooks, children's Braille books, assistive technology, and more.
Public Housing Communities HOC has 555 public housing units located in 3 buildings designated for persons with disabilities and elderly residents. Applicants to these buildings must come through the HOC public housing waiting list.
Design for Life Tax Incentive Program The Design for Life Tax Incentive Program encourages development of housing options that accommodate a wider range of accessibility needs. This program helps County residents remain in their homes as physical needs change. It encourages construction of housing that meets diverse accessibility needs for occupants and visitors.