Meeting with County Executive Marc Elrich
County Transportation Management Districts (TMDs) Advisory Committees
Silver Spring / Friendship Heights / Bethesda / North Bethesda / Greater Shady Grove

Executive Office Building (EOB) - 101 Monroe Streeet, Rockville
Lobby Level Auditorium

November 22, 2019
9:00- 10:30 AM

I.   Welcome / Introductions
TMD Advisory Committee Members and Honored Guests
Sande Brecher

II.  MCDOT Project Updates (click links for PDFs of presentations)
Darcy Buckley
Will Kenlaw
Maricela Cordova
Gary Erenrich
Sande Brecher
Matt Johnson / Pat Shepherd
Chris Conklin
III.  Introduction of County Executive
Chris Conklin

IV.  County Executive Marc Elrich
  • Transportation vision & priorities for the County
  • TMD committee member Q&A
V.  Wrap up and Thank You to Participants
Sande Brecher