Montgomery County Register
December 1, 2013 Temporary Executive Regulations
Click the MCER NO. to view a copy of the executive regulation in its entirety.
SUMMARY: This temporary regulation extends the sunset date of the Montgomery County Personnel Regulations for 90 days, from January 5, 2014 to April 5, 2014.
AUTHORIZATION: : Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 2A-15(j) .
COPIES OF THE TEMPORARY REGULATION: A copy of the temporary regulation may be obtained from Stuart Weisberg, Labor Relations Advisor, Office of Human Resources, Executive Office Building, 7 th Floor, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 240-777-5154, .
SUMMARY: This temporary regulation establishes the civil penalty for violation of ยง21-706.1 of the Transportation Article of the Maryland Code, pending the approval of Executive Regulation 18-13. Temporary regulation 18-13T became effective November 22, 2013 .
AUTHORIZATION: Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 31-9B.
COPIES OF THE TEMPORARY REGULATION: A copy of the temporary regulation may be obtained from Captain Thomas Didone, Department of Police, 9125A Gaither Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20878; 240-773-6600; .