Welcome to the Montgomery County ADOPT A ROAD PROGRAM!
The Adopt A Road (AAR) program is for residents or businesses that reside in Montgomery County.
This program encourages residents (individuals, families, organizations, and businesses) to participate in a community activity by keeping county-owned roadsides litter-free. The AAR program enlists more than 5,000 volunteers who clean over 400 road segments across Montgomery County. The program’s goal is to have unsightly litter removed from roadsides before it reaches local streams or clogs storm drains that feed into local streams, and potentially into the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers and our water supply. Every piece of litter that ends up in our waterways can be problematic to the water quality and disrupt the natural environment.
With the amount of trash littered on Montgomery County roadsides each day and with MCDOT's budget constraints (resulting in less mowing and road cleaning) program participation has become increasingly important. Demonstrate your community pride and make a positive statement for a clean and attractive community - help make Montgomery County a “Greener” place to live and visit!
AAR Program Guidelines
Read this cover letter and click on the image below to review the guidelines before you apply.
List of Available Roads to Adopt
Click on image below to view a list of available road segments sorted by CITY
Equipment Distribution Form
Click below image to request cleaning equipment. Complete the form and email it to our office.
This program is FREE to join and requires a volunteer to pick up litter (and recyclables) along both sides of an adopted road segment (in the right-of-way), including bus stops and shelters. This program creates a partnership of citizens and local government to promote civic pride and preserve our clean environment by eliminating roadside litter. Help improve the appearance of Montgomery County and decrease the amount of debris/trash that washes into our waterways!
Participants are required to perform clean-up efforts at their adopted road segment as needed with a minimum of six major cleanings per year (the equivalent of every other month) and to report the cleaning results to MCDOT . CLEANINGS ARE MANDATORY TO REMAIN IN THE PROGRAM . Cleanings are scheduled by the participant at their convenience. There is no time limit on how long a road segment can be adopted and participants can retire at any time (in writing).
CLICK HERE to learn more.
The Program promotes civic pride, environmental responsibility, preserves habitats, improves motorist safety and saves money! Road Operation crews spend lots of dollars and many hours cleaning roadside litter and illegal dump sites each year. Without this program, these numbers would be significantly higher. In addition, it supports the Alice Ferguson Foundation's regional anti-litter campaign - Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative.
In recognition of the voluneer's cleaning and reporting efforts, MCDOT will install 1 or 2 Adopt A Road signs (for free) bearing the volunteer's name.
MCDOT provides a limited amount of safety equipment to assist volunteers with their cleaning efforts (such as safety reflective vests, light and heavy duty gloves, trash bags, recycle bags and pik sticks).
Eligible adopters include civic and non-profit organizations, school and scout groups, commercial and private businesses, families, and individuals that either live or work in Montgomery County.
Once an application is submitted, the approval process could take 3-4 weeks. Most communication will be through email so there is a record of communication and activity. If approved, an email will be sent to let the participant know the appication was approved, then an official approval letter will be mailed with a packet of program information. If denied, the participant will be notified by email. To expedite the approval process be sure to answer all questions on the application, include two road segments (should the first choice not be available) and be sure the name for the nameplate does not exceed 15 characters per line (this includes spaces), 2 lines max.
If you have additional questions that are not listed, contact the MCDOT.
Signs are not required to participate in the program.
In recognition of the participant’s cleaning and reporting efforts, 2 signs will be fabricated and installed bearing the participant's name. Slogans, website address, social media information or anything other than the participant's name is not allowed. After an application is approved, it will take 13-16 weeks for sign installation. 1 sign is normally installed at the beginning and 1 sign at the end of an adopted road segment. All County signs are installed within the public right-of-way and are placed with the consideration of certain engineering factors such as line of sight and safety concerns as determined by MCDOT engineers. If there are alot of resident complaints regarding the installation of a sign, if may get removed.
IMPORTANT: When choosing a name for the nameplate there is a 15-character limit (this includes spaces ) per line, two lines max. Slogans, messages, phone numbers, website addresses or any other information besides the volunteer’s name is prohibited.
Roads that are not designated as rustic will have the purple sign installed (see below photo on left). Roads that are designated as rural will require a brown rustic road sign (see below photo on right).
Rustic Roads are classified as rural by legislation. They are historic and scenic roadways in an area where natural, agricultural, or historic features are predominant. Most Rustic Roads are narrow, windy and have no sidewalk. They are considered low volume roads intended primarily for local or agricultural use, as designated by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. This classification restricts the type of maintenance that can be performed on these roads so that the rural character can be maintained.
Learn more about Rustic Roads in Montgomery County.
View a map of Rustic roads in Montgomery County.
This program is for Montgomery County businesses and residents only.
Before you apply, be sure to review the program guidelines and FAQs to better understand your responsibility as a volunteer.
MCDOT Adopt A Road Program contact information:
Email: mcdot.outreach@montgomerycountymd.gov
Phone: 240-777-7155 (press # to bypass greeting and leave a message)
Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT)
Adopt A Road Program
101 Monroe Street, 10th Floor
Rockville, Maryland 20850