Have a bike? Need a bike?
Do you have a bike you no longer use? Do you need a bike for transportation? You’ve come to the right place!In Montgomery County and elsewhere around the region, bicycles are essential transportation for many who need to get around, both during the coronavirus outbreak and as routines transition back to “the new normal.” This may include traveling to jobs, running important errands, or participating in mutual aid for vulnerable people who cannot leave their homes. BikeMatchMoCo is connecting people in Montgomery County who have a bike to donate with people who need one. Whether you have a bike or need a bike, fill out the form below and we will do our best to match you.
- Only offer bikes that are in ready-to-ride condition. Some donors have found their bike needs minor repairs to make it road-worthy. If your bike needs repairs you cannot perform, here is a list of bike shops that are open and offering repair services . You can also find bike shops on this map.
- If you are offering a bike, for sanitary purposes clean the bike thoroughly before hand-off (handlebars, gear shifters, seat, etc.) with soap and water or isopropyl alcohol (at least 70% solution) or with another disinfectant.
- Both persons offering and receiving bikes will be expected to participate in an outdoor exchange in a public place.
- For sanitary purposes, all bike exchanges are permanent. However, if you find you can no longer use a bike you have received, and it is still in good condition, you may sanitize it as indicated and donate the bike back for someone else to use.
Due to limited resources, and our goal of not requiring people to travel very far to donate or receive a bike, BikeMatchMoCo can only connect people and bikes for those who either work or live inside Montgomery County, Maryland.
If you do not live or work in Montgomery County, please check with BikeMatchDC or check with your local government office or bike group.
Have questions?
If you have any questions, please reach out to BikeMatchMoCo at MCDOT.BikeMatch@montgomerycountymd.gov or call us at (240) 777-8380.
Apply to BikeMatchMoCo
We will use our best efforts to make the best possible match of available bikes with recipients. We will keep the application information confidential and will not share it with the donor or the recipient.
We ask for your home and/or work address to help you provide or receive a bike at a location near you.