About Safety Day

In light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis and out of an abundance of caution,  Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has decided to cancel Safety Day this year.  In its place, MCDOT is hosting VIRTUAL SAFETY WEEK, May 4-8.

The MCDOT's  Safe Routes to Schools program and Montgomery County Public Schools are hosting the County’s first family “Safety Day” to encourage drivers, bicyclists and walkers to look out for each other and take steps to enhance road safety.  While we stress the need to be safe and to look out for others in all forms of travel, the event will  also feature free food, a variety of games, raffles, giveaways. and community representatives, vendors and County agencies will promote the health benefits of walking and biking; fire safety; and pedestrian, bicycle and traffic safety. 

For questions contact Duwan Morris at [email protected].

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Zeal's Safety Tips 

Follow Zeal's 3 Easy Tips to Prevent Texting and Driving: 

Follow Zeal’s 3 easy tips to prevent texting and driving:
  • Stow before you go- put your phone in your bag or pocket before driving.
  • Install an app on your phone to help prevent distracted driving.
  • Take the Attentive Driver pledge:

Push the Button!  Wait for the Walk Signal! 

  • When you are at an intersection with a marked crosswalk be sure to press the pedestrian button (waiting time varies at each intersection).
  • Wait for the  WHITE WALKING FIGURE or WALK symbol before you step off the curb onto the street.
  • Look left and right for moving or turning vehicles, then proceed with caution. Walk, do not run and keep looking as you cross the street.
  • The flashing  ORANGE HAND or DON'T WALK symbol alerts pedestrians that they should not cross the intersection or finish walking if already crossing.
  • When the flashing ORANGE HAND or DON'T WALK symbol stops flashing, traffic will begin to move. Pedestrians should wait for the next WHITE WALKING FIGURE symbol, after pushing the pedestrian button again.


Safe Routes to School Program